The incubation period of rotavirus in adults and children. Symptoms of rotavirus infection

The incubation period of rotavirus in adults and children. Symptoms of rotavirus infection
The incubation period of rotavirus in adults and children. Symptoms of rotavirus infection

Rotavirus infection is an acute illness most commonly seen in children. The main symptoms of the disease are intoxication, dehydration, improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Often occurs in adults, but they have a milder form of the disease.

incubation period for rotavirus
incubation period for rotavirus


Rotavirus pathogens were first discovered in 1973. They got their name from the fact that they look like small wheels. Interestingly, these microorganisms can be grown artificially. For this, cells of green monkeys are used. Human rotaviruses do not pose a danger to animals.

Transmission and course of disease

Pathogens can only appear in the human body. Moreover, they are transmitted only to humans, that is, animals will not suffer after contact with the sick. The incubation period for rotavirus can be up to one week. The infection is transmitted through the oral-fecal mechanism. There is also the possibility of respiratory infection. In hot countries, rotavirus, incubation perioddevelopment of which may be individual for each person, occurs all year round. In the temperate zone, the disease spreads mainly in winter.

rotavirus incubation period
rotavirus incubation period

The disease can affect both adults and children, and the elderly. Sometimes rotavirus occurs without any symptoms, so only a doctor can determine it. Reproduction and accumulation of microorganisms occurs in the upper sections of the stomach. First, inflammation develops in the duodenal epithelium, and then it enters the intestinal lumen. Because of this, mature intestinal cells die, being replaced by new ones. This causes the absorption of nutrients, which leads to osmotic diarrhea. Many get scared when they hear the name of this disease - rotavirus. The incubation period in children is the same as in adults - from several hours to a week. But the immune system in babies is still weak, so the disease is more acute. Frequent stools may be observed, so everything should be done to avoid dehydration of the child's body.

Signs of infection in adults

The incubation period of rotavirus lasts from 15 hours to a week. That is, at first the patient may not have signs of the disease. But when it progresses, the symptoms are very acute. Already a day after the onset of the disease, pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting begin. The patient may also have enlarged cervical lymph nodes. However, one of the most characteristic signs of infection is damage to the digestive system.

what incubationrotavirus period
what incubationrotavirus period

Patients themselves often confuse such an infection with a common digestive disorder, since both diseases have similar symptoms. However, when the incubation period of rotavirus has not yet ended, the patient is highly contagious to others. This can be dangerous. After all, if someone in the team began the incubation period of rotavirus, then in just a few days the infection will appear in the rest of its members. The disease does not develop only if a person has strong immunity. There is no mucus or blood in the liquid secretions, but the stool has an unpleasant odor. There is also a loud rumbling in the abdomen.

Rotavirus without fever

The incubation period of rotavirus infection can last only a few hours, after which the first signs of the disease appear in the patient. Although intoxication occurs in about 10% of patients. Much more often the disease occurs without fever. With the help of palpation, you can determine where the stomach hurts. Soreness in the epigastrium and near the navel signals the development of rotavirus. If the disease is acute, then the amount of urine may decrease, leukocyturia and erythrocyturia may appear.

incubation period of rotavirus infection in adults
incubation period of rotavirus infection in adults

Duration of illness

The disease usually makes itself felt after the incubation period ends. After rotavirus, the patient may need a few more days to recover, since during the period of illness the body could be very weakened. The duration of the illness dependshow quickly the diagnosis was made. Typically, symptoms of rotavirus last 2 to 6 days. Complications are rare, and they appear only if the treatment did not start on time. Acute diarrhea can cause dehydration. It is much worse if a secondary bacterial intestinal infection occurs, which worsens the course of rotavirus.

How to treat an infection?

The incubation period for rotavirus can only last a few hours. If the disease manifests itself suddenly, then not all patients know what to do. Some initially even refuse treatment, while others, on the contrary, begin to take a huge amount of medication. Nevertheless, no one better than a doctor can answer the question of how to properly treat an infection? Treatment is of two types: symptomatic and pathogenetic. To prevent intoxication, which in rare cases appears on the second day after the end of the incubation period of rotavirus infection in adults or children, the doctor prescribes sorbents to patients. If the disease is severe, then the specialist can inject glucose intravenously with colloidal solutions. Antiviral drugs are also very effective. Treatment usually involves the same activities, regardless of the incubation period for rotavirus.

incubation period of rotavirus infection
incubation period of rotavirus infection

Diet during rotavirus infection

It is very important to follow a diet during illness, due to which the manifestation of gastroenteritis in the body will decrease. This, in itsturn, reduce the likelihood of dehydration. For the duration of the illness, you should completely exclude dairy products from your diet, which can cause diarrhea. Food should be boiled or steamed. The greatest attention should be paid to the use of liquids. To avoid dehydration, it is advisable to use special solutions sold in pharmacies. If it is not possible to buy them, then you can make such a composition at home. To do this, take a liter of boiled water and add 1-2 teaspoons of s alt and 2-3 tablespoons of sugar to it. You can store such a solution for no more than a day. The diet after the end of the disease should also be lactose-free in order for the bowels to normalize. It is necessary to return to a normal diet gradually.

Thus, anyone can get rotavirus. Its treatment should be started immediately, since the effectiveness of all procedures performed depends on it. Do not self-medicate, as only a doctor can determine which drugs to use.
