The pelvic floor completes the lower part of the abdomen. From an evolutionary point of view, the muscles of this area contributed to the development of human bipedalism. The main function of the pelvic floor muscles in the body is to maintain the internal organs in their places, preventing their displacement and diseases caused by this condition.
The pelvic area is limited to the lower edge of the pubic joint, the tip of the coccyx and ischial bones. Regarding the muscles, the bottom is represented by a kind of plate of connective tissue and longitudinal muscles, completely covering the exit. Regardless of gender, the bottom structure includes the urogenital part and the anus.

The pelvic floor area is lined with muscle fibers in several layers, the outermost part itself is represented by four bundles.
- Ischiocavernosus - ribbon-like muscle.
- Bulbous-spongy - area of spongy muscle tissue around the pubic joint or base of the penis.
- Anal-annular sphincter - a ring that compresses the outer arearectum.
- The superficial transverse section of the muscles of the perineum - the area from the ischial tubercles to the central tendons, is responsible for strengthening the latter.
The middle layer has three main elements:
- Urethra and sphincter.
- Vaginal part.
- Deep transverse muscle.
The next inner layer refers to the pelvic diaphragm and anus. From the point of view of anatomy, it is represented by three pairs of bundles:
- Pubococcygeal muscle bundle.
- Ischiococcygeal.
- Iliococcygeal.
The fundamental difference between the functional structure of a man in the pelvic floor area
In the body of every person, regardless of gender, the pelvic muscles are responsible for the implementation of acts of defecation and urination, bipedal locomotion and maintenance of the abdominal organs. The pelvic floor muscles in men are also responsible for erectile function. The weakening of the work of the muscular corset with age or as a result of an injury contributes to the disorder of the reproductive system.

Differences in the features of the functions of the pelvic floor of a woman
In addition to general functions, these muscles in women perform, perhaps, the most vital role - the bearing and subsequent birth of a child. During the entire period of pregnancy, they have the difficult task of holding the growing uterus and fetus in place, and during childbirth, they are fully responsible for the progress of the child through the birth canal. Girls who lead a he althy lifestyle, go in for sports, strengthen the pelvic floor,most of the time they have no problems while waiting for the baby.

Problems in women
Unfortunately, a sedentary lifestyle contributes to a significant weakening of the pelvic floor muscles in women, and the qualitative implementation of basic functions is not available. The muscles of the arms, legs, and back work constantly, unlike the intimate ones, which require only forced training to strengthen them. As a result of inaction, the greatest injuries are caused during childbirth due to overstretching and unpreparedness of the muscles for such extreme loads.
Unpleasant conditions that a girl may experience after childbirth

In the first weeks after giving birth, a woman with weakened pelvic floor muscles is overtaken by the problem of urinary incontinence. With laughter, sneezing or a strong desire to go to the toilet, the liquid flows out arbitrarily, giving the young mother a lot of discomfort. The body is an ideal machine, it is prone to self-healing, the urination system will return to normal within a couple of months, but it is much more pleasant not to encounter a problem at all than to wait for its resolution.
Syndrome "wide vagina" may appear in a woman after childbirth. During intimacy with a partner, the fit will no longer be so tight and, accordingly, the couple will experience a decrease in sensitivity and sexual dissatisfaction.
Gymnastics to train and ensure proper muscle function
The main problem of the lack of sports in a woman's life isLack of time. Work in an office or at an enterprise, children's sections, school, home and family care take a lot of time, and it is very difficult to allocate time to visit a club or a coach. Fortunately for all the girls in the world, there are Kegel exercises that you can do at home at any time, in any environment.
A series of simple exercises will not take more than 15 minutes. The result, as after any training, will not be instant, the first visible effect will be noticeable in a couple of weeks. With a daily moderate load, improvement will be noticeable every day, and after the birth of a child, the girl will not encounter the above problems.
Description and technique of performing Kegel exercises
- Interval is the first and one of the easiest pelvic floor exercises. During urination, it is worth remembering your intimate he alth and holding the stream of urine for 10 seconds, then relax your muscles. Repeat up to five times.
- Squeeze exercises can be done almost anywhere at a convenient time. It is recommended to squeeze the external pelvic muscles for five minutes and immediately relax.
- Concentration is aimed at working with the internal muscles of the small pelvis. Holding your breath for a few seconds, you need to tighten the internal muscles of the vagina and fix for 3-5 seconds, gradually increasing the time.
- The gradual tension technique is no longer so simple, it requires experience and some specific skills to implement. According to the execution technique, the complex is similar to the concentration, but the internal pressure builds upgradually from bottom to top. Relaxation occurs exactly the opposite - gradually from top to bottom.
- Storm or alternate contraction is the final exercise of the complex. The technique is similar to the previous one, the difference is in the sequence of contraction of each of the “muscle floors”. Having learned to do this complex, you can authoritatively declare the development of all Kegel exercises.

Prophylactically a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor is recommended for girls from the age of 20. Shown are daily three-time repetitions of the entire complex at any convenient time.
When exercise is contraindicated
As with every complex, pelvic floor muscle training cannot be performed in a number of situations and pathological conditions. Do not do Kegel exercises if:
- there are defects in the mucous membrane of the vagina or cervix;
- there are benign or oncological tumor processes of the pelvic organs;
- there are inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
- surgery was performed, or less than a month after childbirth;
- there is a risk of uterine or intestinal bleeding.
Pregnancy is not a pathological condition or illness, the period of bearing a child is not a contraindication to pelvic floor training, but the expectant mother should focus solely on her well-being. Do not spend time exercising during the period of toxicosis, preeclampsia, uterine tone or the risk of premature birth.

With sufficient attention to such an important area of your body as the muscles of the pelvic floor, the chances of an easy pregnancy and childbirth without negative consequences literally soar. The absence of the risk of organ prolapse and full sexual satisfaction in adulthood will avoid discomfort, emotional stress for the couple and the need to undergo rather complicated treatment. All it takes is a pelvic floor workout for twenty minutes three times a day.