Throws in a fever before menstruation: causes, norms and deviations, medical opinions

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Throws in a fever before menstruation: causes, norms and deviations, medical opinions
Throws in a fever before menstruation: causes, norms and deviations, medical opinions

Video: Throws in a fever before menstruation: causes, norms and deviations, medical opinions

Video: Throws in a fever before menstruation: causes, norms and deviations, medical opinions
Video: How does Short Cervix affect your pregnancy ? Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment | Healing Hospital 2025, January

So many women of childbearing age complain that they are thrown into a fever before menstruation. Often, for this reason, they begin to use hormonal drugs or vitamins. However, doctors believe that the best way to improve your condition during this difficult period is to lead a he althy lifestyle. Why do these symptoms still appear and what is the best thing to do?

Causes of occurrence

PMS symptoms
PMS symptoms

Unfortunately, very often women confuse hot flashes with common colds and start taking anti-inflammatory drugs. However, there are those who do not attach importance to their condition at all. The latter, perhaps, act more prudently. Why throws in a fever before menstruation? The cause of the heat is very often hormonal waves. In addition to him, a woman also experiences other signs of approaching menstruation:

  • Headache.
  • Bad mood.
  • Weakness and loss of efficiency.
  • Some have digestive problems.
  • Young girlsrashes appear on the skin.
  • Swelling of the limbs is also one of the signs of imminent menstruation.

And over the years, the symptoms become even more pronounced. Starting at around age 27, women become less able to tolerate their periods.

Negative signs

Why is it bad during menstruation
Why is it bad during menstruation

There are some symptoms to look out for. For example, if during this period the body temperature rises noticeably. Usually it can range from thirty-seven to thirty-eight degrees. However, if a woman's temperature reaches thirty-nine, then this is an occasion to once again visit a gynecologist for further examination. In addition, if the lady experienced some kind of stress the day before, and after it a temperature appeared during menstruation, then most likely we are talking about such an unfavorable condition as thermoneurosis.

It's not uncommon these days for women to catch viruses or germs. The fact is that their immunity is noticeably reduced, and the body becomes susceptible to any infections. Constant changes in temperature, at which it first throws into a fever, and then into a cold, can also talk about HIV infection or tuberculosis. If at the same time there is increased night sweating, then the likelihood of the disease increases markedly.

How to warn?

yoga class
yoga class

What to do if you get hot before your period? The reasons why this phenomenon occurs are inherent in the body of every woman. However, their effect can be somewhat reduced. Toto neutralize negative symptoms, it is necessary, oddly enough, to lead a he althy lifestyle. For example, those women who abuse coffee or alcohol do not tolerate menstruation very well. In addition, patients who are stressed also very often complain of hot flashes during menstruation. A regular sex life, good nutrition and good sleep have a positive effect on the hormonal background. Therefore, if you follow the doctor's recommendations, you can go through this period almost asymptomatically.

Hormonal exhaustion

Very often, patients who have made several attempts to get pregnant through IVF do not tolerate menstruation. They are very often thrown into a fever before menstruation. In addition, genital surgery also affects the overall hormonal background and leads to hot flashes. In the case of ovarian damage, very often there are signs that are very similar to menopause. Sometimes you have to start hormone replacement therapy in order to bring the body into proper condition.

How can I help myself?

What to do if you get hot and sweaty before your period? During this period, you should definitely get enough sleep. He althy sleep should last at least seven hours. It is very useful for all women who have similar problems to attend yoga classes and auto-training. In addition, you should learn the skills of soothing relaxation and use it during this period. Homework, sports, or just long walks in the fresh air are great.

Pregnancy Fever

Elevated temperature
Elevated temperature

Sometimes there issuch a state that it throws you into a fever before menstruation, but there is no menstruation. This is because hormonal changes occur after conception. Usually, a woman is still dizzy and there are other signs that accompany pregnancy. During the first three months, progesterone and estrogen are produced. These substances, as a rule, are produced in the ovaries and are intended to prepare the expectant mother for bearing a child. Sometimes the fever lasts until the third month of pregnancy, and then disappears for no reason.

