Diarrhea with blood: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods

Diarrhea with blood: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods
Diarrhea with blood: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods

There are a number of diseases that people do not like to talk about, and sometimes even ashamed of them. Diarrhea is one of them. Meanwhile, this state is dangerous. It is a sign of existing disorders in the body. Not to mention that the condition itself can lead to dehydration and death. It should be especially alert if diarrhea with blood is observed. But at the same time, not all people know how to treat diarrhea and at what point you need to stop self-medication and consult a doctor.

bloody diarrhea in an adult
bloody diarrhea in an adult

What is this

Despite the fact that almost everyone has experienced an upset stomach, the mechanism of its occurrence sometimes remains in the shadows. Therefore, we understand the concepts. Diarrhea is usually called a condition when a person performs bowel movements very often. There are no exact figures here, since everyone's body works in its own mode. You can follow the following rules:

  • A normally eating person should emptyintestines 1 to 2 times in two days.
  • If you have a bowel movement more than twice a day, this can be considered a sign of diarrhea.

But a commonplace disorder can even be the result of mild stress and does not require immediate treatment. Bloody diarrhea is a more serious symptom and should be taken seriously.

The second determining factor to consider is the consistency of the stool. Normally, stool excrement is shaped like a sausage. With diarrhea, it is a liquid slurry, sometimes just water. Doctors divide it into acute (symptoms persist for up to two weeks) and chronic.

Accompanying symptoms

Diarrhea with blood is not an independent disease, but only a symptom. Or rather, one of them. But it is impossible to determine the disease by one fact. It is extremely rare that diarrhea occurs against the background of complete he alth. Therefore, the doctor should be aware of other symptoms. It could be:

  • Temperature increase.
  • Weakness.
  • Nausea.
  • Increased gas formation.
  • Abdominal pain.
diarrhea with blood causes
diarrhea with blood causes

How to make a diagnosis

To do this, the doctor will need a lot of additional information. Therefore, you need to prepare a detailed story about your feelings and observations. For example, such an indicator as the consistency of the stool is important. Muddy, liquid, watery diarrhea may indicate various gastrointestinal diseases.

Diarrhea with blood is another scenario. Additionally, mucus andundigested pieces of food. To make a diagnosis, you need to consider the color of the discharge, its volume (abundant or scanty) and the smell (offensive or not).


The reasons for this condition may be different. And if you can’t quickly install it, then the treatment will be much more effective. Otherwise, you can lose a lot of time, especially when it comes to a child. With a small body weight, dehydration develops much faster.

Unlike the common disorder, the causes of bloody diarrhea are somewhat different. Consider the most likely of them.

  • Infectious diseases. Their number is quite large. Diarrhea with blood can be a symptom of dysentery, enteritis, salmonellosis. The mechanism in these cases is the same. As a result of the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria, the intestinal mucosa is damaged. As a result of ulceration and erosion, blood can be shed and mixed with feces.
  • Stomach or duodenal ulcer. In this case, it will not be possible to independently recognize the disease. Gastric or intestinal bleeding is characterized by the fact that the feces, mixing with blood, acquire a brown or black color. Therefore, to make a diagnosis, you need to take a feces for analysis.
  • Inflammatory diseases. Ulcerative colitis and some other pathologies lead to changes in the intestinal walls. This increases the likelihood of their damage, and hence the bleeding into the intestinal lumen.
  • Anal fissures. A common cause of bloody diarrhea in adults. Diarrhea causes irritationanus, resulting in short-term bleeding from existing fissures.
  • Hemorrhoids. It can be external or internal. It is usually accompanied by severe pain and bleeding.
  • Oncological diseases. With the formation of tumors, damage to blood vessels is possible, which leads to slight bleeding. And the blood in the stool indicates the decomposition of the tumor.
diarrhea with blood in an adult treatment
diarrhea with blood in an adult treatment

Baby with bloody diarrhea

This is a disturbing symptom that can throw parents into complete disarray. This disorder indicates that there are serious disorders in a small body that require immediate medical attention. The best thing you can do is to see a doctor and get a full examination.

The reasons for this phenomenon are the same as in adults. Additionally, pediatricians consider the likelihood of developing parasitic diseases, such as amoebiasis, giardiasis, and helminthiases. In breastfed babies, these symptoms may indicate cow's milk intolerance.

diarrhea with blood
diarrhea with blood

If there is a temperature

Diarrhea and blood in the stool are rarely accompanied by fever. But if vomiting also joins these two symptoms, this most likely indicates poisoning. Intake of low-quality food can provoke a similar reaction after 1-12 hours. An increase in temperature in this case indicates an inflammatory process, most often a lesion of the pancreas. In this casethe patient needs to be shown to the doctor as soon as possible.

Bloody diarrhea that is accompanied by a high temperature and lasts for more than a day is very serious. During this period, the gastrointestinal tract undergoes significant changes due to the pathological process. Only a doctor will be able to understand what caused the cause and prescribe an effective treatment.

