Ear correction: indications, description of the procedure, reviews

Ear correction: indications, description of the procedure, reviews
Ear correction: indications, description of the procedure, reviews

In this work, we will analyze in detail the issue of ear correction. Many are dissatisfied with what nature gave them from birth. Although this is wrong, because you need to love yourself the way you really are. Only then will others begin to appreciate you.

ear correction
ear correction

However, many in the pursuit of beauty and Hollywood beauty standards are ready to lie on the surgical table without hesitation. Pay incredible money to a dubious specialist and get the opposite effect as a result. If you have already decided on plastic surgery, then you need to know all the nuances of this procedure. Let's talk about it now.


Let's start with the fact that ear correction has a name - otoplasty. Prices for otoplasty in Moscow start from three thousand rubles, it all depends on the complexity and method of the procedure. Why do people resort to such procedures? Everything is very simple, because the shape and size of the ears play a very important role in the integrity of the image. Even a very beautiful face can be spoiled by large protruding ears: they make it comical. Correction of protruding ears and other defects is possible using methodsmodern medicine.

otoplasty in moscow prices
otoplasty in moscow prices

Otoplasty is a fairly popular procedure that many stars resort to. Among them are:

  • Brad Pitt;
  • Rachel Lemkuhl;
  • Evgeny Kryukov;
  • Pavel Priluchny;
  • Rihanna;
  • Beyoncé and others.

It is also very important to understand that otoplasty, like other surgical interventions, has its own indications, contraindications and risks. But if the first time it was not possible to achieve the expected effect, then a second operation is possible.

In those cases when only the earlobes need to be corrected, they do not resort to surgery, administering injections of hyaluronic acid (fillers). This fixes the following problems:

  • aging skin changes;
  • loss of volume;
  • thinning;
  • pulling.

Otoplasty is divided into the following types:

Aesthetic A less time-consuming procedure to correct protruding ears, correct the earlobe, remove underdevelopment, and so on.
Reconstructive The end result can only be seen in a year. The operation is carried out in stages. This method allows you to make a new ear that will not differ in any way from the one given by nature.

Otoplasty is also divided into two more types:

  • open;
  • closed.

In the first case, the surgeon makes one, but a large incision,which requires sutures. The closed view is characterized by several incisions that do not require suturing. The surgeon independently decides which method to resort to, based on the requirements of the patient and his own professional skills. As you can see, it is impossible to accurately and unambiguously indicate the price of otoplasty, it all depends on many factors.


In this section, we list the indications for ear correction surgery. These include:

  • underdevelopment of the auricles (congenital);
  • absence (complete or partial) of the auditory organ;
  • overgrown ear canal;
  • asymmetry;
  • congenital or acquired deformity of the ear;
  • protruding ears;
  • wrong shape of ears (both one and both);
  • cartilage hypertrophy (strong ear protrusion);
  • "macaque ear" (these are flattened or underdeveloped ear curls);
  • wrong angle between the skull and auricle (the norm is 30 degrees);
  • lobe deformity (protruding, retracted, small, fused earlobe, etc.).

The cost of otoplasty depends entirely on the type of operation and on the method of its implementation. The final price can be found out only after consultation with a specialist.


Change the shape of the ear, restore it after an injury, correct protruding ears and do other otoplasty procedures using several methods. This is laser surgery or the classic scalpel form. The second method is inferior to the first in aesthetics, as scars remain after it. However, the classicalplastic surgery is simply necessary in severe cases, such as the restoration of the ear or part of it after a serious injury. Please note that the operation in each case will not affect the quality of the patient's hearing. Let's take a closer look at each method.

Laser method

fused earlobe
fused earlobe

Laser ear correction will help get rid of almost any problem associated with the shape of the ears. It helps to safely achieve neat ears. Note that there are a number of contraindications for laser otoplasty:

  • presence of diseases of the circulatory system;
  • ear tumor;
  • diseases of the ear canal;
  • low or high blood pressure;
  • presence of inflammatory processes;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnancy.

There are other contraindications to the procedure, they can be identified by the doctor during the examination. If there is one or more contraindications, the doctor has the right to refuse the patient the procedure.


ear shape
ear shape

Classic ear correction surgery is much cheaper than laser otoplasty, but it also has some disadvantages. After the laser procedure, scars may remain, but they are almost invisible, and after the scalpel method, impressive scars may remain. But many resort to such an operation to eliminate many defects (fused earlobe, protruding ears, and so on), since the classical operation is much cheaper. Also, this method of otoplastyhelps to correct serious disorders that laser surgery cannot cope with.

The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia. This method requires special preparation, and after the operation you will have to lie down a bit in the hospital. Read more about the preparation, postoperative period and rehabilitation after otoplasty below.


ear laser correction
ear laser correction

Ear correction by the classical method requires preparation. It is necessary to pass a number of tests: a general blood and urine test, biochemistry, blood for syphilis, hepatitis, and so on. If everything went well and no contraindications for the operation were found, then the date of the procedure is set.

The doctor makes the following recommendations:

  • 2 weeks before the scheduled operation, you should not take medicines that affect blood clotting;
  • do not drink alcohol and stop smoking;
  • nothing to eat or drink four hours before the scheduled operation;
  • be sure to wash your hair and ears well the day before.

Please note that it is not always possible to achieve the desired result the first time. Re-operation can be performed only after complete healing.


Now let's talk a little about the correction of the ears, or rather the lobes. Lobe changes with otoplasty are necessary for ruptures, sagging and age-related skin changes. This operation is carried out in two stages. The first is the excision of excess tissue. At this stage, the doctor removes all old scars (includingand those that remain after wearing the tunnels). At the second stage, the correct shape of the earlobe is formed and carefully fastened with a surgical thread.


Many want to change the shape of the ears. In this case, the surgeon works not only with skin tissue, but also with cartilage. From this we can conclude that the period of rehabilitation and healing will be longer. Local or general anesthesia is used for the operation. Depending on its complexity, the procedure can last from half an hour to two hours.

The incision is made on the posterior crease, so the surgeon gets access to the cartilage. After that, he forms it and carefully sutures it. After this manipulation, you need to firmly fix the ear with a tight bandage.

Post-operative period

After the correction of the ears with a scalpel, you will have to lie down in the hospital for a while under the supervision of doctors. You will have to stay in the hospital from one day to a week, depending on the severity of the operation. During this period, doctors make daily dressings and change tampons soaked in special antiseptic agents. If the operation was easy, then the patient can be discharged within a few hours after the manipulations.


protruding ear correction
protruding ear correction

The rehabilitation period lasts approximately three weeks, and it takes six months for complete healing. To relieve pain, the doctor prescribes analgesics. There are some recommendations for a quick recovery:

  • do not remove the bandage for a week;
  • change sterile wipes once every two days;
  • twoweeks without washing your hair;
  • after removing the stitches and six months after the operation, visit the surgeon.


What to do if after the operation one ear is larger than the other or has taken an irregular shape? Contact your plastic surgeon. He will prescribe you a second operation. Please note that not everything always goes smoothly, in rare cases there are such negative consequences:

  • infection;
  • appearance of allergic blisters;
  • large scarring;
  • cartilage inflammation;
  • deterioration of the shape of the ears.


one ear more
one ear more

In Moscow, otoplasty, the price of which varies from three to one hundred and seventy thousand, is a fairly common procedure. Even many celebrities resort to it. Reviews are mostly positive. This procedure is often performed on children between the ages of four and fourteen. Although many surgeons do not recommend surgery at an early age, as cartilage can change shape over the years.
