The apparatus for measuring pressure is called a tonometer. This is a convenient, relatively simple, and most importantly, accurate device. The last parameter for the most part depends on the quality component of the device itself, so some frankly cheap and amateur options will not work here.
The medical device market offers a plethora of options for every pocket. In all this diversity, even experienced users are confused, not to mention inexperienced consumers. Therefore, choosing a device for measuring pressure is not so simple as it seems at first glance. When buying, be sure to take into account some critical factors, because otherwise you just get an expensive toy with a minimum of return.
So, let's try to figure out how to choose a blood pressure monitor and what to pay attention to in the first place, so as not to miscalculate with the purchase. We also designate a list of the most intelligent devices for measuring blood pressure, distinguished by their effectiveness and popular amongusers.
Selection criteria
Here we have such parameters as measurement accuracy, convenience of the device, measurement place and the ability to work with arrhythmia. In order to more clearly determine which pressure measuring device is better than another, we also consider the design features.
Not all devices of this kind measure pressure with the same accuracy. The most truthful indicators are devices for measuring blood pressure based on the mercury column. But they have several significant shortcomings: the fragility of the design, a very modest range of products in general and a high price.
Mercury blood pressure monitors are mostly professional equipment and are rarely used in everyday life, mainly because of their fragility and finicky maintenance, so experts strongly recommend ordinary users to adopt conventional mechanical models. Here, breakdowns are minimal, as well as a small chance of harming yourself with mercury vapor by accidentally damaging the main unit.
Surely everyone remembers, and some still use old Soviet devices for measuring pressure with a pear, a phonendoscope and a large external pressure gauge. It is rather problematic to take measurements using such equipment, and the accuracy suffers noticeably when you try to listen to the heart rhythm, and pump up the pear, and concentrate on the arrow of the device.
Electronic pressure gauges greatly facilitate the whole process and minimizetime spent on it. They are, of course, more expensive, but the price is more than compensated by the obvious advantages. Which pressure measuring device is better - electronic or mechanical - is up to you, of course, but for single hypertensive patients, the choice is more obvious.
Measurement location
Modern devices allow you to take readings not only from the shoulder, but also from the wrist or even the finger. But the most common devices for measuring pressure are those that are attached to the crook of the arm. Such a measurement site is more suitable for the integrity of the picture, because a very important brachial artery passes here.
In people of retirement age, blood exchange in small capillaries is noticeably slower, so measuring on the finger, where exactly small vessels are located, is less effective. So the place of measurement plays by no means the last role when choosing a device for measuring pressure.
Arrhythmia measurements
Frankly cheap models are mediocre or do not cope at all with the calculations of pressure in atrial fibrillation. More modern and expensive devices are able to take into account or ignore jumps, giving accurate readings even with serious violations of the heart muscle.
Design type
Here we have automatic pressure measuring devices, semi-automatic and mechanical. In the first case, pressure is built up thanks to a special compressor, and the result is displayed on a liquid crystal display.

Semi-automatic modelsgain pressure due to a manual pear, but measurements are calculated automatically, along with subsequent display on a similar LCD display. We examined the mechanical type in the "Convenience" section, where the main instruments are a pear, a phonendoscope and a pressure gauge. The whole process takes place in manual mode and in complete silence in order to hear the rhythm of the heart.
Automatic pressure measuring devices are noticeably more expensive than mechanical counterparts, but for those who value convenience and comfort, this is the best option.
Many companies are engaged in the production of medical equipment, but not all of them produce really effective models. Branded devices are, of course, more expensive than analogues from little-known companies or, even worse, Chinese no-name manufacturers, but here you can at least not worry about their quality.
Best blood pressure monitor manufacturers:
- Omron.
- B. Well.
- A&D.
- Little Doctor.
- Beurer.
- Microlife.
- CS Medica.
These companies have been operating in the medical equipment market for a long time, and the manufactured pressure measuring devices have proven themselves both in professional and amateur household environments. The companies have extensive distribution networks, subsidiaries around the world and an enviable product warranty.
Next, we will consider the best pressure measuring devices, which are distinguished by their efficiency, high-quality assembly and a lot of positive feedback from users. The list is presented in the formrating for a clearer picture. All devices can be purchased both at branded offline points of sale and on distributors’ online platforms, so there should be no problems with “feeling” before buying.
The rating of pressure measuring devices is as follows:
- A&D UA-1300AC.
- B. Well WA-55.
- Omron R2.
- A&D UB-202.
- Microlife BP W100.
- A&D UA-705.
- Omron M1 Compact.
- Little Doctor LD-71.
- B. Well WM-62S.
Let's take a closer look at the participants.
B. Well WM-62S
This is a mechanical sphygmomanometer with shoulder measurement. One of the strengths of the model is a wide cuff. Whether in Europe, everyone's hands are thin, or for some other reason, but a good half of such equipment has insufficient cuff width.

