Emotions and human actions are often controlled by hormones. Among them, it is worth highlighting oxytocin - the hormone of family happiness and love. It controls many functions in the body and also provides a sense of attachment to a partner and child. In addition, he guarantees marital fidelity. Surprisingly wide

exposure spectrum for one substance. What is the secret?
Oxytocin production and physiological functions
Like many others, the hormone oxytocin is produced by the hypothalamus - the part of the brain that controls the work of the sex and endocrine glands, the interaction of hormones and nerves. This department is a real center for regulating the metabolic processes of the whole organism. From the hypothalamus, the hormone oxytocin is sent to the pituitary gland, which regulates the entire hormonal system. The next stage of distribution is blood. Under the influence of oxytocin, the smooth muscles of the internal organs are reduced, its effect on the psyche is also very wide. But it affects women and men differently, so it is better to consider the processes in detail for each gender separately.

The female body and oxytocin
The hormone that reduces smooth muscle also affects the uterus. It is thanks to oxytocin that labor begins. In addition, the effect of the hormone on the mammary glands promotes the release of milk. Of course, its production provides another substance, prolactin, but oxytocin promotes its removal from the chest. Oxytocin is also used to stop bleeding after gynecological operations. Its effects are counteracted by progesterone. If there is not enough progesterone, the contractile effect of oxytocin on the uterus will lead to miscarriage. The impact on the psyche is associated with an increase in benevolence, a tendency to trust the interlocutor. In the postpartum period, the relationship between mother and baby is regulated by oxytocin. The hormone provides mother with attachment to the baby, helps to understand his mood and reduces the feeling of fear and anxiety.
The male body and oxytocin
According to some reports, this hormone controls erections. Its influence on the psyche is manifested by the appearance of benevolence towards others, the desire to listen to the words of the interlocutor. The ability to successfully communicate is provided by oxytocin. The hormone guarantees trust

relationships between friends or as a couple. It is his production that provides attachment to children and a sexual partner. Scientists conducted an experiment that confirmed that men with high levels of oxytocin are more prone to monogamous relationships without cheating on their chosen one.
How to increase oxytocin levels?
What to do if the body does not produce enough oxytocin? The hormone can be increasedmedically, if the problem is related to labor, and other methods are suitable for comfortable family relationships. For example, a relaxing massage, touching, stroking - all this provides the body with additional oxytocin. The hormone is also produced during orgasm, so regular sex life also contributes to harmony in other areas of family communication.