Gout on the feet: a disease of age or excess?

Gout on the feet: a disease of age or excess?
Gout on the feet: a disease of age or excess?

Gout is the result of disorders of purine metabolism in the body. Purines in greater or lesser quantities are always present in the diet of any person. Their highest content is observed in animal products and in alcohol. Purines are converted into uric acid in the body through food. Gout (bone on the leg) occurs when metabolic disorders in the articular bag of the thumb. There is an accumulation of acid crystals, which causes attacks of terrible pain. What does gout look like on the legs? Photos can be viewed in this article.

gout on the feet
gout on the feet

How does illness begin?

A gout attack overtakes the patient most often at night, as a rule, after a plentiful feast with the intake of alcoholic beverages. A person wakes up from a sharp sudden and very severe pain in the leg. The joint literally turns red and swells before our eyes. The pain is so intense that he althy and strong men (most often they have gout on their legs) can hardly hold back tears. Getting out of bed without help is simply impossible.

Gout on the legs: first aid to the sick

The first action of relatives and friends is to call the ambulance team. lightencondition and slightly reduce inflammation will help wrapping the diseased joint with ice. If the diagnosis of "gout on the legs" has already been made to the patient, then the first-aid kit should contain the medicine "Diclofenac" or a similar drug.

gout on legs photo
gout on legs photo

It is necessary to take 50 mg (single dose) of the drug before the doctors arrive. It is necessary to do this every two hours during the first half a day after the onset of the attack. Excretion of uric acid will contribute to drinking plenty of water. These "fire" measures should noticeably reduce pain. What will the doctor do? He will inject the same drug "Diclofenac" intramuscularly and issue a sick leave for a week. That is how much it is necessary for the gout on the legs to “calm down”. Another doctor will definitely write out a referral for a blood test. Today, rheumatologists have a more effective means of relieving an attack - the introduction of glucocorticosteroid drugs (synthetic analogues of hormones) into the joint. This is the perfect remedy: the inflammation disappears after 5 hours, and even a bulletin is not required. The injection must be performed by a qualified person.

What is dangerous gout

The disease is unique in that after an attack, the patient does not have any painful sensations, and a second outbreak of the disease can occur only after a year. If you take the treatment lightly, then over time the attacks will become frequent (up to monthly), the joint will be hopelessly disfigured.

gout bone in leg
gout bone in leg

A constant excess of uric acid will lead to a persistent increase in blood pressure andheart diseases. The patient runs the risk of earning cholelithiasis, but these are all “flowers”. "Berries" in the form of kidney failure will appear 3-5 years after the first attack of gout, because an increase in the level of uric acid will inevitably lead to nephritis. In order to prevent these terrible changes, you should follow all the doctor's orders and follow a lifelong strict diet. According to her, it is strictly not recommended to consume the meat of young animals, offal and alcoholic beverages. It is strictly forbidden to drink beer - it is extremely high in purines.
