Inflammatory diseases of the male reproductive system occur as a result of concomitant disorders of an infectious-inflammatory nature. Pathology is accompanied by soreness, problems may arise in intimate life. Often vesiculitis accompanies prostatitis. In the absence of adequate and timely treatment, the situation may be complicated by male infertility.
Vesiculitis: what is this pathology
The seminal vesicles are an organ of the male reproductive system that sits above the prostate. They are located on the back surface of the prostate on the sides of it, behind the bladder, in front of the rectum. Bubbles may slightly change their location depending on the fullness. The functions of the organ are to provide sperm with energy and protect them, as well as to remove residual seminal fluid from the body. The secret of the bubbles is half or slightly more than half of the semen. The significant substance in the secret isfructose, which supports the motor activity and metabolic processes of spermatozoa. By the level of fructose in the seminal fluid, one can judge the hormonal balance and the ability of a man to conceive. A he althy man's semen contains at least 13-15 mmol fructose per liter.

Inflammation of the vesicles that are behind the prostate is called vesiculitis in medical practice. The seminal vesicles accumulate spermatozoa and other components of the seminal fluid. During ejaculation, the bubbles are reduced, and their contents enter the back of the urinary canal. In men who suffer from vesiculitis, the walls of the seminal vesicles become thinner and more sensitive, which is the cause of premature ejaculation, which can occur even from minor sexual arousal. Vesiculitis, as a rule, develops as a complication of other infectious and inflammatory diseases, but can also be caused by common infections, such as influenza or tonsillitis. Most often, the symptoms of chronic vesiculitis and prostatitis occur simultaneously, that is, the diseases accompany each other.
Causes of disease development
The disease affects not only middle-aged men (36-46 years old), but also young people under 25 years old, and older men. The incidence is increasing among the older population due to the increase in the duration and improvement in the quality of life. Among young people, pathology is diagnosed more often due to promiscuity and unwillingness to use contraceptives, which is associated with a high riskget a genitourinary infection. In general, the causes that cause symptoms of vesiculitis in men can be divided into two large groups: congestive and infectious.
Most often, the process is associated with infection in the body of a man. The causative agent (mycoplasmas, fungi, chlamydia, viruses, trichomonas, ureaplasmas, and so on) can get into the seminal vesicles from the bladder or urethra, kidneys, along with blood in case of damage to other organs or injuries. But in medical practice, such ways of infection are not so common. As a rule, the cause of symptoms of chronic vesiculitis in men is inflammation of the prostate. In the prevailing number of cases, the disease is diagnosed not as a separate disease, but as an accompanying pathology in the presence of other inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system. Therefore, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying pathology.
Congestion usually does not provoke vesiculitis directly, but act as provoking factors that lead to the active reproduction of the pathogen and the intensive development of inflammation. The local or general hypothermia of the body negatively affects the reproductive system. Lack of harmony in sexual life, excessive sexual activity or complete refusal of sex for any reason. Frequent companions of a sedentary lifestyle - stagnation in the pelvis - also provoke vesiculitis and other pathologies. Improper nutrition, resulting in regular constipation, can also provoke inflammatory processes. Lead to additional problems chronicinfectious and inflammatory diseases, such as sinusitis or even banal caries.

Chronic vesiculitis in most cases (60%) is caused by urogenital infections. In 3% of cases, the pathology develops under the influence of herpes, and in 9%, inflammation is provoked by mycoplasmas. The viral nature of the disease is confirmed if the patient has recently had ARVI, and no pathogenic microflora is found in the secretion of the seminal vesicles. In elderly and middle-aged patients, E. coli is most often detected in the analyzes, which is explained by age-related violations of the outflow of fluid from the bladder. Most young people have staph infections or STDs.
In rare cases, the causes of acute or chronic vesiculitis in men can be an allergic reaction, metabolic disorders, mechanical injuries of the pelvic organs, the action of chemical factors (medication or chemical poisoning), disruption of the immune system (in such case, the doctor speaks of autoimmune vesiculitis). The pathology is promoted by excessive sexual activity, frequent masturbation, physical inactivity, and so on.
Relationship between vesiculitis and prostatitis
On the symptoms and treatment of chronic vesiculitis in men at the doctor's office, those patients who suffer from prostatitis will learn. As mentioned earlier, diseases are interconnected. Often these diseases are also accompanied by urethritis - inflammation of the urinary tract. Both the symptoms and treatment of vesiculitis in men arethe same as with prostatitis. Partially the clinical picture coincides with urethritis. With this disease, patients also complain of the appearance of atypical discharge from the urethra, which is accompanied by discomfort, pain during urination, itching and burning. In the chronic course of the disease, the symptoms are not so pronounced.
Vesiculitis and prostatitis have a similar clinical picture, flow patterns and can be completely asymptomatic. These two pathologies have the same risk factors, which contribute to the development of the inflammatory process to a certain extent. In medical practice, doctors even use the combined name for these pathologies - chronic prostate vesiculitis. Vesiculitis is one of the frequent complications of chronic prostatitis, because if there is a disease in the prostate, it is easiest for pathogens to move into the seminal vesicles.

