Wart removal with liquid nitrogen: patient reviews, procedure technology, skin effects and consequences

Wart removal with liquid nitrogen: patient reviews, procedure technology, skin effects and consequences
Wart removal with liquid nitrogen: patient reviews, procedure technology, skin effects and consequences

Reviews on the removal of warts with liquid nitrogen are in most cases positive. In modern medicine, this is a very common and effective method of getting rid of warts. This method of treatment is also called cryodestruction, which literally translates as "destruction by cold." From this article you will learn about the features of the procedure and get acquainted with the reviews of those who have already tried this method of treating pathology.

a liquid nitrogen
a liquid nitrogen

The Benefits of Liquid Nitrogen

In a normal environment, nitrogen is in a gaseous state, it is part of the air. For a substance to become liquid, a temperature of -196°C is required. Naturally, such low temperatures do not occur anywhere in nature. Therefore, special devices were invented in which a special temperature is created, and nitrogen and other gases become liquid.

The advantage of this procedure is its versatility. With the help of nitrogen, you can remove warts, eliminate cervical erosion, and tumors of internal organs. In addition, cryodestruction is used in surgical interventions on the liver and brain.

In the vast majority of reviews on cauterization of warts with liquid nitrogen, it is noted that the undoubted plus of the procedure is the relatively low cost. Laser wart removal costs about twice as much.

This procedure has other advantages:

  • short duration;
  • no need for special training;
  • excluded the possibility of infection spreading to neighboring skin;
  • virtually never leave scars or scars after the procedure.

Flaws of the procedure

Despite the presence of a large number of advantages, some disadvantages are noted in reviews of liquid nitrogen for warts:

  • there is a chance of getting a burn or scar if the doctor incorrectly calculates the required depth of exposure to liquid nitrogen;
  • low efficiency of the procedure in the presence of large or multiple formations, often there is a need for repeated removal;
  • painfulness of the procedure, which leads to the need for preliminary administration of an anesthetic.
child's wart
child's wart

The last statement is especially often present in reviews of the removal of warts with liquid nitrogen for a child. Children have more sensitive pain receptorson the skin. Therefore, they may experience pain for several days after the procedure. Of course, much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. And adults can have a strong reaction to nitrogen.

Contraindications to the procedure

Before you study the reviews on the removal of warts with liquid nitrogen, you should know in which cases this procedure is generally contraindicated. The main conditions in which the use of liquid nitrogen is not recommended are listed below:

  • Individual hypersensitivity to nitrogen.
  • Epilepsy.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Irritation of the skin around the wart: redness, itching, rash.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Confirmed diagnosis of an infectious disease in the acute period or the presence of clinical signs of infection (fever, sore throat, runny nose, general malaise). In this case, the procedure should be postponed until complete recovery.

Steps of the procedure

There are two ways to cauterize warts: using a special apparatus (cryoprobe) or manually with a cotton swab containing liquid nitrogen. Due to its simplicity and accessibility in beauty parlors and clinics, the manual method of cauterization is most often used.

wart removal with nitrogen
wart removal with nitrogen

Briefly, the stages of wart removal can be described as follows:

  1. Pain relief.
  2. The actual cauterization with nitrogen.
  3. Slight pause.
  4. Getting the result.
  5. Further skin care.

Pain relief is optional. It is carried out in the following cases:

  • children;
  • with a large wart size;
  • when the wart is located on sensitive areas (face, back of the hands or feet).

Procedure in detail

As noted in reviews of wart removal with liquid nitrogen, the manual method is most often used. To do this, the doctor takes the applicator. It is a wooden stick, at the end of which is a fleece. The doctor applies gentle pressure to the wart for about 30 seconds.

During the procedure, the wart first turns pale and thickens. After that it becomes completely white. Already after the end of the freezing action, the area of the skin that was affected swells and turns red. And the next day, a bubble forms in this place. It contains fluid of a bloody or serous nature.

About a week later, the bubble goes away, and a crust remains in its place, which falls off on its own after two weeks. The fact that there used to be a wart in this place is only a pale pink speck.

When removing a wart for children, the scheme of the procedure changes somewhat. It's called "tweaking". The doctor with rotational movements quickly draws the applicator parallel to the skin area with the wart until pallor appears. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times every 1-2 minutes. As a result, the skin, which was treated with nitrogen, darkens, and then begins to peel off. Wartsdisappear.

doctor removes growth
doctor removes growth

Features of plantar wart removal

Today you can find a lot of reviews about the removal of plantar warts with liquid nitrogen. This is due to the fact that when the formation grows deep into the skin, they cause pain when walking.

Sole leather is rougher, so it takes longer to freeze, and nitrogen needs to penetrate deeper. All these factors contribute to the pain during the procedure, and therefore there is always a need for preliminary anesthesia.

Another feature that is often noted in reviews of cauterization of plantar warts with liquid nitrogen is a long recovery period. Sometimes a person is unable to work for several weeks after the procedure, as they cannot stand on the affected leg.

The process of final removal of warts on the soles can take up to 6 months. Fortunately, this rarely happens. It is recommended to do several procedures with an interval of 3-4 days.

wart removal
wart removal

Skin care after treatment

When a bubble appears at the site of the removed wart, the main rule is to protect it from external influences as much as possible. You should especially try to avoid getting water on the bubble, as this prevents it from drying out.

It is allowed to treat the bubble with 2% salicylic acid before exfoliating. To protect the bubble from injury, you can put gauze on it, and then stick it with a plaster.

Important! Can't apply patchdirectly on the bubble, as this will lead to injury.

If the place where the wart was is very painful, you can take 1 or 2 painkillers (Nurofen, Analgin).

bubble after procedure
bubble after procedure

Is it possible to open the bubble

Many recommend not touching the bubble, let it dry on its own. But there are times when it is very large, delivers a lot of discomfort. Often this occurs when removing large warts, such as plantar warts.

In this case, you can open the bubble yourself, but you should follow all the rules of antiseptics. Failure to comply with these rules will lead to the entry of microorganisms through the wound on the skin into the bloodstream, the development of an infectious process.

If you decide to pop the bubble yourself, you need to do it like this:

  1. Scrub hands with alcohol.
  2. Heat the needle on fire to make it sterile.
  3. Punch two bubbles.
  4. Squeeze out liquid.
  5. After all the liquid is gone, treat the skin with an antiseptic solution.
  6. Apply sterile gauze or tissue.
  7. Put on top with plaster or wrap with a bandage.

Consequences of the procedure

In reviews of the consequences of removing warts with liquid nitrogen, it is noted that residual effects are extremely rare. Most often, pink spots remain on the skin. Sometimes they can turn brown and be very noticeable. But after a month, on average, the skin is regenerated, and the stain disappears.

When removing large warts and improperly caring for the bladder, an infectious inflammatory process may develop. In this case, you must consult a doctor to prescribe appropriate therapy.

Feedback on the procedure

In their feedback on the removal of warts with liquid nitrogen, patients most often note the following points:

  1. The presence of unpleasant or even painful sensations during the procedure and a few days after.
  2. Most notice that the warts are completely gone after treatment.
  3. For some, the doctor prescribed immunomodulators and vitamins, as the effectiveness of the procedure is reduced with weakened immunity.
  4. The vast majority of patients report no skin changes after the procedure.
before and after the procedure
before and after the procedure

Whatever the disadvantages of this procedure, everyone who has gone through it unanimously repeats that this method combines accessibility and efficiency in the best possible way.
