High lower blood pressure: causes and treatment

High lower blood pressure: causes and treatment
High lower blood pressure: causes and treatment

Increase in the lower indicator of blood pressure indicates a violation of the body's functions. The lower pressure is called diastolic. It is determined while the heart muscle is in a relaxed state, the blood moves through the vessels and overcomes the pressure of their walls. High lower pressure indicates incomplete relaxation of the heart muscle, the functioning of the circulatory system with large overloads. This is caused by the presence of vessels in increased tone.

Why is the low pressure high?

It is generally accepted that a deviation from the norm of lower pressure indicates a violation in the work of the kidneys. They are a source of the enzyme renin, which is responsible for keeping blood vessels in good shape. One of the main causes of high lower blood pressure is an increase in blood volume in the body. It occurs in the following cases:

  • disruption of the endocrine system, it increases the amount of sodium and fluid in the tissues;
  • kidney disease resulting in inadequate excretion of s alts and fluids;
  • abuse of smoked, spicy, s alty foods;
  • lack of exercise and, as a result, the presence of excess weight.

Other reasons

Additional causes of increased diastolic BP:

  • hormonal imbalance caused by malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • failures in renal circulation;
  • Smoking and alcohol provoke accelerated aging of blood vessels, loss of their elasticity;
  • intervertebral hernia pinches nerve endings, causing spasms in the circulatory system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • staying in a stressful state, the cortisol released at the same time maintains increased vascular tone.

There are times when an increase in pressure is not caused by a disease, but by prolonged physical and mental stress.

high lower pressure
high lower pressure

Symptoms of disease

Increasing the lower entails an increase in the upper pressure. Therefore, the symptoms correspond to those of hypertension. And this:

  • headaches;
  • shortness of breath;
  • heartbeat palpitations;
  • swelling of extremities in some cases;
  • tinnitus and nausea.
high lower pressure
high lower pressure

Signs that occur if upper pressure is normal

If it remains within normal limits, then the following symptoms are observed:

  • dizziness;
  • cold sweating;
  • shortness of breath.

When these symptoms are detected, treatment should be started immediately. Elevated diastolic blood pressure can lead to myocardial infarction, stroke, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

And only after the doctor has examined and determined the causes and how to reduce high lower pressure, the patient can proceed totherapy.

high lower pressure causes and how to reduce
high lower pressure causes and how to reduce

Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor treatment

These are drugs that act on ACE blocking. Angiotensin is a converting enzyme - the bioactive substance renin produced by the kidneys. It rearranges the angiotensinogen protein in the human body, which is located in the blood plasma, to decapeptide angiotensin I. As a result of this reaction, the vessels expand and the concentration of angiotensin decreases (the latter is responsible for the increase in pressure). Some drugs:

  • "Enalapril";
  • "Ramipril";
  • "Lisinopril".

Medicines of this type help to lower both diastolic and systolic blood pressure. But it should be noted that these drugs are of great importance on the lower. Another class of drugs can give similar results.

enzyme angiotensin
enzyme angiotensin

Angiotensin 2 receptor blocker

These drugs interfere with the action of special receptors with angiothesin 2. Due to this, the mechanism of large vasoconstriction and increased pressure, the main systolic order, is blocked. Types of drugs:

  • "Losartan";
  • "Valsartan";
  • "Karsartan".
lozaran tablets
lozaran tablets

Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor and angiotensin receptor antagonist 2 doctors prescribe for elevated blood pressure, which couldcontribute to kidney disease.

Beta blockers

They affect both systolic and diastolic pressure. These drugs help block adrenoceptors, which are located in the heart muscle itself, and therefore affect systolic pressure. But also the diastolic is also raised due to the vasodilating effect.

low pressure high causes
low pressure high causes

Dietary supplements

You can help reduce lower blood pressure if you drink daily dietary supplements that help improve blood vessels. They strengthen the walls of arteries, as well as capillaries, increase their elasticity, remove cholesterol deposits from the vessels. You should take biologically active supplements containing rutin, quercetin, vitamin C, magnesium and potassium, B vitamins.

  • "Ascorutin";
  • "Asparkam";
  • "Hawthorn extract";
  • "Vitrum Cardio".
asparkam tablets
asparkam tablets


A large number of people suffer from high blood pressure. This is a rather dangerous condition, which, if not treated in time, can cause other, no less serious problems. But there is good news for those who don't know what to do if the down pressure is high. You can fight the manifestations simply by following the rules of a he althy diet.

