Herpes on the body: photos, symptoms and treatment

Herpes on the body: photos, symptoms and treatment
Herpes on the body: photos, symptoms and treatment

The herpes virus on the body has many forms and equally affects both children and adults. The most common diseases of adolescence can be called chickenpox (chicken pox) and infectious mononucleosis. An adult is susceptible to all major types of disease, even with strong immunity.

herpes on the body of an adult
herpes on the body of an adult


The cause of herpetic eruptions on the body is the herpes virus of the first or second type. If you have had herpetic eruptions on your body before, then there is a chance that they will recur. This is due to the fact that the herpes virus is introduced into the structure of the DNA of the nervous system, after which it is impossible to get rid of it. If it is present in the DNA structure, then its manifestation is possible for various reasons and conditions, some of which will be described below. But there is no need to be afraid of the presence of herpes, because in a he althy body it does not manifest itself.

Herpetic eruptions in children on the body can occur after the primary infection with herpes. Newborn babies can become infected while breastfeeding. However, milk itself is notcarrier of the virus, and the very fact of contact with the mother becomes the cause of charging. Conditions that increase the risk of herpes on the body are listed below:

  • frequent stress conditions;
  • lowered immunity;
  • exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • the patient has diabetes;
  • use of various medications;
  • sharp hypothermia or overheating of the body.

Most often, it is the poor state of the immune system that provokes this disease.


The herpes virus is one of the most common infections that affects children and adults equally.

It is possible to detect the first signs of defeat by this immunological virus in yourself or your own child by carefully studying the symptoms of herpes on the body. In the photo of the body of an infected person, you can see the lesions of the skin:

  1. Redness of the skin on the face, ears and neck (manifestation of the contact route of infection from person to person or from animal to person).
  2. Appearance of shingles red rash - on the abdomen, arms, legs, chest, shoulder blades. These signs, combined with a high temperature, indicate the development of chicken pox or "chickenpox". Both a child and an adult can catch such a virus (provided that they did not get sick in childhood).
  3. Buttock scar spots. They occur with the contact method of transmission, if you use common bath accessories - a bathrobe, a towel, and so on.
  4. Aches all over the body, more often and stronger where the peripheralnerve fiber.
  5. Severe itchy skin.
  6. Appearance of large white pimples on the labia and burning when urinating (only with genital herpes).
  7. Increased body temperature up to 37.5-38°C.
  8. Other signs of inflammation.
  9. body herpes treatment
    body herpes treatment


To determine exactly which type of herpes on the body in an adult affects the body, you can use:

  1. PCR diagnostics. This analysis is carried out in a hospital or specialized laboratory. Arterial blood is taken from the patient for DNA virus markers. After that, with an accuracy of 99.9%, they name the degree of damage, the type of foreign agent and drugs that can cope with the infection.
  2. Serodiagnosis. It is also a laboratory type of study, which is based on the sampling of arterial blood to determine the cause of an immunological failure. It is carried out in the event of an erased symptomatology to make a final diagnosis. The result of such a study is presented in the form of a large map that reflects all the basic data on the patient's condition and shows the features of virus attachment.
herpes on the body photo symptoms
herpes on the body photo symptoms


The herpes virus of the usual type groups the 1st and 2nd serotypes. Herpes simplex virus type 1 is classified as HSV-1. In the medical literature, it is also called oral (oral) or labial (labial) herpes. HSV-1 - the most popular typeof all medical significance. Infection, as a rule, occurs in the first years of a person's life. The most common location is the lips and nasolabial triangle.


The herpes simplex virus type 2 is briefly referred to as HSV-2. In the medical literature, it is labeled as sexual or anogenital (the location of the lesions in the anus and genitals). Under specific circumstances, genital herpes can damage other parts of the body, even entire affected areas have been identified with HSV-2. As a rule, HSV-2 is transmitted sexually. A study of a girl planning a pregnancy for the presence of IgG to herpes of the 2nd type can help detect gynecological diseases and implement timely therapy, which increases the possibility of a standard course of the gestational stage and the birth of a he althy baby.

Herpes virus - zoster

Herpes virus of the 3rd type is a varicella-zoster virus or herpes zoster. It enters the body either through the household route or through airborne droplets. Infection at an early age gives rise to chickenpox. Even after having been ill with chickenpox, the preschooler remains the eternal VZV virus carrier. The microbe attacks the nervous system. Relapses in mature people stimulate a disease called herpes zoster. Symptoms in infancy are clearly manifested. As a rule, the disease has a benign course (to a greater extent, an absolute cure). The acute stage lasts up to 2 months.

herpes on the body treatment in adults
herpes on the body treatment in adults

Epstein-Barr virus

Herpes virus 4th species - Epstein - Barr. It gives rise to an acute infectious disease. The medical picture occurs in people with immunodeficiencies. Acute infectious mononucleosis is the destruction of the mucous layers of the oropharynx and lymph nodes, which is characterized by significant temperature, possible damage to the liver and spleen, and changes in the morphology of blood cells (atypical mononuclear cells). As a rule, a person suffers from mononucleosis in adolescence or young age. Infection is airborne or contact (including oral-genital). Hidden interval from 5 to 50 days.


