How does powder allergy manifest itself? How to get rid of powder allergy

How does powder allergy manifest itself? How to get rid of powder allergy
How does powder allergy manifest itself? How to get rid of powder allergy

Allergies can be caused by food, cosmetics, flowering of some plants or animal hair. But, in addition to this, there is another rather strong and dangerous allergen. Allergy to powder can occur in both adults and children. To protect your family from skin rashes and other unpleasant manifestations of an allergic reaction, you need to learn how to choose a safe detergent.

Composition of washing powders

laundry detergent allergy
laundry detergent allergy

There are many varieties of household chemicals on sale, differing in manufacturer, price, composition. As a rule, their components are basically the same, with the exception of special products that are classified as hypoallergenic (when using them, an allergy to the powder does not appear). Main components:

• Surfactants (surfactants). They are the main components of washing powders (anionic, cationic and non-ionic). Anionic - the most effective and inexpensive, but at the same time the most dangerous for the body.

• Phosphates (phosphonates, phosphorites). These components are necessary to softenwater. Possess strong toxicity, enhance the negative impact of surfactants. In some countries, they are not allowed to be added to washing powder.

• Chemical bleaches are chlorine-containing substances that are dangerous in themselves. Their negative impact is enhanced when they are combined with mud of biological origin.

• Enzymes - they are designed to better remove impurities.

Which component of the powder causes allergies

Phosphates, fragrances and whitening ingredients are the main cause of allergic reactions. They are dangerous because they remain on things after washing and are not removed from it even after rinsing. It follows that an allergy to laundry detergent can occur in two ways:

- when used, the product gets on the skin;

- we put on clean linen that was washed with powder.

Care must be taken when using any detergent.

Reasons for the negative impact of washing powder

powder allergy symptoms
powder allergy symptoms

The negative impact of detergent can be manifested if the conditions for handling it are not followed. Top recommendations for using detergents:

• Do not use too much powder;

• Household chemicals must not be stored near food, and they must also be kept out of the reach of children;

• powder allergy may occur due to hand washing without the use of gloves;

• to prevent detergent particles from falling intorespiratory organs, it must be carefully poured into the washing machine;

• rinse clothes thoroughly;

• do not wash children's clothes with the same detergent as adults' clothes;

• Best not to use cheap laundry detergents.

Powder Allergy: Symptoms

A sign of an allergy can be one symptom or several at once. This is determined by the individual characteristics of the organism and depends on the type of contact with the detergent:

• Allergy to powder: symptoms of contact dermatitis - a rash of nodular or blistering character in places of contact with the skin of the detergent or clothes on which its particles have remained. Rashes are accompanied by itching, swelling, peeling.

• Allergic conjunctivitis is manifested by redness of the eyes, watery eyes, itching, photophobia develops.

• How does powder allergy manifest when inhaled? Rhinitis usually begins, coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge are also characteristic.

• Allergic asthma - asthma attacks, shortness of breath.

Child allergic to powder

The child, due to age characteristics, cannot explain and show what worries him. Parents can recognize the disease and help the baby, for this they must imagine what an allergy to washing powder looks like. A photo of an allergic rash is presented in the article.

allergy to powder
allergy to powder

• There is a small red rash on the skin.

• What does a powder allergy look like? roughness and peeling of the skincovers.

• There is constant itching of the affected areas.

• There is swelling of the skin.

When particles of detergent enter the respiratory tract, an incessant cough occurs, which is accompanied by attacks of suffocation.

It is worth noting that an allergy to a powder in a baby is manifested not only by skin rashes, but also by all kinds of intestinal disorders (bloating, stool disturbance). Treatment of allergic manifestations in children should be not only with the use of local antiallergic drugs (creams, ointments), but it is also necessary to give the child funds that will remove toxins from the body. Quite often there is an allergy to the Eared Nanny powder, which is due to its composition, which has a large amount of phosphates. In this case, you should consult a pediatrician before buying baby laundry detergent. If allergic symptoms occur in a child, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen, give the baby an antihistamine drug appropriate for his age, and consult a pediatrician, in severe cases, immediately call emergency care.

How to choose a safe laundry detergent

allergy to powder in a child
allergy to powder in a child

• Detergent allergies are most often caused by the presence of phosphates in it, so make sure it's free of them.

• Hypoallergenic detergent must be free of strong fragrances and fragrances.

• A quality laundry detergent should not lather too much.

• Good remedyshould have a homogeneous mass without lumps.

• The packaging should indicate its composition in different languages, as well as the address of the manufacturer.

• Hypoallergenic household chemicals are best purchased in specialized stores.

Allergy treatment

Antihistamines are indicated for allergy manifestations:

• "Fenistil";

• "Suprastin";

• "Tavegil";

• "Coaritin";

• "Diazolin";

• "Cetrin".

For local use, the following medicines are prescribed:

washing powder allergy photo
washing powder allergy photo

• "Fenistil-gel";

• Solcoseryl;

• "Videstim".

In the presence of strong scratching, cracks, antimicrobial and wound healing drugs are prescribed:

• "Bepanthen";

• "Kuriozin";

• "Methyluracil ointment".

If the rash appears in the form of blisters with transparent contents and a weeping surface, then medications are prescribed:

• "Elokom";

• "Dermozolon";

• "Belosalik".

baby powder allergy
baby powder allergy

In addition, sedatives are prescribed:

• "Persen";

• Novo Passit;

• "Trivalumen";

• "Glitchesed";

• Korv altab.

In addition to treatment, the patient is shown hypoallergenicdiet.

Folk methods for allergies

How does powder allergy manifest?
How does powder allergy manifest?

In combination with the use of medicines, effective folk methods of treatment can be used.

• Baking soda is good for itching and soothing the skin. In a bath of water, dilute half a glass of soda. It is recommended to take a bath for 30 minutes. Then apply ointment to the skin. The procedure can be carried out in the morning and in the evening.

• Dried dandelion and burdock roots relieve itching and reduce breakouts. The ingredients must be chopped. 2 tbsp add the mixture to 600 ml of water. Insist night. Boil in the morning and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Decoction take 100 ml 5 times a day.

• Shevchenko's mixture is effective against allergies. Mix 30 g of unrefined oil with 30 g of vodka and drink. The mixture is recommended to drink for 10 days, 3 times a day before meals at the same time. Then take a 5 day break. Then you can repeat the treatment, after which take a break for 2 weeks. Also, this composition can be used to treat allergic skin areas.

If a child is allergic to powder, then it is strictly forbidden to use traditional medicine methods. It is necessary to show the baby to the doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Prevention measures

Prevention is better than cure, so simple preventive measures should be followed.

• Allergy to the powder occurs due to the presence of phosphates in its composition, it follows that it is best to use hypoallergenic powders.

• Fundshousehold chemicals must be stored in sealed packaging.

• When washing, follow the doses of detergent indicated on the package.

• Be sure to wear gloves when hand washing.

• After washing with powder, it is recommended to rinse the laundry several times.

Allergic reaction to the powder depends on the individual characteristics of the body, how sensitive it is to certain components. But unfortunately, today there are cases of allergies to powders due to non-compliance by manufacturers with standards for the manufacture of detergents. Therefore, before buying, carefully study their composition, especially if they are intended for washing baby clothes.