Symptoms of acute vesiculitis
The inflammatory process can occur in acute or chronic form. In the acute form, the symptoms of vesiculitis in men tend to appear suddenly. Body temperature rises, chills and headache are felt. Patients complain of unilateral or bilateral over the pubis, in the groin and in the rectal area. Pain can sometimes radiate to the lower back. When urinating, defecation or ejaculation, the discomfort increases. During defecation, mucus may be released, in semen, sometimes tests show the presence of blood in a small amount. Some patients develop problems with urination, frequent andlong nighttime erections.
Signs of chronic inflammation
The symptoms of chronic vesiculitis are moderate or mild. Patients complain of aching pain in the perineum and rectum, which radiate to the genital area. Characterized by nocturnal erections and frequent urination, blood may appear in the semen. Often with chronic vesiculitis, there are violations of sexual function. The quality of orgasm is reduced to complete disappearance, ejaculation occurs prematurely, the quality and duration of erection are reduced. The severity of symptoms of vesiculitis in men can vary. In some patients, the inflammatory process may be asymptomatic or accompanied by unexpressed symptoms. Sometimes the chronic form of the disease is diagnosed at a preventive appointment or when you go to the hospital with another problem. Vesiculitis is generally characterized by a chronic course. In this case, many patients notice common symptoms in themselves, namely, they complain of increased fatigue, weakness and headaches, decreased efficiency and concentration, periodic temperature increase to 37 degrees Celsius.
Signs of illness in premature ejaculation
Chronic vesiculitis can be identified in the absence of major symptoms, if a man complains only of premature ejaculation. In this case, periods of normal duration of contact are replaced by periods of premature ejaculation, the problem developed gradually, and before that, sexual activity was normal. Also second and subsequent contacts for vesiculitismuch longer than the first, ejaculation for the first time can occur even before the start of the sexual intercourse from stimulation or touching the head. The use of alcohol in this case does not change the situation in any way or even aggravates it. A man usually experiences an orgasm, but at a much lower intensity, ejaculation can be accompanied by pain. The use of condoms, lubricants, or even special lubricants with anesthetics does not affect the duration of sexual contact in chronic vesiculitis.

Possible complications of the disease
At the first symptoms, treatment of vesiculitis in men should be started immediately. The sooner the pathology is diagnosed, the faster it will be possible to normalize the state of he alth. At the same time, the quality of life will improve, including sexual. If vesiculitis is not treated, then an exacerbation is possible. Body temperature may rise significantly, other symptoms will intensify. Further, suppuration of the seminal vesicles is possible, and in the future, surgical intervention will be required. Inflammation can go to other organs of the male reproductive system. This is fraught with male infertility.
Diagnosis of vesiculitis
Acute or chronic vesiculitis is diagnosed by characteristic symptoms and test results. Usually, a history is sufficient to make a diagnosis. The urologist also performs a rectal examination. You will need the results of general blood and urine tests. An informative diagnostic method is ultrasound (performed transrectally). A spermogram is also required to determine the presence of blood in the seminal fluid.
For rectal examination, the patient takes a position on a chair, squatting. The doctor performs diagnostic manipulations with the index finger. With inflammation, painful neoplasms above the prostate gland are palpated. To study the secret, a catheter is placed on the bladder. After the body is washed and filled with a solution of sodium chloride. Then the doctor massages the seminal vesicles, and then the patient is asked to urinate. Fluid is examined visually and under a microscope.
The traditional diagnostic method is vesiculography. This allows you to exclude tuberculosis or sarcoma of the seminal vesicles. The doctor injects contrast into the lumen of the vas deferens using a special tube or needle. Before this, a small incision is made in the scrotum to isolate the vas deferens. After the injection of a contrast agent, an x-ray is taken. In inflammatory processes, the picture shows an increase in the size of the organ, a change in the surface topography, and a thickening of the walls of the bubbles. Ultrasound is a simple, non-invasive examination that provides information about structural changes.