With high lower pressure, first of all, you need to consume the minimum amount of s alt (no more than 4 g per day). It is she who retains excess fluid in the body, which leads tospasms of blood vessels and the appearance of edema. It is also worth giving up bad habits, especially nicotine, which constricts blood vessels, disrupts blood circulation and, consequently, increases pressure. In addition, as you know, in addition to nicotine, cigarettes contain a huge amount of harmful additives that have a negative effect on the heart.

To improve the condition of veins, arteries and capillaries, you need to eat foods that will contain enough potassium, magnesium and vitamins:

  1. Meat and liver: veal, beef, turkey, chicken.
  2. Fish: fresh, no s alt.
  3. Seasonings: onion, garlic and mustard powder, nutmeg, cumin, horseradish, oregano, vanilla, mint, parsley, vinegar, bay leaf, dill, curry, turmeric, red paprika.
  4. Soups: with meat, fruits or vegetables - definitely homemade!
  5. Dairy products: cheese without s alt, milk, curdled milk, sour milk.
  6. Vegetables: broccoli, spinach, pumpkin, potatoes, beets, green vegetables, bell peppers, cabbage.
  7. Fruits: melon, avocado, hujava, figs, mango, kiwi, dates, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes), grapes, fruit juices.
  8. Bread, pastries, cereals: any kind of flour, rice (especially brown), semolina, barley, oats, buckwheat, wheat, corn starch, pasta, etc.
  9. Fats: uns alted sunflower seeds, almonds, uns alted margarine, vegetable oils, avocado oil, homemade mayonnaise.

So that food does not seem bland, you can use different ways to cook it: ongrilling, steaming, cooking and baking food. You can also use the above seasonings and your favorite herbs. Before cooking vegetables and rice, water can be acidified with lemon juice.

To create the right balanced diet for a person suffering from high blood pressure, it is recommended to seek the help of a nutritionist. If this is not possible, it will be enough just to stick to a he althy diet, including more products from the list above in your menu.

how to lower high blood pressure
how to lower high blood pressure

Folk remedies

After the causes of high lower pressure are established, and medical treatment has not brought sufficient effect, they turn to herbs.

Hawthorn. This is one of the very fast-acting decoctions, which contains rutins or otherwise vitamins P and quercetins, B vitamins and ascorbic acids - substances that help strengthen blood vessels and improve heart activity. In order to instantly reduce diastolic blood pressure, you need to drink hawthorn tincture or its decoction. The tool can be purchased at any pharmacy and also cooked by yourself

Valerian. This is another way to reduce high low blood pressure. It is used as a tincture, extract or decoction of valerian roots. It helps to dilate blood vessels, relax them, therefore it lowers blood pressure very well. Recipe: grind two tablespoons of valerian root, pour ten tablespoons of seventy percent alcohol. Well close, put inunlit warm room. Insist for two weeks. Strain. Drink twenty drops three times a day. In order to instantly eliminate high blood pressure - drink thirty drops. Dilute in thirty to fifty milliliters of water. Take four tablespoons of chopped root, put in a thermos. Pour in a liter of boiling water. Close the lid. Set ten to twelve o'clock. Strain. Drink one and a half tablespoons three times a day

Stevia. This is another great way to lower your blood pressure. Stevia contains a lot of a specific flavonoid, and also vitamin C, which helps to normalize blood pressure, cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol and lowers sugar in the circulatory system. Infusion can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is added to the drink because it is very sweet. How much to drink, you need to discuss with your doctor

Linen. In order to improve blood vessels, its seeds will also work well. They are saturated with various vitamins (there is also ascorbic acid), antioxidants: potassium, amino acid and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Method: take half a glass of flax seeds, rinse well. Pour five hundred milliliters of water, put in a water bath. Keep three hours. Remove, cool and drink one-third of a glass twice a day. It should be noted that this remedy is contraindicated in those who have urolithiasis and other kidney diseases. Well suited, both for a one-time drink and for a course appointment (up to a maximum of one and a half months)


Prophylaxis for high lower blood pressure is as follows:

  1. Normalization of the daily routine.
  2. Lifestyle changes.
  3. If there are no contraindications - physical activity.
  4. Balance nutrition.

But don't make a diagnosis yourself. At the first cases of high lower pressure, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. After all, it can be a harbinger of a more serious illness. And as you know, it is better to treat all of them at the beginning of development.
