"Duspatalin": what helps, reviews, analogues

"Duspatalin": what helps, reviews, analogues
"Duspatalin": what helps, reviews, analogues

What is a drug like "Duspatalin"? What does this drug help with and how should it be taken? We will answer these and other questions regarding the tool in question in detail in this article.

what does duspatalin help with?
what does duspatalin help with?

Composition of the drug, its form, description, packaging

About whether Duspatalin helps with constipation, we will tell below.

According to the instructions, the mentioned medication is available in the form of gelatin opaque and hard capsules. They have a prolonged action, and also have a size No. 1, white color and marking "245" on the body. White or almost white granules are used as the contents of the capsules.

What does the drug "Duspatalin" contain (from what this medicine helps, not everyone knows)? Its main ingredient is mebeverine hydrochloride. In addition, the composition of the drug includes such auxiliary elements as ipromellose, magnesium stearate, methacrylic acid, methyl methacrylate, ethyl acrylate copolymer, talc and triacetin. As for the capsule shell, it consists of gelatin and titanium dioxide.

In what package is the drug "Duspatalin" produced(does this drug help with constipation or not, only a doctor can tell you)? According to consumer reviews, the product in question is packaged in blisters and paper packs, respectively.

Also, this drug can be purchased in the form of tablets with the same active ingredient.

Operation principle

What is Duspatalin? What helps this drug? This medication is a myotropic antispasmodic. The analgesic effect of this drug is based on the suppression of spasms and relaxation of the smooth muscles of the intestine. At the same time, the drug does not affect perist altic contractions in any way, which ensures the complete elimination of pain in the abdomen without slowing down the movement of food masses.

duspatalin from what helps reviews
duspatalin from what helps reviews

Features of the drug

What is remarkable about such a tool as "Duspatalin"? What helps (analogues of the drug are listed below) taking this drug? As mentioned above, the medication in question, according to the type of action exerted, belongs to the group of myotropic antispasmodics. The myotropism of this drug is manifested in the similarity with the smooth muscles of the intestine. As for the antispasmodic effect of the drug, it lies in the ability to relax the muscles of the said organ, as well as eliminate spasms and pain associated with its strong tension.

Due to the fact that the largest part of smooth muscle cells is located in the large intestine, the effect of this drug is most pronounced in this partdigestive system.

Reducing the tone of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract occurs without much effect on its normal perist altic activity. In other words, the processes of moving food through the intestines and digestion while taking this remedy are not disturbed and do not slow down. Thus, the drug "Duspatalin" (what this medicine helps with, experts know) selectively affects smooth muscles, relieving spasms and pain associated with them.

Drug properties

What are the properties of the drug "Duspatalin"? This remedy helps with diarrhea because it effectively eliminates only increased intestinal motility, while not completely suppressing perist altic movements. In addition, this medication relaxes the sphincter of the gallbladder, improves the outflow of bile and eliminates pain associated with biliary colic.

Due to the action of the drug in question, after the elimination of excess activity of smooth muscles, the patient maintains normal intestinal motility. It should also be noted that this remedy does not cause hypotension (reflex) of this organ (that is, a strong decrease in tone).

duspatalin from which analogues help
duspatalin from which analogues help

Kinetic features

After entering the intestine, the drug is absorbed into the systemic circulation, and also enters the liver. In the process of biological and chemical transformations, the active substance of this agent decomposes into derivatives.

The drug "Duspatalin" is excreted from the patient's body in the form of metabolites,along with urine. Extended-release capsules provide a slow release of key substances, resulting in a duration of action of up to 16 hours (after a single dose).

Duspatalin drug: what helps?

Reviews indicate that, since the action of the drug in question is to eliminate spasms and pain associated with them, which are observed in the digestive system, the indications for taking it are the following diseases:

  • biliary colic;
  • cramping abdominal pain;
  • gallbladder dysfunction;
  • intestinal colic;
  • conditions observed after removal of the gallbladder;
  • irritable bowel syndrome (in order to eliminate various unpleasant sensations in the abdomen and intestinal disorders);
  • disorders in the functioning of the digestive tract, accompanied by severe pain (including for children over 12 years old);
  • any secondary spasms of the digestive tract that were caused by pathologies in other systems and organs (for example, with pancreatitis or cholecystitis);
  • pain syndrome, cramps and discomfort in the intestines (as a symptomatic remedy).
  • duspatalin helps with constipation
    duspatalin helps with constipation

Prohibitions on the use of the product

This medication has no serious contraindications. It can only be used under the following conditions:

  • during pregnancy (due to insufficient safety and efficacy data);
  • inminors (due to insufficient data on safety and efficacy);
  • hypersensitivity (personal) to any drug ingredient.

Instructions for using the drug "Duspatalin"

This drug helps with bloating quite well. But this is only if it was used in the dosages recommended by the doctor.

This medication is taken by mouth. The extended-release capsules should be swallowed whole. At the same time, they must be washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid (at least 100 ml).

The capsules in question must not be chewed. This is due to the fact that their shell contributes to the prolonged release of the drug.

Prescribe this remedy in the amount of 200 mg twice a day. It is advisable to take the medicine 20 minutes before meals (in the morning and at bedtime).

The duration of this medication is unlimited.

In the event that the patient forgot to take one or more capsules, then the drug should be continued with the next dosage. It is strictly forbidden to take missed doses in addition to the usual.

does duspatalin help with constipation
does duspatalin help with constipation

Side actions

Reviews of adverse events that occur after taking the drug were obtained during post-marketing use. It should be noted that they were spontaneous in nature. For a more accurate assessment of the incidence of adverse reactions, the available data are not enough.

So, the reception of the consideredmedication may cause:

  • urticaria, hypersensitivity reactions;
  • angioedema, exanthema.

If these effects appear, you should consult a doctor.

Drug overdose

Experts say that with an overdose of the agent in question, the patient may increase the excitability of the central nervous system. Other noted symptoms are of a cardiovascular and neurological nature. In this case, symptomatic treatment is recommended. As for gastric lavage, such a procedure is used only if intoxication was detected within one hour.

Drug interaction

Specialists conducted studies to study the interaction of this drug only when combined with alcohol. They demonstrated the complete absence of any negative effect.

duspatalin helps with bloating
duspatalin helps with bloating

Breastfeeding and pregnancy

There is not enough data on the use of mebeverine in pregnant women. Therefore, the drug in question is not recommended for use during gestation. The same goes for the period of breastfeeding.

Special Recommendations

Studies on the impact of the drug "Duspatalin" on the ability of people to drive dangerous machinery and vehicles have not been conducted. At the same time, the pharmacological properties of the drug do not indicate any negative effect of the active substance of the drug on these human abilities.

Similarfunds and reviews

Duspatalin can be replaced with such means as Niaspam, Papaverine, Sparex, Trigan, Trimedat, Spascuprel, Ditsetel, Buskopan, Bendazol, "Dibazol", "No-shpa".

Most reviews of this medicine are positive. Patients report that this drug is very effective. It helps to eliminate not only the functional disorders of the digestive tract, but also get rid of various diseases.

Consumers note that the drug in question quickly relieves intestinal and stomach colic that occurred after eating poor-quality food, as well as against the background of severe stress and tension.

duspatalin does not help why
duspatalin does not help why

What else is said about Duspatalin? For some reason this doesn't help. This statement is made by 1/3 of all patients. Doctors say that this may be due to the wrong dosage of the drug.
