Platelet aggregation: what does it mean?

Platelet aggregation: what does it mean?
Platelet aggregation: what does it mean?

Platelets are small colorless blood cells. They play an important role in the body: they are involved in the process of clotting of biological fluids, stopping bleeding and nourishing the walls of blood vessels. Due to the gluing of blood cells, which form a kind of plug on the wall of the damaged vessel, blood loss stops. Platelet aggregation - what does it mean and what functions does it perform in the body? Let's take a look below.

The role of platelets in blood clotting

The process of blockage
The process of blockage

The main task of platelets is to prevent large blood loss in the event of a wound. This happens as follows: if the integrity of the vessel is violated, platelets receive a signal and are sent to the site of damage. After that, they begin to actively stick together with each other, blocking and restoring the damaged walls of the vessel. This process is called platelet aggregation. A person's life can sometimes depend on the speed of this reaction.

If the aggregation process prevents blood loss in damaged tissues, it means that platelets play a protective role. But it happens that for some reason there is an increase in platelet aggregation, which can lead to complete blockage of the vessels of vital systems and organs. This condition is pathological, as it can cause serious harm to the body, and in some cases, threaten life.

Types of aggregation

platelet aggregation
platelet aggregation

In medicine, platelet aggregation is divided into the following types:

  • Reduced. This type is observed when there is a malfunction in the circulatory system. May cause various bleeding. And also reduced platelet aggregation occurs during menstruation. A distinctive feature of hypoaggregation will be bleeding gums, multiple bruises and wounds that heal longer than usual.
  • Increased. Increases the risk of thrombosis. Especially in the presence of dehydration from heat, vomiting or insufficient fluid intake. Characterized by swelling and numbness of the extremities.
  • Moderate aggregation. This type is typical for women during the period of bearing a child. Called against the background of the development of placental circulation.
  • Spontaneous. Assessed without the use of a platelet aggregation inducer. Venous blood is placed in a test tube, and then it is heated to 37 degrees in a special device.
  • Induced aggregation. This method is widely used to diagnose blood pathologies. To do this, certain inductorsubstances - collagen, ristomycin, adrenaline, ADP.
  • Platelet aggregation with ADP
    Platelet aggregation with ADP

Methods for determining aggregation

Methods for determining abnormalities in blood clotting are laboratory tests. For this analysis, in most cases, the patient's venous blood is used. But for a more accurate study of platelet aggregation, other tests are also used. These include tests according to Sukharev, according to Lee-White and a coagulogram.

For their implementation, a special device is used - an analyzer of platelet aggregation. Components that are similar in composition to the substances involved in the formation of blood clots are mixed with venous blood. These inducers of platelet aggregation trigger the processes that are necessary for the study.

Indications for study appointment

Bleeding from the nose
Bleeding from the nose

It is recommended to pass the analysis for the degree of aggregation as soon as possible in the following cases:

  • if previous tests showed this type of disorder;
  • with a tendency to thrombosis;
  • if you are worried about frequent nosebleeds;
  • pregnancy with complications;
  • excessive puffiness;
  • heavy periods;
  • varicose veins;
  • with bleeding gums;
  • infertility;
  • missed pregnancy or miscarriage;
  • circulatory disorders of the brain;
  • it is recommended to take this test before surgery and before taking hormonal drugs.

Preparing for a blood test

To orderIn order to take tests for platelet aggregation and get the most reliable result, you need to undergo some preparation before the blood sampling procedure. It will include the following activities:

  • Aspirin should be avoided a week before the analysis, as it can suppress blood clots. If the withdrawal of the drug is not possible, it is necessary to notify the laboratory assistant about this.
  • About a day before the procedure, fatty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet.
  • The last meal should be 12 hours before the test.
  • Give up the use of garlic, onions, coffee and alcohol for a day, and you can’t smoke during this period.
  • The patient should stop playing sports and not experience heavy physical exertion in 2 days.
  • Be well-rested and calm at the time of blood donation.
  • You can not analyze in the presence of inflammation in the body.

Transcript of results

Norms of platelet aggregation will depend on which stimulant was taken for the study.

Below are the normal values against which the result is compared in a blood test.

Inductor Aggregation rate, %
Adrenaline 35–92
ADF 31–78
Collagen 46, 5–93

The rate of platelets in adults and children is somewhat different. Below is a table of normal blood platelet counts.

Age Newborn babies Up to 1 year From 1 year to 4 15 to 18 years old Men Women
Indicators, x10^9/l 100–420 160–320 150–300 180–340 180–400 150–380

Increase aggregation

Blood test
Blood test

If the test results showed an increase in aggregation processes, the risk of blood clots increases. The blood in this case becomes thicker, which is a very dangerous condition that requires careful monitoring.

Causes and diseases that can provoke hyperaggregation include:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • arrhythmia;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • circulatory pathologies;
  • oncological diseases.

Also, an abnormal increase in platelet aggregation can increase the chance of developing diseases such as:

  • stroke;
  • thrombosis;
  • heart attack;
  • lack of blood supply to important organs and systems of the body.

The most dangerous condition with increased blood clotting will be complete blockage of blood vessels by a thrombus, resulting in death.

