White discharge in men on the head: causes and treatment

White discharge in men on the head: causes and treatment
White discharge in men on the head: causes and treatment

White vision in men on the head of the penis is a fairly common phenomenon. In this case, the secret may be a sign of a certain disease. Most often, fluid is secreted from the sebaceous glands, the urogenital canal, as well as from pathological neoplasms located on the reproductive organ. In this case, the secret may be physiological or indicate the presence of certain diseases.

white discharge in men on the head
white discharge in men on the head

What to look out for

Discharge from the penis may vary in some characteristics. To determine the cause of their appearance, you should pay attention:

• to transparency;

• consistency;

• smell;

• liquid color.

White discharge in men on the head of the penis with nonspecific symptoms allows you to determine the nosology. After all, certain characteristics are typical for each ailment.

Physiological secretions

White discharge in men on the head may be physiological. They are less common than pathological. Among them it is worth highlighting:

• Urethrorrhea libidinal. Similar white discharge in men on the head occurs as a result of sexual arousal. You can notice them by carefully examining the underwear. As a rule, such discharge is transparent, slightly whitish. Their abundance depends on the individual characteristics of the human body, as well as on how long the man has not had sexual intercourse. In some cases, this phenomenon is accompanied by defecation.

• Smegma. These secretions can be seen under the foreskin. Their appearance is not associated with the urethra. Experts attribute this kind of secretion to the secret of the sebaceous glands. The liquid has a thick consistency and a white tint. The secret accumulates under the foreskin, so personal hygiene must be followed to prevent inflammation.

• Ejaculate - semen that is released after sexual intercourse. This liquid consists of spermatozoa and secretions. A similar group of secretions also includes wet dreams, when white drops are released after sleep in adolescents.

If you change the appearance of the liquid, you should consult a doctor. Particular attention should also be paid to the smell and consistency of the discharge.

discharge in men of white color on the head
discharge in men of white color on the head

If it's a pathology

The causes of white discharge in men on the head can be pathological. Often such a secret indicates the development of a certain disease. To make a correct diagnosis, you need to contact a specialist.

This kind of discharge may be a sign of the development of an inflammatory process of the genitourinary system orto signal the presence of a venereal disease in the body. Each disease has specific symptoms. For an accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo an examination and study the features of the secret. Among the pathologies, it is worth highlighting the following ailments:

• gonorrhea;

• chlamydia;

• candidiasis;

• ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis;

• trichomoniasis;

• prostatitis of various etiologies.

white discharge in men on the head photo
white discharge in men on the head photo


Yellow-white discharge in men on the head may indicate the presence of a disease such as gonorrhea. It is worth noting that with such an ailment, the secret has an unpleasant odor. In the process of urination, a man may experience a burning sensation. The main symptoms of gonorrhea, in addition to specific secretions, are pain in the groin and a feverish state. The causative agent of the infection is considered to be gonococcus bacteria. The disease is transmitted through sexual contact.


Chlamydia is a disease that occurs as a result of the parasitism of chlamydia. The causative agent is an intracellular bacterium. This disease has a mild, blurred clinical picture. In this case, relapses occur very often. One of the symptoms of the disease is a white discharge in men on the head. The causes and treatment of this disease have long been known. With such an ailment, a small amount of secretion is secreted from the urethra. The liquid is glassy in nature. A similar symptom occurs with urethritis. Chlamydia is transmitted sexually.

white discharge in menon the head of reason
white discharge in menon the head of reason


Candidiasis is a disease accompanied by an inflammatory process of a non-specific nature. The disease usually manifests itself with a sharp decrease in immunity. With candidiasis, white discharge occurs in men on the head. A photo of the secret allows you to more clearly imagine what the main symptom of the disease looks like. Allocations with such an ailment resemble cottage cheese. They have a very thick texture and a sour smell. In the process of urination, a man may experience pain, severe burning and itching.

Ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis

Such diseases are sexually transmitted diseases transmitted from partner to partner during sexual intercourse. With the manifestations of the disease, you can notice the discharge. They can be transparent or white. Most often, ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis are accompanied by pain in the groin area. In addition, there is a strong burning sensation and itching at the end and during urination.


The causative agents of diseases such as trichomoniasis are also sexually transmitted. In this case, violations in the work of the genitourinary system appear almost immediately after infection. The disease has rapidly flowing and vivid symptoms. A man in the presence of an ailment suffers from severe irritation of the urethra when emptying the bladder. At the same time, a liquid with a specific odor and a thick consistency, yellow-white in color, is plentifully released.

white discharge under the head in men
white discharge under the head in men

Disease Diagnosis

Whitedischarge under the head in men is most often physiological. But in some cases, a full examination is required. Diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary system consists of a number of studies. Usually done:

• general inspection;

• urinalysis;

• CBC;

• glucose test;

• taking a smear - bacteroscopy of the urethra;

• CT;

• Ultrasound;

• urography;

• sowing a smear, which allows you to identify the habitat of the pathogen and determine its response to the antibiotic.

Only an integrated approach allows to detect the presence of any disease of the genitourinary system.


What is prescribed for white discharge on the head in men? How to treat the disease? Before prescribing therapy, the doctor must identify the nosology, as well as the type of causative agent of the disease, accompanied by white discharge. However, most of the diseases are treated by taking antibacterial drugs with a wide spectrum of action. After a thorough diagnosis, specialists prescribe to the patient a drug to which the pathogen is less resistant. Therefore, narrow-profile medications may be prescribed for the treatment of certain diseases.

If intracellular bacteria are found in a patient, then a man is prescribed a drug with an antibacterial effect that can penetrate into the cell structure to fight parasites. If the infection is fungal in nature, then the doctor may prescribe antifungal medicines to treat it.external use, as well as for oral administration. In some cases, the course of therapy includes taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and pain medications.

white discharge around the head in men
white discharge around the head in men

Folk remedies

White discharge in men around the head, on it and under it is a sign of the development of pathology. The exception is physiological fluids. In the initial stages of diseases, you can resort to the help of alternative medicine. Some drugs do not have side effects and contraindications. To eliminate the main cause of the appearance of secretions, you can use herbal decoctions. With such symptoms, calendula, bird cherry, oak bark, succession and chamomile are ideal. You can use ready-made decoctions for oral or external use.

Traditional healers also recommend using kvass with garlic or kombucha to eliminate pathogens and other pathogens. It is worth noting that such drugs not only help eliminate the main cause of unpleasant symptoms, but also strengthen the immune system as a whole. In addition, many pharmacies sell ready-made herbs with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action.

However, it is worth resorting to traditional medicine only after consulting with specialists. Self-medication can cause the development of unwanted complications.

white discharge in men on the head causes and treatment
white discharge in men on the head causes and treatment

Preventive measures

Any disease is easier to prevent than to further treat the consequences of itdevelopment. To exclude the occurrence of a relapse, a man should not forget about personal hygiene. Water procedures are recommended to be carried out twice a day.

In addition, it is worth giving up too tight or uncomfortable underwear. Do not wear synthetic clothing. It is also recommended to pay special attention to habits and nutrition. Smoked and spicy foods, as well as sweet foods, should be removed from the daily diet. Experts advise to completely abandon alcohol and tobacco. This will timely prevent the development of pathogenic microflora and speed up the healing process. The diet should include berries, fresh fruits and dairy products.