Herpes virus of the 5th type - cytomegalovirus. Medical signs are extremely rare. More often there is a sluggish flow. Infection is airborne, contact (kissing, sexual intercourse, blood transfusion, intrauterine, through breast milk). Infection is confirmed by the detection of huge cytomegalo cells in human blood. The medical picture is formed when the immune system is weakened. The hidden period is up to 60 days.


Herpesvirus 6 is classified as HHV-6. This is a single name for a human virus of 2 subtypes corresponding to each other. In older people, the HHV-6A category expresses dynamism in the form of one of the provocateurs of the formation of multiple sclerosis.


Herpesvirus 7 is classified as HHV-7. Often this type of microbe is mixed with the herpes virus of the sixth species. HHV-7 is considered a likely contributor to chronic fatigue syndrome and cancer.diseases of lymphoid tissue.


Herpes virus 8 is classified as HHV-8 or HHV-8. This stimulus affects lymphocytes. In addition, it is able to stay in the body of he althy people in a latent state for a long time. The herpes microbe of the 8th type passes by contact, during organ transplantation, through the placenta from mother to fetus, during pregnancy and during childbirth, when the fetus moves through the birth canal. The disease is activated due to radiation therapy.

Treatment of the symptoms of herpes on the body can be carried out by different methods.

herpes on the body
herpes on the body

Drug therapy

Drug treatment of herpes on the body, the photo of which is above, is a classic technique for influencing the cause of the disease and its consequences - the formation of a red rash or bubbles with a cloudy liquid on the genitals. The most effective means are:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs are medicinal substances that contain specialized components that actively counteract immunological agents. They relieve inflammation, stop itching, normalize the production of antibodies to increase the body's resistance.
  2. Broad-spectrum antibiotics. Since herpes has many varieties, including childhood diseases - chickenpox, mononucleosis, antibiotics are used to effectively get rid of the infection. They inhibit the growth and reproduction of aggressive foreign bacteria and normalize the functioning of damaged internal organs - the lungs.
  3. Hormonaldrugs - during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, herpes can occur as a result of hormonal changes or failure. Therefore, the local obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes hormonal drugs and antiviral ointments. It is believed that this treatment will be more than enough.
  4. Bactericidal ointments - used when herpes appears on the upper lip or nose. A striking example of a bactericidal ointment is Zovirax.
  5. Vitamins and immunostimulants - used to stimulate the body's natural resistance. In addition, these drugs are indicated for people with other diseases of the genitourinary system or chronic hepatitis.
  6. herpes on the body photo
    herpes on the body photo

Herbal treatment

Treatment of herpes on the body in an adult (photo of rashes above) can be carried out with folk remedies. Oregano, succession, wormwood can fight this virus. Various tinctures are made from these herbs. It is worth noting that it is necessary to start the treatment of herpes with various herbs from small portions. There are some plants that are poisonous, and large doses will simply harm the body. They can poison him. Therefore, it is necessary to start the treatment of herpes at home by observing the reaction of the body. In addition, herbal treatment should be carried out by combining them with other drugs.

Echinacea tea can be bought at the pharmacy. This is an excellent tool with which it is easy to strengthen the immune system in general. In turn, strengthening the immune system will help to avoid various viral diseases in the future.

Echinacea works well for herpes and othersinfections. In the treatment of herpes, calendula tincture is used. In addition to the fact that the tincture is taken orally, it can also wipe the sore spot. Chamomile tea is often used to prevent viral infections. Chamomile is a fairly common method for treating diseases such as a runny nose, toothache or gastritis. If you mix chamomile with propolis, the effect of herpes treatment will double.

Licorice root works well. You can make tea based on this plant and drink it. But you should be careful, because when using licorice in large doses, there is a risk of poisoning. For the treatment of herpes, you can use a decoction of tansy. It can be drunk 2 times a day, and a rich tincture can be applied externally. A fairly effective option against herpes is Kalanchoe. When using this plant, the disease will pass in a few days. Kalanchoe is used to treat other diseases. This is a plant available to everyone. Many in the house have it.

herpes on the body photo treatment
herpes on the body photo treatment


Prevention of herpes on the body is the maintenance of the immune system. After all, understanding that herpes is a virus that progresses with weak immunity, it is quite possible to fight it with different methods.

Herpes has several types of pathogens and manifests itself in different parts of the body. In most people who had chickenpox as a child, the virus remains inactive in the body. But with a decrease in immunity, stress, as well as large and prolonged physical exertion, the virus is activated and can affect not only the skin, but also internal organs. maintenanceImmunity is the basis for the prevention of herpes. Eating enough foods rich in important trace elements, vitamins A, C, E, we can maintain a good immune system.

Do not forget about the visual examination of the body, especially in children, they can not always explain the first symptoms of herpes. You also need to understand that there is no universal drug or method for the prevention and treatment of herpes. For any symptoms that even indirectly indicate herpes, you should consult a doctor. After all, timely treatment is the key to a successful cure without complications, as well as reducing the cost of therapy.