The stethoscope is easily fixed on a special ring, so you can measure the pressure alone. It is also worth noting the high-quality assembly of the pressure gauge and the excellent material of the cuff. The first is hard to break, the second is hard to break.
Reviews about the device for measuring pressure are mostly positive. Domestic consumers especially liked the cost of the device. But the quality component here is at the proper European level, so the device will serve faithfully and for a long time, and nothing will crumble in the hands, as is the case with goods from the Middle Kingdom.
Estimated cost is about 700 rubles.
Little Doctor LD-71
This is the best machine to measurepressure among other classical analogues. A couple of obvious advantages of the model are more than affordable cost along with practicality. Two modifications can be found on sale - with a removable stethoscope head (LD-71) and with a built-in one (LD-71 A). The latter option will come in handy for those users who measure their own pressure.

Also of note is the superbly crafted nylon cuff, seamless air chamber, and a sturdy, good-looking vinyl case that fits the entire unit neatly.
Users leave entirely positive feedback about the model. It really is one of the best and most affordable options among other classic counterparts. The owners also speak positively about the sensible, and most importantly, understandable pressure gauge and a convenient pear.
Estimated price is about 800 rubles.
Omron M1 Compact
The Omron M1 Compact series semi-automatic pressure measuring device is distinguished by its modest dimensions, behind which lies a very good potential. The model easily reads the pulse and stores the received data in its memory (up to 30 records), which will be useful for those who prepare the dynamics for the attending physician.

The device will be an excellent pressure measurement tool for users suffering from arrhythmia. The tonometer takes into account all heart rate errors and gives the most accurate result for semi-automatic models.
In addition, the apparatusdistinguished itself by a good indicator of battery life. A standard and fully charged power kit allows you to take up to 1500 measurements, which is very good for this kind of equipment.
Users speak very warmly about the tonometer itself and its capabilities. Here are interchangeable cuffs of various sizes of a conical shape (from 17-22 to 32-45 cm), and an understandable display with a convenient pear, as well as the relatively low cost of the device itself. Perhaps the only drawback that owners sometimes complain about is the 4 AAA batteries (little finger batteries), while the AA type (finger type) would be noticeably more practical.
The tonometer costs about 1700 rubles.
A&D UA-705
The model from the famous Japanese brand is distinguished by its simplicity, reliability and efficiency. The compact device measures pressure with high accuracy, does not take up much space in the nightstand and has an extremely long operating period.

The cuff itself is made using the innovative SlimFit technology and practically does not leave any marks on the arm, and also does not cause serious discomfort, as is the case with classic models. All control is reduced, in fact, to only one key, which makes the device as easy to use as possible.
Users respond very well to the model. Here and recognized Japanese quality, and measurement accuracy along with comfort, and the usual finger (AA) battery. I was also pleased with the guarantee for the device - 7years.
The approximate price of the device is about 2000 rubles.
Microlife BP W100
This is an automatic wrist pressure monitor from a famous Swiss brand. A good half of such devices are equipped with a small memory chip for 30-40 cells (records). They are enough for about a week if you use the tonometer two or three times a day. But for the sake of completeness and more visual dynamics, this is usually not enough.

