The use of eucalyptus: the life-giving power of a hundred-meter tree

The use of eucalyptus: the life-giving power of a hundred-meter tree
The use of eucalyptus: the life-giving power of a hundred-meter tree

The use of eucalyptus - plants from the myrtle family, for medicinal purposes today is not a novelty. And this despite the fact that his homeland is located on the other hemisphere of the planet, in Australia. Nowadays, the widespread use of eucalyptus is not limited by geographic boundaries, it is cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions around the world and even in the CIS, in the Crimea, Azerbaijan and Moldova. This is an evergreen plant, considered the champion in growth rate. The trees reach a height of over 100 meters. It has a powerful and branched root system, covering a large area, due to which it pumps huge volumes of water out of the soil.

eucalyptus application
eucalyptus application

For medical purposes, the use of eucalyptus is limited to its leaves and young shoots, from which various preparations are made or essential oil is extracted. They are harvested almost all year round, except in spring. One ton of raw materials is enough to produce five kilograms of butter. The best in terms of concentration of nutrients are leaves and shoots collected in winter and autumn. The harvesting technology is quite simple. For this, part of the branches is cut off and all leaves and shoots are cut off from them. Tothe use of eucalyptus was the most effective, when drying, the raw materials, which are later used for preparations, cannot be exposed to temperatures above forty degrees, if it is higher, then a significant loss of essential oils will occur. After drying, the leaves and shoots are stored in iron or glass jars for no longer than three years.

eucalyptus treatment
eucalyptus treatment

Eucalyptus contains a large amount of useful substances, treatment with it is effective due to tannic and astringent elements. Their special concentration is observed in its oil. There are more than forty components. The most significant for the treatment and prevention of diseases are phytoncides, flavonoids, cinnamic, ellagic and coumaric acids, cineole and gallotannins, red hot juice, aldehydes (isovaleric, cumic, caprylic).

Obtaining essential oils from the processing of eucalyptus is the main direction in terms of the medical use of this plant. They are used for erosive and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes, for urinary tract infections, as a bactericidal agent for ailments of the upper respiratory tract.

getting essential oils
getting essential oils

Eucalyptus oil is used to treat migraines, fevers, bronchitis and sore throats as a drug to thin phlegm and soothe coughs. In dermatology, it is used as a deodorant, antiseptic and regenerating agent. With it, acne, furunculosis, skin spots, dandruff are treated. It is an effective anti-parasitic substance against lice, to repel mosquitoes and ants. The oil also helps with muscle pain and sciatica.

Eucalyptus tea and tincture are also considered well-known preparations of this plant. They are also used for the ailments listed above. In addition, preparations from eucalyptus are used as a sedative, sedative and analgesic. Lotions and solutions for washing are made from it in case of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. It is used to quickly heal infected and fresh wounds.
