How to take "Mexidol": before meals or after it?

How to take "Mexidol": before meals or after it?
How to take "Mexidol": before meals or after it?

This is a Russian drug that is used for violations of the microcirculation of the brain. How to take "Mexidol"? Before meals or after meals? Morning or evening?

In the instructions for use of the drug, there is no information about the compatibility of the active ingredients of the drug with food. In this connection, "Mexidol" can be taken regardless of the food that is part of the daily menu.

In addition, among the positive aspects of the drug, the following can be distinguished:

  • no nausea after drinking;
  • good portability;
  • antioxidant effect on the body.
take mexidol tablets before or after meals
take mexidol tablets before or after meals


As a rule, "Mexidol" must be taken in the presence of the following conditions and diseases:

  1. Various results of braincatastrophes (impaired microcirculation of the brain with damage to its tissue as a result of difficulty or complete cancellation of blood flow to its departments).
  2. Head injury.
  3. Diseases associated with vascular damage.
  4. Weakness.
  5. Ischemia (local decrease in blood supply, in most cases due to a vascular factor, which leads to temporary dysfunction or damage to a tissue or organ).
  6. Neurological diseases (a disease that develops as a result of damage to the brain and spinal cord, as well as peripheral nerve trunks and ganglia).
  7. Sluggishness.
  8. General malaise.
  9. Chronic stress (a serious illness that is detrimental to even more negative consequences: various mental disorders and serious ailments of internal organs).
  10. Withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism (a consequence of the depletion of the resources of the whole organism in general and the liver in particular).
  11. Vegetovascular dystonia (a complex of functional disorders based on dysregulation of vascular tone by the autonomic nervous system).
transferred stress
transferred stress

In each situation, the specialist, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient's body, develops a course of therapy, thanks to which the fastest effect can be achieved. In addition, the doctor will recommend how and at what time it is best to take Mexidol tablets.

Before or after a meal to use the drug? Read more about it below.


Despitea huge range of actions, "Mexidol" can not be used by all people. Highlight situations in which the use of the medicine will not bring the desired effect, for example:

  1. Individual intolerance to substances.
  2. "Interesting position" of a woman.
  3. Breastfeeding.
  4. Acute liver and kidney disease.
how to take Mexidol before meals or after
how to take Mexidol before meals or after


How to take "Mexidol", before meals or after meals? Food does not affect the absorption of the drug. The drug belongs to the antioxidant drugs, as a rule, it is used in violation of the functioning of the brain.

If you read the instructions for using "Mexidol" in more detail, then it indicates only the dosages that can be taken per day, as well as the duration of therapy with this medication.

So how to take "Mexidol" before or after meals? The use of the drug is not tied to food intake, that is, a person can take it when it is convenient for him. The main rule is compliance with the dosage and sequence of administration.


If a patient has doubts about the use of any drug, it is best to consult a specialist. Doctors say that "Mexidol" in tablets can be taken regardless of the time of eating.

In the instructions for use for the drug "Mexidol" does not indicate any interactions of the active substance withfood or other drugs, which would lead to a decrease in the pharmacological action of the first or an increase in its toxic effect on the patient's body.

how to take medicine mexidol before meals or after meals
how to take medicine mexidol before meals or after meals

Now you know how to take Mexidol. Before or after meals, it doesn't matter. The drug can be taken at any time, regardless of the diet.

"Mexidol" is well tolerated by patients and does not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Nausea may occur very rarely, but it is not associated with the peculiarities of use.

The key is only compliance with dosing - the daily concentration of the active substance is 250-500 milligrams, which is equal to three to four tablets per day, which must be divided into two or three doses.
