In order to relax and restore your he alth, you do not need to go to the advertised resorts abroad. In Russia there are a huge number of he alth resorts and sanatoriums, where nature itself makes sure that you return home full of strength and energy. At the same time, the cost of rest here compares favorably with the amount that you will pay for a week in a trendy hotel somewhere in Goa. However, even on the territory of our vast country there are more and less well-known sanatoriums. Today we want to tell you about holidays in the Republic of Khakassia, one of the most mysterious corners of Russia.

Krasnoyarsk pearl
The sanatorium "Shira" is a special, quiet and amazing resort, with the strongest medical base in the entire region. Here they do not devote much time to external paraphernalia, the main thing is that patients leave with the understanding that their he alth has become much better. The he alth resort works for the benefit of its guests, so that they feel good and comfortable here, and with each arrival more and more regular customers are added to it. Still, because here is a unique nature, attentive and qualifiedmedical staff and comfortable living conditions.

Searching on the map
Where is Shira resort located? It is located in the Republic of Khakassia. At the same time, not only residents of the region are regular customers of the sanatorium. People come here from afar to experience the power of natural factors. Although at first glance, there is absolutely nothing to see here. Steppe landscapes, yellow grass and a flat mirror of the lake - there is nothing more for the eye to catch on. But this is only for those who do not know about the wonderful treasures that nature has shown to the world here. "Shira" is not an entertainment resort, here you need to keep silence and be in harmony with nature, enjoying its gifts.
How to get there
The resort "Shira", reviews of which are particularly warm and even some nostalgia, is located in the village with a romantic name - Zhemchuzhny, at the address: Pharmacy, 2. Approximately 160 km separates it from Abakan. The station of the same name called "Shira" will meet you if you get to the village by rail. From here you can take a taxi to the center. Travel time approximately 6 hours.

General Description
Oval lake has a huge extent. It stretches nine kilometers in length across the steppe plain. And this despite the fact that basically the reservoirs that have a therapeutic composition are much smaller. Not too deep, it is a reservoir of mineral water with a capacity of 380 million cubic meters. It is the largest of similar natural objects incountry.
The shores here are very comfortable for swimming. The bottom is flat, the water is moderately s alty and warm, it is pleasant to swim in it. The maximum depth in the center is about 20 meters.

Healing properties of the lake
How is it that a nondescript steppe reservoir has become the most visited in the region? The thing is that it contains Glauber's s alt in its purest form. There are only four such lakes in the world, and there is little hope that any more will be discovered. People learned about it not today and not even yesterday. Ancient legends told about the healing power of lake water, and at the end of the 19th century official medicine became interested in it. True, for a long time, rest on the lake was complicated by the great distance from the roads and the lack of fresh water. But these problems were soon overcome.
A new page in history
Already in 1913, water supply was laid here. Now the resort "Shira" began to develop and attract an increasing number of patients with a variety of diseases. Today, there are several sanatoriums, tourist centers and rest houses on the lake. All of them together form a large treatment and prophylactic zone.
The resort "Lake Shira" is famous not only for the unique composition of water. Truly magical mud properties have a beneficial effect on the body, activate metabolism and improve tissue nutrition. There is another unique product for your he alth and longevity. This mineral water of the same name. The resort "Shira" (Khakassia) would not be what it is now, if you remove at leastone of these healing factors. Mineral water is extracted from a well 120 meters deep. It is simply priceless, its composition allows you to cure various diseases of the stomach. The list of wellness procedures includes baths from this water.

Diagnosis and treatment
Today Shira Resort is a modern complex that offers a huge selection of various medical, preventive and he alth services. Valeologists say that this place is intended by nature to restore he alth. There is a kind of microclimate that works for the benefit of man. It is impossible not to note the merits of the medical staff. It is doctors who repeatedly increase the impact of therapeutic factors on the human body. "Shira Resort" (the photo will give you a first impression) is equipped with a modern medical and preventive base. Truly healing water is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, and also has a general strengthening effect on the body.
In order to undergo a comprehensive examination and detect the cause of the disease, doctors use modern equipment. On the basis of the he alth resort there is a whole department where you can take an X-ray and do an ultrasound, pass the necessary tests and confirm or refute the diagnosis. For patients, physiotherapy, dental, beauty rooms are equipped here.

What is offered to vacationers
With what problems come to the resorts of the lake"Shira"? Treatment here is received mainly by people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. But that is not all. Problems of the joints and spine, peripheral nervous system are successfully treated in the sanatorium. The development of rehabilitation programs is carried out by employees of the Tomsk Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy, the Krasnoyarsk Medical Institute, together with doctors working directly with patients.
For the treatment of patients using a wide range of natural healing factors. Water is widely used, which is supplied from a well. Moreover, the range of its use is incredibly wide. There are special drinking pump-rooms, a course of therapeutic baths and irrigations is prescribed in parallel. As a nice addition, there is a gym with various facilities and exercise equipment. Physical activity, fresh air, he althy and tasty food and positive emotions - all this makes it possible to feel much better very quickly.

Accommodation at the recreation center
All tourists emphasize the excellent living conditions that the Lake Shira resort offers. Reviews say that there are no luxury apartments here, but there is everything you need for a comfortable and pleasant pastime. For example, a standard double room includes single beds, a table and cozy ottomans, a wardrobe, bedside tables, a mirror and a TV, a refrigerator and a kettle. Of course, there is a bathroom with a shower and a toilet. The cost of rest in different buildings is somewhat different, but on average it ranges from 2 to 3.5 thousand rubles per day per person.includes meals from a customized menu with buffet elements.

Making a decision
At any time of the year, the resort "Lake Shira" awaits every tourist. Come if you want to receive high-quality and effective treatment of many diseases of organs and systems. These are not only problems of the gastrointestinal tract, but also strengthening the immune system in general. On the territory there are several buildings where children and adults are accommodated. And the best evidence that it is worth coming here again and again is the reviews of vacationers who emphasize the highest effectiveness of mud treatment, mineral water, as well as traditional methods that are widely used.
Entertainment at the base
The resort has been operating here for more than a decade, which is a big plus. Over the entire history of its existence, an impressive experience has been accumulated in the use of a wide variety of medical procedures. In addition to the healing and preventive effects on the body, the resort gives you the opportunity to spend time fun and usefully. Adults and children can attend various excursions, the arsenal of which is very large. In addition, there are attractions and discos here, you can swim and sunbathe on the magnificent beach. A separate area that is gaining more and more popularity is family vacations. For fun leisure activities, sports equipment rental is available. You can take a ball or rackets with you and spend the whole day on the beach.
Instead of a conclusion
Holidays on the lake "Shira" can be an unforgettable adventure for allyour family. Here you can improve your he alth and have a good rest, gain strength and just breathe fresh air. Mineral water and brine baths, swimming in a unique lake, which has no equal on the territory of Russia - all this will work to strengthen your immunity while you get a charge of positive emotions. Doctors note that if a person annually undergoes preventive, sanatorium treatment, he gets sick less often, saves on medicines and gets much more pleasure from life. Therefore, it is recommended to spend every vacation on the cozy shores of this amazing lake.