It's always nice to look at a beautiful smile. To keep your teeth he althy, you need to take good care of them regularly. But it doesn't always work out the way we want. Since there are a number of reasons that affect the deterioration of tooth enamel, partial or complete destruction of teeth. As a result, we have to seek help from doctors who deal with these and other dental and oral problems.

In cases where one tooth or several have already been lost and had to resort to removal, such an option as removable dentures is possible. They are divided into groups and subgroups: partial, complete and conditionally removable. Partial are clasp, lamellar and nylon. Almost all removable dentures have similar elements: a base or base on the alveolar process with additional fastening and a platform on which artificial teeth are placed.

All artificial teeth are very wear-resistant and look good aesthetically, as they are made using all modern technologies. With good and proper care, removable dentures will last a long time, they do not change their original appearance, density and color. In addition, when choosing a prosthesis for a patient, his personal wishes and characteristic features are taken into account.mouth.
The durability of your dentures depends on how you take care of them. All of their varieties are designed for the oral mucosa, so self-cleaning is excluded. Dentures made of plastic need to be cleaned, as the color will change and plaque will appear on the surface. They need to be washed every day, the ideal option would be after each meal.
If you take care of the prosthesis incorrectly, an inflammatory process in the oral cavity may occur. What to choose for their cleaning, everyone decides for himself, depending on the individual characteristics of the acidity of the stomach, diet, medications taken and bad habits.
Partial removable dentures are used in cases where one or a pair of teeth is lost. They are made entirely of plastic, with the exception of fastening locks. This prosthesis will be light and inexpensive. It is especially widely used when temporary prosthetics are carried out. With the help of special systems, it is possible to fix prostheses without fastening hooks, they will not be visually noticeable. Such systems are called "attachments".

Nowadays, removable dentures are made from acrylic, nylon, polyurethane and other materials, with their help they achieve a natural look of products. This allows the dentures to be of good quality at a low price.
To leave or remove the prosthesis at night, this is also up to everyone to decide for themselves, the main thing is to clean it before going to bed. In order not to change the color of the plastic from which removable dentures are made, they must be stored inhumid environment. Therefore, at first it is better not to remove them, but to leave them in the mouth, moreover, addiction will pass faster, since in the first month there will be slight discomfort or unusual sensations. In any case, you should regularly seek advice from specialists.