Balm "The Power of Life" is a unique infusion that includes more than 30 herbal ingredients: herbs, spices, nuts, honey and essential oils. It includes grain ethyl alcohol "Lux". It has a honey-herbal aroma of the northern forest with hints of overseas spices. The taste is sweet herbal, concentrated.

Composition of the balm
Balm "The Power of Life" is an alcoholic drink, but the composition allows it to be taken for medicinal purposes, as well as a tonic. The unique composition of this drink is made up of 15 types of herbs growing in the northern regions of Russia. These are St. John's wort, juniper, linden flowers, lingonberry and strawberry leaves, peppermint, birch buds, pink radiola, coriander, bison, galangal, elecampane, valerian, coriander and dill.
The spices included in its composition give the drink a pleasant spicy taste. They have, in addition to gastronomic qualities, and healing properties known since ancient times. The balm includes ginger, anise, nutmeg, cloves,cinnamon, allspice. This also includes walnuts, propolis, honey, cognac, spirited rose hips, cranberries, lingonberries, mountain ash, bird cherry, no less valuable in their composition. As we can see, the composition of the Life Force balm is unique.

What effect does it have on the body
Before you start taking the balm for medicinal purposes, you must carefully study the composition of the product and determine if you are allergic to any of its components. No need to abuse the balm. Proper use of it will be beneficial. Balm "Power of Life" has a positive effect on the body, tones it, improves immunity, which allows you to fight various types of infections, stabilizes metabolism, improves metabolic processes.
When should I take
This drink has worked well for colds, coughs, runny nose, flu. At this time, the human body is greatly weakened. As a rule, immunity, fighting viruses, becomes weaker. Therefore, taking a balm will help overcome the painful condition. It also helps with stress, nervous strain, physical and moral overwork.
Just remember that the effect of taking the balm will be in the case when the rules of admission are observed. A balm containing a large amount of herbal ingredients is most likely a medicinal product, so you should observe the time of admission, and not drink it from time to time. Only regular consumption will give excellent results.

How to take Life Force Balm
It should not be forgotten that the balm is a concentrated infusion of herbs, and it contains alcohol. Its use should be strictly dosed. Daily intake should not exceed 100 grams. It is best to add 1-2 tablespoons to hot tea or coffee. At the same time, beneficial warmth spreads throughout the body. The remedy has a relaxing effect, so with a general malaise, you should go to bed. Those who do not like tea or coffee with balm can drink a glass of liquor and wash it down with any drink.
Balm "Force of Life" (Syktyvkar - the city where it is produced) gives a very good healing effect, especially in the initial stages of the disease. It also tones the body and has a calming effect in case of nervous disorders or stress. It increases the tone of the body, resistance to various infections and colds.
If a person has any chronic diseases, then it is imperative to consult a doctor before taking this drug. To make sure that the body does not have allergic reactions to the components contained in the balm, it is worth starting with small doses. And only after making sure that they are absent, you can take the drug in the dosage indicated on the package or recommended by your doctor.