St. John's wort: use for the treatment of "a hundred diseases"

St. John's wort: use for the treatment of "a hundred diseases"
St. John's wort: use for the treatment of "a hundred diseases"

In Russia, the healing properties of this herb have always been highly appreciated. She has many names, but she is better known to us as St. John's wort. The use in medicine was not limited to the preparation of ointments and infusions for various diseases, this herb was added to food and used for cosmetic purposes.

St. John's wort application
St. John's wort application

St. John's wort is harvested during full flowering, cutting off shoots along with flowers by 15-20 cm. Dry it in a well-ventilated area. In the old days, not a single medicinal collection could do without a herb called St. John's wort. Its application is very wide. The therapeutic effect develops due to the content of essential oils, tannins and flavonoids in the plant. Also in St. John's wort there is a small amount of ascorbic and nicotinic acids. Medicinal raw materials have a pronounced antispasmodic and reparative effect, due to which it is part of various herbal preparations used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With kidney stones, decreased secretion of the digestive glands or lack of appetite, you can alsobrew St. John's wort.

The use of decoctions and infusions of this plant helps to cope with depression, neurosis, mild psychovegetative disorders. This effect of St. John's wort is due to the presence of hyperecin in its composition, which is able to inhibit the reuptake of serotonin. It also affects the synthesis of melatonin. Men need to be careful when using a decoction or infusion of this plant, as it contains imanin, which can inhibit the activity of the testicles.

St. John's wort herb instructions for use
St. John's wort herb instructions for use

How can St. John's wort (herb) be used? Instructions for using thismedicinal plant is as follows:

  • To prepare a decoction of St. John's wort 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. Take the resulting liquid three times a day, 1/2 cup before meals.
  • If you insist 10 g of dry grass with a glass of boiling water, we get an infusion of St. John's wort. It should be taken 5 times a day, 1 tablespoon after meals.
  • St. John's wort can also be used to get an ointment that helps with rheumatism. Its use helps relieve pain. To do this, rub it with disturbing places. Such an ointment can be obtained by mixing chopped dry St. John's wort with turpentine and vegetable oil.
St. John's wort use in medicine
St. John's wort use in medicine

St. John's wort has been widely used for both medical and cosmetic purposes. Most often, its oil is used for this. It has antiseptic and bleaching, due to which it is used for seborrhea, hair loss and acne. St. John's wort oil also tightens pores and is able to restore the lipid barrier of the skin, in small quantities it can be added to sunscreen. It can be made at home: for this, 200 g of plant flowers must be mixed with 500 g of vegetable oil (almond, olive or unrefined sunflower) and put in a water bath for half an hour. After that, leave the oil for 3 days to infuse and then strain. Store the finished product in a dark, cool place.
