Vitaly Ostrovsky (folk healer): reviews, short biography, recommendations

Vitaly Ostrovsky (folk healer): reviews, short biography, recommendations
Vitaly Ostrovsky (folk healer): reviews, short biography, recommendations

Who is Vitaly Semenovich Ostrovsky? It is known to many Internet users who seek natural healing, treatment without synthesized drugs, as well as those who are interested in spiritual practices.

Vitaly Ostrovsky folk healer biography
Vitaly Ostrovsky folk healer biography

If you found out about him now or just recently, want to understand whether it is worth listening to his advice, applying recipes on yourself, then be sure to read this article to the end. You will meet folk healer Vitaly Ostrovsky, reviews of which will also be presented below. You will surely resolve many doubts about methods, recommendations and practical recipes.

Short biography

It is worth saying that Vitaly Semenovich does not advertise either his personal life or his speci alty. There is also no data for what reason he began to engage in herbal medicine, promote he althy eating and spiritual life. Despite his obscurity in his biography, he became famous among supporters of a he althy lifestyle. It is only known that Ostrovsky was born in Russia.

In principle, in the biography of the folk healer VitalyOstrovsky can only include only the fact that he is a talented herbalist, knows perfectly well how to treat many diseases without resorting to medicines from pharmacies. And also we add that he is a deeply believing man in God. But, unfortunately, it is difficult to understand whether he professes the Orthodox faith or another.

Vlogger and writer

Folk healer Vitaly Ostrovsky (photo below) has his own YouTube channel, where he regularly uploads useful videos about he althy eating, gymnastics, and the treatment of diseases. He has a lot of not only subscribers, but also fans. He also has an official website.

Vitaly Ostrovsky folk healer reviews
Vitaly Ostrovsky folk healer reviews

For those who want to help themselves recover from illnesses, as well as for the prevention of pathologies, Vitaly Semenovich wrote several books. The publications describe in detail what should be done and how, recommendations and warnings are given.

Folk healer Vitaly Ostrovsky answers questions from channel subscribers and readers, repeatedly gives many explanations.

He althy helps a lot

It is important to note that Vitaly Semenovich's transfer on YouTube is called "He althy helps a lot." He emphasizes this in almost every video, making it clear that all recommendations are addressed to people who do not have serious pathologies.

folk healer Vitaly Ostrovsky
folk healer Vitaly Ostrovsky

Of course, each reader and listener takes responsibility for himself. In addition, in almost every issue, as well as in all books and onThere is a warning on the website that a sick person should consult a doctor before using a prescription. All these warnings are given to everyone without exception, but there are still negative reviews. Vitaly Ostrovsky is a folk healer who has tried many recipes on himself, is well versed in anatomy (it is possible that his real profession is connected with medicine or biochemistry).

What diseases are we talking about

Vitaly Semenovich talks about the treatment of many common diseases:

  • male diseases (prostatitis and prostate adenoma);
  • gastritis and gastric ulcer;
  • allergy;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis;
  • parasitic, viral and fungal infections;
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • kidney and bladder problem;
  • oncology;
  • female and male infertility;
  • diseases of the joints, muscles, bones and so on.

The list can be long enough. Vitaly Ostrovsky is a folk healer, whose biography is silent, gives recommendations that helped many, but there are also those who were harmed.

Who did the tips and recipes help?

In the comments of each YouTube video, you can see a lot of questions, as well as thanks. Indeed, many who listened to the healer's warnings about whether to consult a doctor or do everything carefully on a trial basis received positive results.

Vitaliy Ostrovsky folk healer reviews food
Vitaliy Ostrovsky folk healer reviews food

Before you apply this or that recipe given by folk healer Vitaly Ostrovsky, you need to carefully consider whether it is worth trying on yourself or not. For example, a recipe is given with garlic and linseed oil to thin thick blood. You need to make sure that there are no contraindications to the use of garlic, there are no gallstones, and the blood is not liquid. It would seem that the recipe is simple, natural and harmless at first glance. But one teaspoon of the drug can cause various troubles.

Who writes negative reviews?

Vitaly Ostrovsky is a traditional healer, reviews of which are negative for the following reasons:

  • someone does not accept folk remedies;
  • someone's advice hurt;
  • someone was skeptical about the recipes due to lack of evidence that the technique works.

Therefore, everyone who is ready to apply this or that prescription on himself should listen to the advice of a competent doctor, to his body, and act very carefully. You should start with the minimum dosage.

About proper and natural nutrition

There are other great topics about nutrition. Vitaly Ostrovsky is a traditional healer, reviews of which are mostly grateful in terms of how to eat right, what foods to combine, and what to completely exclude. Recommended for study, as many diseases arise due to improper diet.

folk healer Vitaly Ostrovsky photo
folk healer Vitaly Ostrovsky photo

There are also videos and book sections dedicated to spiritual life and exercises. These materials also have positive reviews. Vitaly Ostrovsky is a folk healer who does not accept bad habits, store products, has good he alth at an honorable age, is always in a good mood and devotes himself every day to people who want to help themselves get rid of illnesses.
