Wart removal at home: ways and means

Wart removal at home: ways and means
Wart removal at home: ways and means

In the past, little children were warned not to touch the frogs in the ponds. Adults told them that warts could appear because of this. However, modern science has long known that frogs are not to blame for anything here. The main cause of warts is the human papillomavirus (HPV). It is transmitted from a sick person to a he althy person not only through direct contact, but also through the use of the same household items. Since this is a fairly common problem, wart removal at home is becoming more common. However, before self-medicating, it is better to consult with a qualified doctor.

General information

Warts on the leg
Warts on the leg

Once in the environment, the human papillomavirus continues to live for two to three hours. Usually this is quite enough for someone to pick it up. Most often, infection occurs in public places (in baths, swimming pools,gyms and even in the subway, where everyone holds on to the rails). At the same time, it can be quite difficult to determine exactly when everything happened, because the incubation period of the virus can be up to eight months. Fortunately, often one tactile contact is not enough. In order for the virus to cause the appearance of warts (or papillomas), special conditions are necessary: the presence of microdamages on the skin, reduced immunity, and increased sweating of the extremities. Neoplasms can occur on the arms, legs, face and more.

Why is everyone in such a hurry to get rid of them?

Unfortunately, warts can linger on the skin for a long time. These growths, although they do not pose a danger to human he alth, look very ugly. In addition, in some cases, they can cause physical discomfort. So, for example, growths on the feet interfere with sports. If they appeared on the face, then it is quite difficult to deal with the psychological discomfort that has arisen.

Fortunately, in folk medicine there are a huge number of ways to remove warts at home. Many of them really allow you to achieve the desired effect. This is largely due not only to the effectiveness of the methods, but also to the fact that about two-thirds of the growths go away on their own within a year after the appearance.


celandine against warts
celandine against warts

It is this simple plant that is very effective in the fight against papillomas. Many people remember yellow flowers from childhood. The celandine is great for removingwarts on the finger, despite the fact that the skin of the hands is quite tender. Includes:

  • Nitrogen.
  • Alkaloids.
  • Acetic and citric acids.
  • Vitamins A and C.
  • Flavonoids.

The unique combination of the above components contributes to the fact that the removal of warts with celandine most often ends successfully. It well disinfects the surface of the skin, additionally preventing the spread of infections. In addition to disinfection, it relieves inflammation and reduces the severity of pain.

One drop of celandine is applied clearly to the neoplasm. Contact with he althy skin should be avoided. Within a few days, the papilloma will begin to decrease and soon disappear. You can also additionally wipe the affected area with the juice of a freshly picked plant several times a day. The duration of treatment is approximately two weeks.

When removing warts with celandine, you need to be very careful, as you can get burned. In addition, it is best to consult a dermatologist before using this remedy.

Super Cleaner

Despite the name, this pharmacy product does not contain the juice of the aforementioned plant. The drug got its name largely because of its properties. It contains sodium and potassium hydroxides. This solution has a very high efficiency, if compared not only with folk remedies, but also with medications. However, in the case of using "Super Cleaner", there is a very high risk of scar formation, which will remain for the entirelife.

To avoid getting burned, you need to carefully read the instructions before use. The drug is carefully applied one drop to each neoplasm. If everything goes without complications and side effects, then it will be possible to get rid of papilloma in just one day.


This herb is often used to remove warts at home. It is especially effective against papillomas on the hands. In order to prepare a decoction, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Glass of grass.
  • 2 liters of boiling water.

It is important that it brew for at least two hours. After that, you need to warm it up and soar your hands in it. A decoction used once can be used twice. The procedure should be repeated no more than once every two days. In order for the thyme to be even more effective, you must first steam the skin of the hands. On average, this treatment takes about 10 days.


Vinegar for warts
Vinegar for warts

It is believed that with this remedy you can get rid of warts in just a few days. To do this, a cotton swab, pre-moistened in apple cider vinegar, is applied to the growth. It can be attached to the skin in any convenient way. After 20 minutes, the cotton swab should be removed or replaced. You can also drip the remedy on papillomas from a pipette every day before going to bed until they disappear completely.

When removing warts with vinegar, you should be as careful as possible. Since the acid is very corrosive, you can easily get burned. Toto avoid this, it is necessary to pre-treat the skin around the neoplasm with a greasy cream or petroleum jelly.


This folk remedy for removing warts can be found in the kitchen of absolutely any housewife. For the procedure, you will need half an onion, which is soaked in vinegar for an hour. After that, the vegetable is fixed on the skin in any convenient way and left like that all night. In the morning, the place to which the onion was applied should be smeared with vegetable oil. It is noteworthy that this recipe is quite effective against almost all types of warts.


