White discharge in men: causes and treatment

White discharge in men: causes and treatment
White discharge in men: causes and treatment

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When men have discharge - should I worry? Sometimes women have them, or rather, leucorrhoea. But few people know that the appearance of various types of secretions is also characteristic of the male sex. As a rule, his representatives do not pay much attention to this, but only until the whites begin to cause inconvenience. This happens when the urethra in men begins to secrete fluid or mucus. Most often, this condition is the norm, but in some cases it may indicate a disease.

White discharge in men
White discharge in men

It is very easy to see abundant discharge. Most often they appear after sleep or after urination. If white discharge in men is noticed during a strong arousal, then this means that everything is in order with his he alth. It is necessary to worry when this happens not during sexual intercourse. If this symptom occurs regularly, most likely there is an inflammatory process. Also, white discharge in men can be a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease, such as chlamydia.


Urethra in men
Urethra in men

It happens that a man becomes infected with thrush. ita very rare occurrence, but such cases occur in practice. Symptoms of this disease in men are white, cottage cheese discharge from the urethra. The cause may be a decrease in immunity, taking antibiotics, chemotherapy treatment, or infection from your partner. White discharge in men may be due to a disease such as urethritis. During inflammation of the urethra, the mucosa begins to produce red blood cells, white mucus and fluid that accumulate at the site of inflammation. Another reason guys get leucorrhoea is damage to the urethra from chemicals like s alt crystals. If there are white discharge from the urethra in men, which are accompanied by burning and itching, then this may be a sign of chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis. These diseases require medical attention. A frothy discharge means that the man

Diseases in men
Diseases in men

contracted the most common disease - trichomoniasis. Well, the most dangerous and unpleasant disease in men is prostatitis. Symptoms are also white discharge, difficulty urinating, problems in intimate life begin. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that all the discharge that brings discomfort is the result of an inflammatory process. The body thus exhibits a defense or response to an infection. The abundance of such secretions in men indicates the scale of a dangerous disease.


In all casesyou must immediately consult a doctor. Discharge of any kind is cause for concern. It is necessary to refrain from any sexual relations during treatment. If not, then at least use condoms. In no case should you carry out treatment at home on your own. After all, this can lead to the transfer of infection from the front of the urethra to the back, that is, to the prostate gland or testicles. Well, the most serious consequence can be impotence or infertility.