In "Microlife" they decided to correct this defect and significantly increased the memory of the device up to 200 cells. There are only a few devices with such a memory capacity, so for long-term observation and deep analysis of the dynamics, this is the best option.
In addition, the model has a compact size - 70 by 80 cm and weighs 130 grams. Judging by the reviews, users also liked the large liquid crystal display with large and clear numbers. The device is powered by two little finger AAA batteries, which also does not contribute to the addition of dimensions.
The cost is about 3000 rubles (with power adapter).
A&D UB-202
This is an automatic wrist blood pressure monitor from a Japanese brand. One of the key features of the model is excellent ergonomics. The device is really easy to use: quick start, convenient and intuitive operation along with a smart LCD display.

Another distinguishing feature of the tonometer is the presenceadvanced Intellitronics technology. Each user has their own indicators and features of blood flow. Now there is no need to pressurize the cuff to the maximum level every time. Innovative technology allows you to blow air only up to a key indicator and calmly analyze the current pressure.
Users speak very warmly about the model and its capabilities. Here are effective measurements, and utterly simple operation, and new technologies, as well as capacious memory cells for 90 units and a 10-year warranty from a venerable manufacturer. Quite adequate cost also pleased many consumers. The device will cost 1900 rubles.
Omron R2
This is perhaps the best that the segment of automatic blood pressure monitors for the wrist has to offer. Equipment of this type is not distinguished by high-precision indicators, but thanks to the innovative solutions of the developer, this device can be called an exception.

If you measure pressure not by the usual pulse jumps, but by analyzing the pulse wave, the readings of the device are as accurate as possible. In this case, the device simply ignores most of the interference and produces an excellent result.
Users leave entirely positive feedback about the model. The device turned out to be compact - 71 by 41 cm and weighs 117 grams, with a clear and convenient LCD display, as well as in an exceptional build quality. The only drawback that owners sometimes complain about is the small amount of memory - only 30 cells.
Estimated cost - order2200 rubles.
B. Well WA-55
This is an automatic blood pressure monitor with an arm cuff. Most manufacturers position their devices as individual devices. But statistics with practice show that a significant part of consumers (surveys of domestic users) buy blood pressure monitors for the whole family.

It was this family blood pressure monitor that the European brand introduced to the market. Its distinguishing feature is a pair of memory blocks, that is, the device records data not for one, but for two people at the same time. And mains power makes the device as versatile as possible: performance is maintained even with dead batteries.
Judging by the feedback from users, the pluses can also be recorded as a wide cuff, a clear backlit display, a convenient carrying case, and the possibility of triple measurement. The last point will be especially useful for people with serious cardiac arrhythmias.
Estimated price is about 2800 rubles.
A&D UA-1300AC
Another multifunctional automatic device with a cuff for the upper arm. The device duplicates the measurements during the measurement process, and at the output the user receives an average and maximally objective result.

As for the memory, the volume of ninety cells is more than enough for an ordinary user. In the pluses, you can also write down a cuff that is pleasant to the touch, designed according to a painless principle. The device can be powered by both standard fourAA-batteries, and from a regular network, so there is no need to constantly monitor the charging of the batteries.
Users are extremely positive about the tonometer and its capabilities. The owners liked the convenient and understandable display, the presence of additional functions (calendar and organizer), as well as the relatively compact dimensions of the device - 140 by 60 cm with a weight of 300 grams. The model easily fits into a small handbag, so you can take it with you on walks.
The price of the device is about 4800 rubles.
Summing up
Choosing medical equipment of such a plan, you must first consult with your doctor - a cardiologist or therapist. The doctor will tell you about some important features of your body and outline the tasks that need to be assigned to the future apparatus.
All of the above blood pressure monitors do their job perfectly, but they are mostly individual, so buying at random is not suitable here. It is also worth considering the fact that sensible medical equipment simply cannot be cheap and you need to purchase it only at specialized points of sale that have the appropriate licenses.
What can be found on the market or on random Internet sites does not always correspond to the indicated quality and specification. The multi-million army of no-name manufacturers from the Celestial Empire is on the alert and properly littering the domestic market with fakes and other fakes.
Take, for example, the aforementioned Omron R2,duplicates of which can be found in great numbers. Only now it is called not Omron R2, but Ormon R2 and is sold quite successfully under such an attractive, almost branded name and with an almost identical appearance, which cannot be said about the internal component. So with such a technique, you need to keep your ears open and not buy into the assurances of unfortunate marketers about another stunning "promotion".