More and more domestic manufacturers of sports supplements are promoting their products in the CIS countries. Gradually, they win the trust of consumers, although it is given to them with difficulty. Russian-made protein is becoming a high-quality and effective product, has a wide range. Our companies are trying to meet the needs of various categories of athletes, even an office worker will choose a good product for himself, not to mention professionals.
King Protein is one of our sports supplement manufacturers
In order to make high quality products, good material is needed, and King Protein buys raw materials from abroad (France, Brazil, the Netherlands, Germany). All components are tested and checked, and upon arrival in Russia they are checked again, and only then a decision is made on their use. When the Russian-made protein "King Protein" is produced, only new technologies are used, the work is performed by qualified specialists, the company tries to be the mostthe best and for good reason.

Products are in vacuum packaging, do not lose their properties for a long time and do not deteriorate during transportation. The advantages of nutrition from "King Protein": result and efficiency, good digestibility, great taste, adequate pricing policy, products - from high quality raw materials, a very large range of complexes. The proteins sold by the company are whey, casein, soy, isolate, egg. Many other complexes, as well as measuring spoons and branded shakers for taking supplements.
Russian protein reviews
Reviews about King Protein products are not enough, since the company is relatively new, stereotypes about native production also work negatively. It should be noted that almost no money is invested in advertising, the emphasis is on the efficiency, availability and quality of products. Some athletes have already noted this company and have become regular customers. And what do we have? Russian-made protein, reviews on sports forums confirm this, it is completely soluble, digestible, has an excellent composition and good taste.

Most importantly, there are no complaints of digestive problems related to the intake of sports nutrition. There are some negative reviews. They are associated with the usual Russian skepticism, many athletes simply do not believe in the domestic manufacturer at all, but it is quite possible that they will change their minds.
Protein"Superset Casein Pro"
This protein provides the athlete with proteins that are well absorbed, because he needs them at night, and at other times when he remains without food for a long time. It is clear that sports nutrition cannot replace normal food, but it is easy to prepare and is a good source of carbohydrates and proteins. Russian-made protein "Superset Casein Pro" is sold in a can, which, most likely, no one will fake. This is where the inconvenience lies. You have to open it with a can opener, after which sharp edges remain, you can easily cut yourself on them. Therefore, it is not recommended to store the powder in this jar, especially since it will very quickly turn into a lumpy mass from moisture. Therefore, it is better to shift it.

One 35-gram serving contains 4.5 grams of carbs, 27 grams of protein, 0.5 grams of fat, 500 milligrams of potassium, 250 milligrams of sodium, and 11 milligrams of cholesterol. This is a fairly high-quality product, but after a double serving of protein, the feeling of satiety disappears after 1.5-2 hours. At the same time, a pack of cottage cheese (about 45 grams of protein) lasts 3.5-4 hours.
Russian-made protein Whey - whey protein
This protein is obtained from the highest quality raw materials by a cold CFM microfiltration and ultrafiltration process. It consists of three main components: whey protein concentrate, hydrolyzate and isolate. Whey has an excellent natural strawberry taste and has the mostbiological value. The purpose is to increase muscle dry mass and recovery after training. It serves as a source of essential amino acids, BCAAs and energy. Whey supports the immune system, contains many natural nutrients, bioactive substances, improves digestion, strengthens the body's defenses.

All of these unique properties are achieved using whey of German origin and advanced production technology. Thanks to this, we get an excellent product, do not lose biologically active protein fractions, and retain its strength (as a probiotic and food component). Whey is a Russian-made bioactive protein, that is, it very actively protects the human body in conditions of intense training. It is recommended to use as follows: add three tablespoons of powder (30 grams) to 300 ml of milk or water. Take one to three servings daily.
"Hercules" - Russian-made protein
This protein is made from complete high quality milk proteins, contains all the minerals and essential vitamins, when combined with an athletic training and nutrition regimen, it helps to build muscle mass, revitalize after training, increase strength, improve metabolism, normal increase in working capacity, restoration of the immune system. The creatine present in it allows you to train harder, increasing strength.

The Russian-made Hercules protein is used as follows: mix four to five heaping tablespoons in a shaker or blender with 300-400 ml of juice, water or milk. Take an hour before training and immediately after it. Also two or three times on rest days between meals (main).
Whey Protein
This is the most commonly consumed supplement and is a high quality protein powder from cow's milk. Whey contains 20% milk protein, casein - 80%. That's why drinking a whey protein shake is not like drinking just milk. It contains only 1% protein. Production process: milk is pasteurized, then cottage cheese (casein) is extracted from it, and whey passes filters to separate lactose. Further, the remaining impurities are removed in the ion exchange tower.

Then the product is sent to a column, where it is dried and turned into a familiar powder, to which a number of ingredients are added and packaged. Russian-made whey protein is ready. A standard portion weighing 25-30 grams is sufficient for intake, because the protein is digested to a limited extent. According to reviews, the protein is not bad, but the dishes, the shaker, after preparing the cocktail, have to be thoroughly cleaned.