What should I do?

If you get hot before menstruation or pregnancy, then doctors advise you to do the following:

  • A few sips of cool (but not cold) water.
  • Showering a few degrees below body temperature helps a lot.
  • During sleep and rest, the air temperature should be slightly lowered.
  • You can also get rid of the heat with a cold compress placed on the neck or forehead.

It is highly undesirable to use any drugs, as it can harm the unborn child. As a last resort, a pregnant woman can take Paracetamol, but only in very limited quantities.

Premenstrual syndrome

Temperature during menstruation
Temperature during menstruation

Can I get hot before my period? As a rule, it occurs eleven days before the onset of menstruation and completely disappears as soon as it begins. Every woman experiences the following symptoms: anxiety, impairedsleep, loss of concentration, change in appetite, tearfulness and depression. In addition to psychological disorders, physical abnormalities are added: headache, acne or blackheads, swelling and pain in the abdomen. And also the chair is often upset. Moreover, some women may experience diarrhea, while others, on the contrary, may experience constipation.

PMS drugs

In particularly difficult and severe cases, doctors prescribe antidepressants, hormonal drugs and diuretics. In addition, sometimes women require anti-inflammatory and pain medications. It is advisable to start taking vitamins and biological supplements containing magnesium even before the onset of menstruation. And also it will not be superfluous to take sedatives based on valerian or motherwort. Among the drugs most often recommended by a gynecologist, the following are usually distinguished:

  • "Mastodynon", the effect of which usually occurs forty-two days after the start of use. When taking this drug, migraines, swelling and soreness of the mammary glands disappear. The most common side effects are mild nausea and weight gain.
  • Women who, in addition to throwing a fever before menstruation, have profuse bleeding, are recommended to use Remens drops. They help with symptoms such as depression, irritability or tearfulness.
  • The drug "Magnesium B6" proved to be excellent. As you know, with a lack of magnesium, anxiety and increased fatigue are observed. That's why he throws in a fever before menstruation. After taking this remedy, mood improves and sleep is restored.

In addition, doctors recommend that if you get hot before menstruation, drink peony extract or valerian tincture. However, these drugs impair concentration and are therefore not recommended for use while driving.

How to eat right?

Asparagus during menstruation
Asparagus during menstruation

Sometimes nutrition can help relieve symptoms of PMS. Moreover, the products that experts recommend are absolutely affordable and very often present on the table of any woman. For example, the lack of B vitamins has an extremely bad effect on the moral and physical condition of the patient. As a result, mood swings occur, which very often end in depression. A woman has severe chest pain and swelling of the limbs. Red meat, cereals, baked goods, asparagus, basil, spinach, green onions, and dill can help make up for these important vitamins.

It is especially important during this period to maintain an optimal level of prostaglandins. Vegetable oil and walnuts can help with this. This is especially true of flaxseed oil. To get rid of nervousness, you should eat potatoes, beans and peas. And also many essential substances are present in brown rice. To restore the level of estrogen, you should eat soy, and to get rid of acne on the face, eat garlic and eggs containing zinc. We must not forget about such important trace elements as magnesium and potassium. Eating bananas, seafood and cocoa, you canprevent the onset of headache, which very often occurs during this period. However, be aware that coffee interferes with the absorption of magnesium, and therefore you should temporarily abstain from this drink.

Avocado for PMS
Avocado for PMS

Scientists have identified foods that should be included in a woman's diet about two weeks before the onset of menstruation. First of all, this applies to foods rich in calcium and magnesium. These include vegetables such as sorrel, spinach, and kale. To get rid of a depressed mood, it is advisable to eat avocados, as they contain a lot of vitamin B6. You can improve your hormones with broccoli. It is she who contains a lot of magnesium, iron and almost all B vitamins.

To improve mood, it is recommended to use goat's milk or cheese. However, you can drink cow's milk, but it is goat's milk that contains the largest amount of necessary substances. Another important source of B vitamins is brown rice.
