So what you need to know first of all in connection with hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS for short). Doctors associate this disease mainly with three symptoms: acute renal failure, hemolytic anemia, and thrombocytopenia. It should be noted that the last sign is usually the most pronounced. The disease is diagnosed mainly in young children.

Possible causes
The main factors that are associated with hemolytic uremic syndrome are an allergic reaction to medications, as well as a viral infection. Therefore, it is natural that the disease begins to develop after acute respiratory and gastric infections or while taking antibiotics. With regard to the pathogenesis of HUS, in this regard, the greatest importance is attached to the presence of autoallergic reactions. In some cases, they can even lead to systemic microangiopathy.

What signs are usually caused by hemolytic uremic syndrome? It should be noted that the course of the diseaseconditionally divided by doctors into three periods. The first, prodromal, can last from one day to two weeks. The second, the so-called "peak period" - from one to three weeks. Then comes the period of recovery (or death) of the patient.
The first part of the disease generally resembles poisoning and is accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, acute pain in the stomach, diarrhea with traces of blood. Some patients at this stage have convulsions, drowsiness and even loss of consciousness. After a prodromal period, many patients experience a visible recovery. Specialists also associate hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and kidney damage with hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Doctors note that the clinical picture, as a rule, is distinguished by polymorphism. In some patients, manifestations of a hemolytic crisis may dominate, in others - signs of acute renal failure. Hemolytic anemia is considered a common symptom for all cases - it appears in the midst of HUS.
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome in children at the second stage is characterized by deathly pallor of the skin. In the presence of jaundice, hyperbilirubinemia may be detected. Direct Coombs reaction is usually negative, hemoglobin is lowered, the number of erythrocytes is reduced. Also, patients often have nosebleeds.

Usually, doctors diagnose HUS based on three main criteria: the presence of hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, and uremia. In general, the clinical picture resembles Moszkowitz's syndrome.(kidney damage, blood clots, etc.), with the only difference that the latter is usually observed in older children, and microthrombosis occurs mainly in the heart and liver.
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome: treatment
Suppression of auto-aggression is the main goal of treatment. As a rule, doctors direct all their efforts to prevent intravascular coagulation. Heparin and prednisolone help well. If medical treatment fails, hemodialysis is indicated.