Today, a large number of people opt for contact lenses. First of all, it's convenient! Unfortunately, for people who wear contact lenses for a long time, the expressions “dry eye”, “red eyes” are familiar firsthand. These problems, as well as fatigue, are easily solved by moisturizing lubricating lens drops.

The action of this remedy is as follows: a film is created on the cornea of the eye, which in its properties is close to a natural tear. Thus, the eyes are constantly moisturized, discomfort disappears.
Ophthalmologists recommend the use of moisturizing eye drops when wearing lenses, which significantly reduce not only eye fatigue, but also discomfort, avoid dryness.
Lenses are not always to blame
There is an opinion that any discomfort that occurs while wearing lenses is poor-quality or incorrectly selected means of vision correction. This conclusion is not an invention or a "black PR" of glasses manufacturers,but not always. Using lenses or glasses all day long, no matter how good they are, can lead to eye fatigue and any other discomfort. This is evidenced by the remarks of "bespectacled men", their comments and reviews on the websites of online optics stores. Moisturizing lens drops are specifically designed to solve these problems.
Therefore, before you blame lenses for everything, change packaging after packaging from different manufacturers, or, you see, refuse them, it is worth trying eye drops.
First of all, it's worth figuring out what they are?
Types of eye drops
Classification of types of eye drops is directly related to the purpose for which they are used, with what ailment they will have to fight.

The following manifestations of diseases and unpleasant sensations, and the remedies corresponding to these sensations, can be distinguished:
• redness and inflammation of the tissue of the anterior part of the eye - antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drops;
• allergic manifestations (tearfulness, redness, swelling, itching) - antiallergic drops;
• bacteria, virus, cataracts, glaucoma and other diseases - special drops prescribed by a doctor, most often strictly by prescription;
• redness and swelling of the eyes - vasoconstrictor drops;• dry eye syndrome and the feeling associated with it discomfort - moisturizing drops.
The last ones are the most requested.
How to pick up drops

Perhaps it is obvious how necessary moisturizing drops are when wearing contact lenses. But then a new question arises: how to pick them up?
For those who choose lenses for long-term or continuous wear, who work and rest in them, the best option is drops, when instilled, there is no need to remove the lenses. Pay attention to the drugs of the following manufacturers:
• Hilo-chest of drawers - Avizor.
• VIZIN. Clean tear” - “Johnson & Johnson”.
• “Oxial” - “SANTEN”.• Lens-Komod – “Ursapharm” and others.
When using other means, it is required to remove the lenses from the eyes, it is often possible to put them on only 15-20 minutes after instillation:
• Systein - Alcon.• Oftagel - SANTEN and others.
Everyone chooses their own, and ultimately prefers the moisturizing lens drops that fit best and are more comfortable to use.
Are lens drops suitable for everyone
How to moisturize the eyes in lenses? Which lens drops are right for you? These questions sooner or later arise before people who are faced with the choice of drops for the first time. The main thing is not to be mistaken that moisturizing eye drops are medicine. For the eyes, they only relieve discomfort, but in no case are they able to solve any serious problems, diseases (of an allergic nature, for example).
The drops consist mainly of special physiological preparations, which, in principle, are already present in the tissues of the human organs of vision. Therefore, restrictions onthere is practically no frequency of use and age, often they can be used constantly, "both old and young", as they say.
Of course, there are cases of human intolerance to certain components. Therefore, it is recommended that you consult an ophthalmologist when choosing drops for the first time.
Lens Drop Properties

