Phytocandles ear - instructions for use. Ear phytocandles - reviews, prices

Phytocandles ear - instructions for use. Ear phytocandles - reviews, prices
Phytocandles ear - instructions for use. Ear phytocandles - reviews, prices

Ear pain is unbearable. It permeates a person through and through. If even adults can endure, then children cannot endure these difficulties. This is where medical products come to the rescue, one of them is ear phytocandles.

What kind of remedy is this

ear phytocandles
ear phytocandles

Environmentally friendly, efficient and completely harmless. You can buy it without any difficulties and problems. The first mention of this drug came from the lips of the American Indians, the inhabitants of the Ancient East and Ancient Russia. It was a very long time ago, treatment with a candle in those days was called "burning the ears." It was believed that wax can absorb all negative information and free the human bioenergetic field from negativity. And at present, the phytocandle has not lost its relevance, thanks to its healing properties.

The composition of this drug is as follows:

  • beeswax;
  • propolis extract;
  • healing herbs;
  • essential oils (can be anything: cinnamon, eucalyptus, mint, lavender and others).

The appearance of the phytocandle is a cylinder made of cotton fabric. He soaks everythingcomponents and has a thermal effect that affects the eardrum and ear canal. When burning a candle, a vacuum is created, with the help of which dirt and even sulfur plugs are removed.

It is worth remembering the contraindications in the use of candles. These include the following: discharge from the ear in the form of pus, damage to the eardrum, an allergic reaction to wax, and brain diseases.

Drug effectiveness

Phytocandles ear have the following effect:

  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • warming up;
  • soothing;
  • antispasmodic.

When using this drug, ear pain may disappear on the second day. Noise in the ears disappears, hearing improves in ninety percent of patients who use ear phytocandles. Reviews testify to this.

Patients with otalgia will feel relief after the second session. And those who suffer from vasomotor rhinitis can also resort to the help of this drug. The efficiency in this case is about ninety-five percent.

The most important thing is that with such effectiveness, phytocandles do not have a toxic effect on any organ of the human body. All these characteristics are achieved thanks to the natural components that make up the drug.


phytocandles ear reviews
phytocandles ear reviews

This remedy facilitates nasal breathing and improves hearing. Ear phytocandles can be successfully used at home. Instructions forapplication form that comes with the product states that it is used for:

  • chronic and acute diseases of the throat, nose, ear. Used only after body temperature returns to normal;
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses: frontal sinusitis and sinusitis, suppositories are used during remission;
  • appearance of ear plugs;
  • constant tinnitus, candles are used only after diagnosis;
  • hearing loss;
  • migraines, headaches, dizziness, used during painful sensations;
  • sleep disorder;
  • stress condition, the procedure should be carried out for two weeks;
  • irritability and nervousness;
  • neuritis;
  • otosclerosis.

How to use candles

ear phytocandles instructions for use
ear phytocandles instructions for use

It's good if you have an assistant to carry out the procedure. In addition, you will need: a handkerchief or napkin, a glass filled with water, cotton wool, cotton buds, baby cream and matches.

So, start the treatment using ear phytocandles. The instruction describes everything in detail.

  • The patient lies on his side, the head should not be too high.
  • In a cotton scarf, make a cutout for the ear.
  • Making a little ear massage.
  • Insert the lower end of the candle into the auricle up to the mark.
  • Fire the upper end.
  • Wait until it burns to the mark.
  • Take the cinder out of your ear and put it out.
  • Use cotton swabs to clean the outerear canal.

Don't get up immediately after the procedure. Cover your ear with something warm. Lie down for fifteen minutes. The head should not be washed for twelve hours. This is how treatment should be carried out using ear phytocandles.

Duration of treatment

phytocandles ear price
phytocandles ear price

Now the conversation will be about how long it will take to cure this or that disease of the ear or nasopharynx. After all, a person will feel relief only if the ear phytocandles are used correctly. The instructions for use are a great hint for this.

  • In the treatment of inflammatory processes occurring in the ear, throat, nose, it will take five days. The procedure is done once a day. If the disease is chronic, then the course can last up to ten days. No more than three courses should be held throughout the year.
  • Treatment of inflammatory processes occurring in the paranasal sinuses begins only in the period of remission and lasts about two weeks.
  • Tinnitus, if it is not associated with acute inflammatory processes and vascular problems of the brain, is treated for seven days.
  • Use this drug to treat stress is best in the morning. The course lasts about two weeks.

People's opinions

ear phytocandles instruction
ear phytocandles instruction

Of course, it is up to you to decide whether or not to use ear phytocandles. Reviews may help you decide.

  • For some, this drugis the only salvation from a cold, as they have intolerance to antibiotics. For the prevention of diseases, two sessions are held - in spring and autumn.
  • Other ear phytocandles helped during the trip. The child has an earache. There were no drops, and only a candle was found in the medicine cabinet. We used it according to the instructions, and the baby fell asleep.
  • For some, this remedy helped restore hearing. Five sessions were enough.
  • Many people use herbal candles even if they have a toothache or an inflamed gum. Relief comes immediately after the first session.

The tool that will come to the rescue on the road, at work, and at home is ear phytocandles. The price no longer matters if something worries and hurts, but still it is worth talking about it. It is more than affordable and ranges from twenty-five to one hundred and twenty rubles.
