Mediated memory is Definition of what it is responsible for, memory development

Mediated memory is Definition of what it is responsible for, memory development
Mediated memory is Definition of what it is responsible for, memory development

As you know, there are several ways in which we absorb and later analyze information coming from the outside world. Most average people are aware of only two types of memory: short-term and long-term. But this is not all possible divisions. There are also types of memory based on associations and logic. This is called mediated memory, the essence of which is to draw parallels between already acquired knowledge and new information and through this it is better to remember the necessary facts.

What's the point anyway?

Mind in oblivion
Mind in oblivion

Mediated memory is a mechanism for storing information through analysis, rethinking and comparison of the material being learned. Of course, every person at least once unconsciously used this technique, without really delving into what exactly he was doing, but, nevertheless, for a better understanding, it is necessary to know the specifics of how mediated memory works. And for this you need to understand the basics, namely the most important varieties of memory.

First among equals or short-term and long-term memory

Alternative custodians of information
Alternative custodians of information

As an example, we can cite a situation that is very familiar to many. A person is trying to learn something for the first time. He looks into the book, reads the material necessary for memorization and, closing the book, immediately, without hesitation, reproduces everything almost perfectly. But ask him about what he read after only a few minutes - and you will hardly get a specific and complete answer. This is how short-term memory works. As a rule, it is extremely short-lived. Information is stored for no more than twenty-five seconds. Then it either passes into long-term memory with the help of analysis, repetition, analysis. Or it disappears from memory almost without a trace. It all depends on the further attitude of the person to the information received.

It is easy to guess that mediated memory has a long-term character. But there is also its opposite.

Two sides of the same coin or indirect and immediate memory

When talking about excellent students and wise guys who do nothing but endlessly reread and memorize textbooks and scientific books, they unwittingly use a condescending tone. And there is some justice in this. The ability of a person to remember only proves his perseverance and willpower, but not the presence of impressive mental abilities. And to memorize without delving into the meaning of the text is pointless and, to tell the truth, is quite easy. This information will not be able to be fixed in memory for a long time and will hardly help become smarter. However, this way of remembering has the right to exist. It's called immediate memory. As you might guess, this method is quite often used by schoolchildren and students of various educational institutions. It also trains memory well in general, but has many disadvantages. The fragility of information is perhaps the most basic of them. Indirect and direct memory differ in how much effort a person put into mastering the information he needed and what was his efficiency, or more precisely, how long and how well he will remember the information received.

So what to choose?

memorization methods
memorization methods

Mediated memory is the best option if a person needs to remember information for a really long period. By itself, it requires some effort, as well as the use of some psychological techniques. And not on a random passerby, but on himself. However, no matter how difficult and scary this method may seem, it is just an appearance. And in any case, the result will be worth it. For example, if a person needs to learn another foreign language. Or if he wants to remember information that is directly related to his future profession. In this case, long-term and mediated memory will come in very handy. But if you need to remember information for just a few days or even hours, then immediate memory will come in handy.

Trust but verify in action

Diagnostic mediatedmemory is very popular among well-to-do families who care about the child's progress. Often, children at all ages are taken to psychologists to see if they can remember information to the same extent as their peers. If the child fails the test, he is advised to contact specialists or undergo certain rehabilitation courses. With an average level of development of mediated memory in a child, a psychologist can simply advise parents to force their offspring to learn, say, poetry or take part in educational games. Nothing is irreparable.

How exactly is memory checked?

It's very simple. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen. Before starting the test, the psychologist explains in a calm and friendly tone what exactly is required of the child. Then, making sure that the "experimental" understood everything, the doctor begins the diagnosis. First, he calls a word or sentence, and after that he waits exactly twenty seconds. During this time, the child should draw or write on paper something that will help him later remember what was discussed. At the end of twenty seconds, the psychologist says the second word or sentence, and so on ten times.

human brain
human brain

After that, the child is required to repeat everything that he can remember, looking at his notes or drawings. If he repeated the word correctly, he is given one point. This takes into account phrases that are not reproduced exactly as it was originally said, but approximately. The main thing is that the meaning of the saying does not change. Hereonly for such inaccuracies, half a point is deducted in the final calculation.


Ways to remember
Ways to remember

The maximum a child can get is ten points on a test. This means that he reproduced without hesitation all the words or sentences that were dictated to him, and that his mediated memory is extremely well developed. Eight and nine points indicate that parents have nothing to worry about, and the child is likely to do well in school. From four to seven points is the average level. Such a child may well succeed in life, but he should not associate his future profession with activities that will constantly require something to remember. And with three, two, one or zero points, it is already necessary to seriously engage in the mental abilities of the child. No worries! Maybe it's all about distracted attention or the child's unwillingness to follow the rules. In this case, you just need to change the methods of education, and the help of doctors is not required.

Diagnostic technique of mediated memory has shown itself to be very effective in recent times. It would seem that its simplicity should have scared people away, but, on the contrary, more and more of them check themselves and their loved ones using this technique.


Human brain in color
Human brain in color

Mediated memory is something without which people could not live and develop. Even think! That is why it is so important to understand how it works. Through this, we can get closer to understanding how the human brain works. Finally,the mind is a riddle that humanity has sought to unravel since its inception. After all, in fact, without realizing ourselves and the world around us, we would become the most ordinary animals.