A number of modern medicines are used to treat bloody diarrhea in adults. Sorbents and probiotics will help alleviate the condition. In addition, it is important to observe a special regimen: drinking plenty of water and a sparing diet. Rehydron solutions are used to stabilize the water-s alt balance in the body. Antibiotics and antimicrobials are prescribed only by the attending physician.

bloody diarrhea treatment
bloody diarrhea treatment

For food poisoning

We continue to look at the various causes in more detail. Diarrhea with blood in an adult in this case is accompanied by vomiting. If there is a suspicion (ate at dubious eateries), then consult a doctor. To block the absorption of toxins, you need to flush the stomach.

In case of poisoning, "Smekta", "Enterosgel", "Polyphepan" can help. These funds have a pronounced enveloping and binding effect. If an infection is diagnosed during the examination, then antibiotics are prescribed. But if the effect of toxins is stopped, then further treatment consists only in drinking plenty of water.

Stomach ulcer

The treatment of bloody diarrhea involves stopping the bleeding by healing the ulcer. For this, variousdrugs selected by a gastroenterologist. It is necessary to take into account the fact that diarrhea with blood and mucus causes dangerous disorders in the body. A large loss of fluid can lead to seizures and other dangerous consequences. It is important to eat and drink small, frequent meals.

In addition, blood loss will certainly lead to a decrease in hemoglobin. To return it to normal levels will help special preparations containing iron. It can be "Fenyuls", "Ferrum-lek", "M altofer". Today the pharmacy has syrups and tablets.

blood-streaked diarrhea
blood-streaked diarrhea


Diarrhea with blood streaks can also occur in this case, but there will be several reasons in this case. Indigestion itself can be caused by dietary errors, and scarlet blood on toilet paper indicates that internal hemorrhoids are bleeding and blood circulation in the intestine is disturbed.

Diarrhea in this case is treated with drugs that eliminate the inflammation of the nodes and stabilize the stool. Usually with such problems, people are embarrassed to go to the doctor. Therefore, you need to have on hand drugs that can alleviate the condition. If a prolapsed hemorrhoid is found, it is necessary to use healing anti-inflammatory ointments and rectal suppositories. As soon as the medicine begins to act, the bleeding will stop. Sea buckthorn candles help well, you can use the well-known "Relief".


This is a complex disease that is inflammation of the pancreasglands. In one patient, it proceeds with constipation and flatulence, in others, diarrhea with streaks of blood is characteristic. This happens as a result of the fact that violations in the function of the pancreas cause fragility of capillaries and other damage to blood vessels. As a result, bloody mucus is present in the stool.

First of all, you need to go on a strict diet. Refusing fatty, fried, spicy food is not only desirable, but necessary. The first couple of days it is better to switch to liquid food, this is water, rice water. From the second day, it is permissible to add fermented milk products, kefir or yogurt. Pureed soups and liquid cereals are gradually introduced.

Analgesics are used to relieve pain. Next, it is important to establish the work of the digestive gland itself. For this, anticholinergics, antibiotics can be taken, with insufficient production of enzymes, they are also prescribed in tablet form. Diarrhea during treatment resolves on its own, usually no additional drugs are required to combat this symptom.


If symptoms such as diarrhea and bloody stools persist for more than 48 hours or recur after a short period of remission, then examinations cannot be avoided. And the sooner this is done, the greater the chance of a successful outcome. With tumors of the digestive organs, bloody discharge from the anus is often observed. Often they are found on the surface of the stool and can be seen with the naked eye. But the higher the tumor is located, the darker the discharge will be.

Oncology requires specific treatment. doctorit is necessary to establish the nature of the formation, its size, location and make a decision about therapy. It can be chemotherapy or radiation therapy, surgery. Sometimes several methods are combined to block the possibility of metastasis.


This is another likely scenario in which bloody diarrhea is possible. Treatment in an adult or child in this case should begin with an examination by a surgeon. Injury to the intestine or other internal organ causes damage to its walls, bleeding occurs.

If the condition is life-threatening, then the person will be placed in a hospital. The patient is given intravenous infusions of prescribed drugs and saline solutions, intramuscular injections are made. For minor injuries, the necessary treatment will be prescribed. Most importantly, do not self-medicate and do not expect the disease to go away by itself.

diarrhea with blood in a child
diarrhea with blood in a child

Instead of a conclusion

The human digestive system is very complex. If there are failures, then you must definitely contact a therapist or immediately a gastroenterologist who can conduct an examination and give an opinion. In the event that a person is injured, you can immediately go to the appropriate emergency department, where a surgeon will examine him.

There are a lot of options for the causes of diarrhea and the appearance of inclusions or blood clots in it. Starting from banal dysbacteriosis and ending with severe diseases. In any case, it's not worth wasting time. Pay attention to the doctor and how the patient feels, whether there were complaints aboutappetite, pain, malaise recently. All this will help to orient and make the correct diagnosis.