Garlic for warts
Garlic for warts

This method is so effective that it is suitable even for rough skin on the legs. Feet need to be steamed in advance. A cut clove of garlic is applied to the neoplasm and fixed with an adhesive plaster. Almost immediately there is a fairly strong burning sensation. If you want to get rid of papilloma as soon as possible, you will have to endure it. After that, the patch is removed, and the treated area is thoroughly washed with water. Removing warts at home using garlic can usually get rid of the growths in just a week.


This is a fairly effective method that requires careful steaming of the skin. To eliminate neoplasms, you need a softened piece of propolis. It is fixed directly on the wart. The exposure time is half an hour.


Rowan against warts
Rowan against warts

For wart removal procedureyou need a fresh berry. Rowan is applied to the problem area by analogy with garlic: it should be fixed exactly in the zone of neoplasm. If the procedure is repeated every day, then soon the wart will fall off by itself.

However, it is worth noting that a small dimple may appear in the place where it was. It will soon heal without leaving marks. Places where it is not possible to fix the berries with adhesive tape (for example, the face) can simply be carefully treated with rowan juice.

Salicylic acid

salicylic acid for warts
salicylic acid for warts

This is a widely known and affordable wart remover. Today, salicylic acid can be purchased at absolutely any pharmacy. It actively softens the tissues of neoplasms. This allows you to easily remove the build-up with a file or pumice stone.

However, you need to act as carefully as possible so as not to severely injure the tissue. Among other things, salicylic acid penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, thereby preventing the spread of any infections. For more convenient use, special pharmacy patches based on it are presented, which are glued to the growths.

Essential oils

Essential oils for warts
Essential oils for warts

As you know, they all have a very high concentration, so it is recommended to use them with caution. As an effective remedy for removing warts, you can take the essential oil of tea tree, eucalyptus or thyme. You should smear them with neoplasms several times a day.during the day. This technique is good because it is suitable for people of any age. At the same time, essential oils help to cope with multiple neoplasms.

Applicator pen

Pen-applicator "Wartner" against warts
Pen-applicator "Wartner" against warts

Currently, there are many methods for removing warts. If for some reason you do not want to use folk remedies, then you can try specialized ones. Cryotherapy is one of the most effective methods of removing skin neoplasms today. She has a “home” analogue - the Wartner applicator pen. It can be purchased at almost any pharmacy.

After the drug enters the skin, superficial tissues are instantly frozen. As a result, the neoplasm begins to necroticize. Within three days after application, a small bubble forms at the site where the wart was. It should not be touched, as it performs protective functions and is a guarantee that no infection will enter the wound. After some time, the bubble will settle, and a hard crust will appear in its place. The growth usually falls off on its own within three to ten days. The treated area is initially lighter in color but soon blends into the skin tone.

It is important to note that the Wartner applicator pen can only be used to remove warts that do not exceed 6-7 mm in size. If the neoplasm is larger, or there are many papillomas, then you should first consult with a dermatologist.


When a personfar from medicine, thinking about removing warts, methods can be chosen that are far from the safest. Often, the inept use of folk remedies leads to the formation of burns, scars and scars. If they have already appeared, then it is not possible to completely get rid of them. All that can be done is to help make them less noticeable. In particular, this often happens after the use of celandine. In addition to the fact that after its use a burn may remain, it does not always cope with a wart.

There are cases when the neoplasm remains in the same place or grows again after it disappears. If the wart is not removed correctly, the consequences will not be long in coming: non-healing wounds may form. Their treatment is usually long and complicated. Moreover, if the rules of care are not followed, pus may begin to stand out. In the case of the formation of warts in intimate areas (in the perineum, in the genital area, under the mammary glands), home treatment is strictly prohibited. If, after removing the papilloma, alarming symptoms appear, you should consult a qualified doctor as soon as possible.

In closing

Despite the fact that home remedies for wart removal are available and widely used, it is best to prevent the appearance of growths. For this, attention must be paid to preventive measures. Most of all, people with weakened immunity and various skin lesions (cuts, cracks, scratches, and so on) are at risk of “picking up” warts. In this regard, it is worth limiting personalcontacts” with strangers (handshakes and other contact).

In public places, hands should be thoroughly washed and disinfected with detergents. It is strongly not recommended to use someone else's shoes, underwear and socks, personal hygiene items. It is also worth strengthening your immunity and leading a he althy lifestyle.