Treatment of hyperaggregation

Treatment in this case may include both medications and traditional medicine.

Used in drug therapy:

  • Drugs that thin the blood. It could be aspirin that does the job.
  • Anticoagulants are drugs that prevent excessive blood clotting.
  • Antiplatelet agents - there is a decrease in platelet aggregation and blood viscosity normalizes.
  • It is also advisable to use antispasmodics, with the help of which vasodilation occurs.

It is also very important to treat the underlying pathology that provoked increased platelet aggregation.

Non-drug therapy:

  • Diet. The diet should be dominated by protein-vegetable foods - dairy products, greens, green and red vegetables, citrus fruits, ginger. The consumption of seafood also reduces platelet aggregation, so it is recommended to include them in the diet. Buckwheat, mountain ash, pomegranates should be excluded.
  • Must drink at least two liters of water a day.
  • Herbs such as sweet clover, green tea, peony root have properties to reduce blood clotting. But their intake must be agreed with the attending physician.

Reduced aggregation

Taking blood
Taking blood

This condition is called hypoaggregation and can lead to serious complications, as there is a risk of bleeding due to poor blood clotting. This can be a threat to a person's life. Reduced platelet aggregation can be both congenital and acquired.

The following pathologies may be the cause:

  • anemia;
  • presence of infections;
  • kidney failure;
  • intoxication;
  • leukemia;
  • chemotherapy.

Complications that hypoaggregation can cause are:

  • bleeding;
  • anemia;
  • complications during childbirth;
  • in severe cases, death can occur from severe blood loss.

Hypoaggregation treatment


  • The main treatment is to take hemostatic drugs. These include Dicinon, tranexamic and aminocaproic acids, ATP.
  • Any kind of medicine that has even a minimal effect of blood thinning is excluded. Taking drugs such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Eufillin, Paracetamol should be excluded.

Non-drug treatments include:

  • Diet. The diet should be products that are involved in the processes of hematopoiesis - eggs, buckwheat, beef liver, pomegranate, fish (especially red), rose hips, beets. Sesame oil is recommended for dressing salads.
  • With additional treatment with herbs, a decoction of nettle leaves helps well.

Features of aggregation in pregnant women

The control of platelet aggregation during pregnancy is a very important process, as any serious deviation from the norm can lead to serious consequences for both mother and child.

During the bearing of the baby, some errors in the indicators are allowed. A slight increase in aggregation occurs with the development of placental circulation.

If the results of the tests showed the presence of hyperaggregation, this can lead to miscarriage or spontaneous abortion in the early stages. There are two main causes of this pathology:

  • dehydration due to toxicosis;
  • the impact of diseases that can provoke an increase in aggregation.

If deviations from the norm are not critical, you can try to restore the normal functioning of the circulatory system with the help of nutrition - it is recommended to eat foods rich in magnesium; if there is no improvement, the doctor decides on the appointment of drug treatment.

If a situation arises in which a pathological decrease in platelet aggregation is detected, this also indicates a serious danger to the child and mother. With this deviation, bleeding can occur both during childbirth and after them. The reasons for hypoaggregation in pregnant women are as follows:

  • toxicosis;
  • taking drugs - diuretics and antibacterials;
  • allergy;
  • lack of vitamins.

In this case, it is recommended to eat foods containing vitamins B and C - lemons, sweet peppers, cabbage, currants.

Analyzing the degree of platelet aggregation is very important not only during pregnancy, but also at the planning stage.

An analysis for pathology is mandatory in the following cases:

  • if infertility is being treated;
  • with frequent pregnancies that end in miscarriage;
  • if plannedpregnancy;
  • when taking birth control.

With timely diagnosis, the necessary treatment is prescribed, and the risk of complications is minimized.

Aggregation in children

Recently, cases of impaired platelet aggregation in children have increased. They are both acquired and hereditary.

The causes of hyperaggregation can be infectious diseases, dehydration, stress, diseases of the circulatory system and anemia. In children under one year old, this condition can be observed with anemia. In adolescence, increased aggregation is caused by stressful situations, as well as the physiological growth of the child.

Treatment in this case will be compliance with the drinking regimen, a special diet and, if necessary, drug therapy.

When hypoaggregation, parents may notice a large number of bruises on the child's body, nosebleeds. At the same time, it is also worth paying attention to diet and drinking enough water.

In both the first and second cases, a very important condition for treatment will be to identify the underlying cause of bleeding disorders.


Prevention of platelet aggregation pathologies
Prevention of platelet aggregation pathologies

Since severe abnormalities in platelet aggregation can lead to serious consequences, you need to visit a doctor regularly and take the necessary tests. This is especially true for those people who are at risk. At the slightest deviation, maintenance therapy should be started and the dynamics should be monitored. Knowi-g.webp


The study of the aggregation process is a very important diagnostic method that can indicate the development of serious diseases. Therefore, do not neglect the delivery of the necessary tests, because early diagnosis will allow you to prescribe the optimal treatment and reduce the risk of complications to a minimum. This is especially true for young children and pregnant women. After all, if there are abnormalities in the work of platelets, there may be problems with conceiving and bearing a baby.
