Rotovirus intestinal infection. Ways of infection, symptoms

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Rotovirus intestinal infection. Ways of infection, symptoms
Rotovirus intestinal infection. Ways of infection, symptoms

Video: Rotovirus intestinal infection. Ways of infection, symptoms

Video: Rotovirus intestinal infection. Ways of infection, symptoms
Video: What will happen if lymphocytes count is high? 2024, July

Popularly, this disease is called "intestinal flu". At first, its symptoms resemble a common cold: cough, runny nose, body temperature rises. Then the rotovirus intestinal infection causes the patient to vomit and loose stools. Most often, young children suffer from this disease due to weak immunity.

rotavirus intestinal infection
rotavirus intestinal infection

General information

The causative agent of the disease is a virus that infects the intestines. In the first year of life, babies can get sick with this infectious disease several times, after which they develop immunity to the disease. Often, a rotovirus intestinal infection enters the body of an adult. As a rule, this happens when in contact with a sick child. In adults, the course of the disease is milder, and the symptoms, with proper treatment, disappear quickly enough. From November to May, the likelihood of contracting the disease, whose name is "rotavirus intestinal infection", will increase significantly. The peculiarity of this disease is that the pathogenicthe microorganism, getting into the intestines of a he althy person, affects the gastric mucosa. As a result, gastroenteritis occurs, the process of digestion of food is disturbed, diarrhea appears, leading to dehydration.

Distribution routes

Rotovirus intestinal infection is a highly contagious disease. The main route of transmission of pathogenic bacteria is oral-fecal. Toddlers can "get" the virus through dirty hands. Explain to your child the importance of hygiene before meals and after going to the toilet.

rotavirus infection symptoms
rotavirus infection symptoms

It can also be transmitted through ingestion of contaminated food or water, or through contact with dirty surfaces.

Rotovirus infection. Symptoms

The incubation period for this disease can last several days. The first sign of the disease is vomiting, which is repeated. In addition, there is an increase in temperature, diarrhea and general intoxication of the sick organism. With this disease, as a rule, urine is dark in color, and the stool, on the contrary, is light and frothy with a pungent odor. Less commonly, children have inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

Signs of disease in adults

how to avoid rotavirus infection
how to avoid rotavirus infection

In older people, this disease occurs with more blurred symptoms, causing indigestion, loss of appetite, and nausea. As a rule, rotavirus infection causes muscle weakness, lethargy, adynamia, headache, temperature in the range of 37.7degrees. Often there is swelling of the throat, white coating on the tongue, abdominal pain, watery stools, vomiting.

How to avoid rotavirus infection?

To prevent the disease, there are special vaccines that are taken orally. To reduce the chance of contracting an infection, basic hygiene practices should be followed. You need to wash your hands regularly, do not drink raw water, wash vegetables and fruits. If a sick person appears in the family, it is necessary to isolate him from the rest, providing him with individual hygiene products and the necessary items.