CT gives a clearer picture of changes, but these are expensive diagnostic methods. In most cases, the correct diagnosis can be made without expensive research methods. As for the spermogram, blood and urine tests, they also show characteristic changes. In bloodan increased number of leukocytes and an accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate are determined, leukocytes, blood and bacteria can be detected in the urine test. The spermogram with vesiculitis notes a decrease in the level of fructose, altered spermatozoa, the presence of microorganisms, leukocytes and erythrocytes, a decrease in the number of viable spermatozoa.
Basic Principles of Therapy
The approach to the treatment of vesiculitis in men is selected depending on the concomitant factors and the causes that caused the disease. In most cases, conservative therapy is used, but the treatment is carried out in a hospital, and not on an outpatient basis. If infections are detected, then antibacterial drugs will be prescribed, and in case of congestive pathology, the doctor will give preference to drugs that activate blood supply to the pelvic organs. In the latter case, during the treatment of chronic vesiculitis, antimicrobial therapy is additionally used.
Vesiculitis is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, and treatment in this case is supplemented by symptomatic therapy. Laxatives, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. After lowering the temperature, both in the chronic and in the acute course of the disease, physiotherapy procedures are useful. The prostate and vesicles are massaged, warm compresses are shown. Treatment of chronic vesiculitis in men should be comprehensive. Therapy should be aimed at curing concomitant diseases and supporting the body's immune system. To achieve the latter goal, immunomodulators, trace elements and vitamins are prescribed. Surgicalmethods are used in the development of severe complications, for example, with suppuration of the seminal vesicles.

Treat the cause of the disease
The choice of medical treatment for chronic vesiculitis depends on the factor that caused the disease. If E. coli is detected in the analyzes, antibiotics from macrolides or tetracyclines are prescribed. It can be "Sumamed" or "Erythromycin", "Doxycycline" or "Metacycline". Combined preparations are shown, for example, Oletetrin. Such drugs have a selective effect on tissues, act on viruses and mycoplasmas. Sulfonamides or nitrofurans may be prescribed.
When rare pathogens or urogenital infections are detected, treatment should be carried out together with a partner. The same antibiotics are used. For mycoplasmas or chlamydia, "Dalacin" or "Lincomycin" is used, and for gardnerellosis - "Macmiror" or "Marinem". For a specific infection, cephalosporins, rifamlicins, or penicillins are prescribed. With congestion in the pelvic area, UHF therapy, microclysters with warm liquid in a volume of 10-100 ml, massage, treatment using the Intramag, Yarilo or Itraton devices, as well as angioprotectors: Obzidan, " Trental", "Venoruton", "Dartilin", "Inderal", "Agopurin" and so on.

Widely used in chronic vesiculitis in men adjuvant treatment. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used (Diclofenac, for example) and immunomodulators (Viferon, Pyrogenal, Timalin, Levamisole,"Soklourovak", "Taktivin"). These medicines reduce body temperature, eliminate pain, stop inflammation and prevent further spread of the disease. Immunomodulatory drugs enhance the body's defense against infections and effectively strengthen local defenses. This reduces the chance of relapse.
As additional methods for chronic vesiculitis in men, electrotherapy, reflexology (acupuncture), physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises can be prescribed. Treatment in sanatoriums is shown. This strengthens the general and local defense mechanisms, eliminates inflammation, improves metabolic processes in tissues, and stimulates local tissue repair. With adequate treatment, a stable remission occurs. With the ineffectiveness of conservative methods of therapy, a puncture of the vesicles is made, followed by washing. Suppurations require surgical intervention.

Important Prevention Measures
To avoid inflammatory processes of the reproductive system, it is necessary to try to avoid hypothermia, prolonged sitting, constipation, excesses in sexual life, masturbation, frequent change of sexual partners, unprotected contacts, injuries, the use of alcoholic and narcotic substances, alcohol, emotional exhaustion. Regular sex life and protected contacts (or the presence of one permanent partner) will only benefit. It is necessary to promptly treat foci of infections and diseases of the genitourinary system. A he althy diet and exercise are shown. Especially useful are running, Chinese gymnastics and swimming.