Moisturizing eye drops when wearing lenses contain hyaluronic acid, which can bind 1000 times more water than the weight of the drops in the bottle. Also, this substance has an increased viscosity property, which helps to moisturize the surface of the cornea for a long time.
In addition, this agent has a bioadhesive property that provides reliable protection of lenses from drying out. It is soft contact lenses, so popular today, that have such a drawback - they dry out in hot and windy weather.
The drops also contain cleaning agents that can remove large accumulations of harmful deposits from the surface that occur during prolonged wearing of lenses.
Drops for lenses have a viscoelastic property. Therefore, in order to quickly distribute them over the surface of the lens, it is enough just to “blink”, and the vision is not clouded.
Another important property of the drops is their calming function. They not only moisturize, but also can relieve eye irritation.
Composition of drops
Any solutions intended for the care of contact lenses are divided into saline,cleansing, disinfecting and moisturizing (eye drops when wearing lenses).
Saline is an isotonic solution used to rinse and store contact lenses with the help of a disinfection system (thermal) in its composition, sometimes contains preservatives. The longer the period of use, the greater the amount of preservatives in its composition. The effect on the rate of spread and the prevention of the development of microorganisms depends on the shelf life of the solution.
Essentially, moisturizing drops when wearing contact lenses are the same saline solution, but with additional lubricating, cleansing and moisturizing agents.
For example, in "Alcon"-drops "Clerz Plus" 2 active cleaning components Tetronic and Clens-100 are added, which provide effective removal of protein deposits from the surface of the lens. Allergan offers Refresh Contacts drops containing hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. Thanks to this component, the drops are able to lubricate the surface of the lens and the cornea of the eye for a long time, preventing them from drying out.
Choose the best moisturizing drops for you when wearing contact lenses - you will definitely feel the effect!
Review eye drops while wearing lenses
In the Russian market of ophthalmic products, moisturizing eye drops are available for sale when wearing lenses, both hard and soft.
Often, contact lens manufacturers produce lens solutions and eye drops as related products. The easiest way to pick up these funds is to choose the same manufacturer,as lenses.

Drop manufacturers USA
1. Bausch Lomb is a company that not only produces contact lenses, but also all kinds of care products for them (solutions and drops).
Oxyal drops have an increased moisturizing property, help to cope with a number of unpleasant sensations of dryness and burning eyes. This discomfort is often associated with a violation of the lens replacement period or external factors (computer, air conditioners, heaters, etc.).
2. The Johnson & Johnson brand has existed on the market since 1886, and more than one generation has grown up on the products of this brand, from cosmetics to pharmaceuticals. Having gained popularity all over the world, the company expanded the range of products offered and actively began to develop new directions, occupying completely different market niches. Having won many awards and certificates confirming the high qualification of specialists, excellent product quality, vision correction products were also released. In particular, Johnson & Johnson contact lenses and care products.
The most popular drops are Vizin Pure Tear. Great for swelling and allergic reactions, can relieve irritation and redness of the eyes.
3. Alcon Ciba Vision drops and other cleaning and moisturizing contact lenses are indeed recognized as one of the most popular on the market. A well-known brand manufacturer constantly carries out research in the field of ophthalmology, therefore, manufactures products in accordance with the latest scientificdevelopments and needs of modern society.
Alcon Opti-Free drops are suitable for all types of soft contact lenses, designed specifically for sensitive eyes.
Alcon Systane Ultra Drops provide relief from eye redness, dryness, irritation and long lasting comfort throughout the day.
Drops Systane Monodoses and Systane Balance are designed to moisturize the surface of the eyes.
UK drip manufacturers

1. As the market leader in optics, Sauflon is a UK-based manufacturer of quality lenses and related care products.
The manufacturer manufactures, among other things, individual drugs for ophthalmological and pharmaceutical companies of world importance. All the company's products are certified by the Council of Europe, and contact lens drops and solutions are recommended by practicing ophthalmologists around the world.
Drops suitable for wearing contact lenses - Comfort Drops, providing comfortable eye condition.
2. Maxima contact optics manufactured by Maxima Optics, a world famous company and popular in Russia. This manufacturer, along with the manufacture of contact lenses, produces drops and solutions for contact lenses Maxima Optics.
Maxima Revital Drops are moisturizing drops designed to care for the eyes and provide comfort while wearing contact lenses.
Spanish drip maker
Drops and solutionsfor Avizor International contact lenses are designed to clean, disinfect, moisturize and store soft type contact lenses.
Moisture Drops and Comfort relieve dry eyes, a common problem with contact lenses.
Russian drop manufacturers

1. "Medstar" is a research and production enterprise, which was formed in 1994. Currently, being one of the leading Russian manufacturers of drops and solutions for contact lenses, it has occupied a niche in the market for inexpensive, but high-quality goods.
Drops "Likontin Comfort". Suitable for all types of lenses, can be instilled directly onto the lens, has moisturizing and lubricating functions.
2. "Optimedservice" company. Under the "Optimed" brand, it manufactures contact lenses, as well as related products, such as universal multi-solutions for lenses, eye drops and microsurgical systems.
Optimed or Optimized Pro Active drops are additional sources of moisturizing for the eyes containing succinic acid.