How to use citvar seed for parasites?

How to use citvar seed for parasites?
How to use citvar seed for parasites?

Humanity from its earliest development actively used plants as food and treatment. Scientists have repeatedly found medical treatises with recipes from medicinal herbs. With the passage of time and the development of civilization, people have not stopped using medicinal plants for therapeutic purposes and even trust them more than chemical preparations.


One of these medicinal herbs is wormwood, known since ancient times. And today it is actively used in folk and scientific medicine as an effective antihelminthic. In the pharmacy network, you can freely purchase citvar seed, but you need to use it with extreme caution, as it is very poisonous.


Citvarna wormwood is a herbaceous plant that grows in the foothills and clay deserts of Central Asia and southern Kazakhstan. Medicinal raw materials are flower baskets (trade name "tsitvarnoe seed") and the aerial part (tops). These parts of the plant contain medicinally useful substances:santonin and essential oil. It is santonin that helps in the fight against round worms - roundworms. This is a real natural anthelmintic at an affordable price. Before treatment, you should check the dosage with your doctor.

Use in traditional medicine

"Citvar seed" from worms
"Citvar seed" from worms

Citvar seed helps with worms, but it is also recommended to improve appetite and restore metabolic processes. Experts believe that this medicine relieves insomnia, unreasonable fears, depressive, anxiety and panic conditions.

It has calming properties and reduces nervous excitability in neurasthenia. The drug is shown even in malignant tumors of internal organs (liver, stomach, uterus, spleen). It is often prescribed for asthenia, mental and physical fatigue, anemia, flatulence, ascites, colic and weakness. But most often, citvar seed is recommended for various helminths.

How to get rid of parasites?

"Citvar seed" from parasites
"Citvar seed" from parasites

For treatment, an aqueous infusion of seeds is made, which is taken twice a day (in the morning on an empty stomach and at bedtime). Immediately after taking the infusion, you need to eat one hundred grams of grated carrots (only fresh). To get rid of parasites, a warm enema based on the infusion of this plant is used. Inside - the reception option is quite simple: a dessert spoon of powder is taken and eaten with sweet jam or honey.

After a few hours, the process should be repeated again - in the interval between doses, do notnothing is recommended. After that, you need to drink an herbal laxative, and the worms will come out naturally. The dosage of the drug for children and adults is different. Cytvar seed from parasites is a great alternative to expensive and ineffective drugs.


With helminthiasis, you can make the following decoction: a small spoonful of the seeds of this herb is taken in a glass of boiled water. The mixture is boiled in a sealed container for half an hour, then cooled and filtered. The filtered broth is consumed three times a day half an hour before a meal, 60-70 grams each.


It is forbidden to use tsitvarnoe seed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. It is also contraindicated for people suffering from febrile illnesses.

Possible side effects

These include: diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, migraine, abdominal pain, cold sweats and xanthopsia. Discontinue use immediately if any of these occur.

To protect yourself from parasites, be more vigilant and follow the rules of hygiene. Always wash all vegetables and fruits, and rinse greens with boiling water. Get checked for worms annually to get rid of them in a timely manner.
