Medication "De-Nol" for pancreatitis is widely used due to its ability to restore damaged pancreatic tissue and increase the strength of the body. Despite the high effectiveness of this drug, using it, you must remember about the possible occurrence of side effects. To avoid negative consequences and not complicate the course of the disease, before starting the treatment course, you should consult with your doctor and set the desired dosage.
Let's consider the instructions for use for the De-Nol preparation.
Reviews and price will be given at the end of the article.
General information
This is a potent drug that is used in the treatment of pancreatic diseases and is prescribed simultaneously with medicines such as Omez, Pancreatin and Drotaverin. The drug is produced in tablets insheath white. The drug, affecting the mucous membrane of the stomach, enhances its protective functions. This process reduces the risk of ulcers from gastritis with an increased concentration of hydrochloric acid, as well as the negative effects of various chemicals and toxins.
"De-Nol" in chronic pancreatitis is also very effective.
When using this medicine, the process of blood supply to tissues improves, the production of pepsin decreases, recovery processes are stimulated, and metabolism inside cells is normalized. The main feature of the drug is a bactericidal effect. But unlike many medicines with a similar property, the drug in question does not cause resistance in bacteria. The active substances of the drug "De-Nol" for pancreatitis are not absorbed into the blood and are completely excreted from the body.
The pharmacological agent "De-Nol" is prescribed for diseases that are accompanied by a high probability of developing inflammation on the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is used for dyspepsia, chronic gastritis, manifestations of irritable bowel. The advantage of this medicine is that it can be used by people of all ages.
Many are wondering if De-Nol can be taken with pancreatitis. Consider the answer to this question in our article.

Composition, release form
Means "De-Nol" is available in the form of tablets. They are packaged in blisters of 8 pieces. In each cartonthere are 112 or 56 tablets. The composition of the drug contains the following components:
- Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate.
- Polyacrylic Potassium.
- Magnesium s alts of stearic acid.
- Macrogoal 6000.
- Povidone K30.
- Hypromellose.
- Corn starch.
Pharmacological action
This pharmaceutical agent produces a bactericidal effect, relieves the manifestations of the inflammatory process and provides an astringent effect. The active elements of the drug "De-Nol" for pancreatitis, getting into an acidic environment, contribute to the release of insoluble substances that settle on the gastric walls and create a kind of film. It must be borne in mind that proteins and chelates are attached exclusively to the affected areas of the mucous membrane. That is why after taking the drug there is no tissue irritation, and the process of regeneration of inflamed areas is significantly accelerated.

Can I take the remedy for pancreatitis
Treat pancreatitis with "De-Nolom" without using other medicines is not very effective. But taking this medicine is very important in the complex therapy of acute and chronic types of pancreatitis, as well as in the phase of exacerbation of the disease.
This is due to the following factors:
- With exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, the production of gland enzymes increases. They can damage the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, causing gastritis.
- Exacerbation of pancreatitis requiresappointment of a "hungry" diet in a hospital for up to 5 days: patients do not take food that creates conditions for damage to the gastric mucosa.
- Chronic forms of pancreatitis are often associated with diseases of other parts of the gastrointestinal tract: gastroduodenitis, impaired bile outflow, impaired motor-evacuation function;
- Pancreatitis can develop due to infection of the gland by Helicobacter pylori.

Medication regimen
How to take De-Nol for pancreatitis?
The described medical remedy is prescribed for the treatment of the inflammatory process in the pancreas. The need for admission is due to its ability to eliminate all kinds of gastric problems, which in some cases accompany chronic forms of pathology.
Why does De-Nol help with pancreatitis?
The highest efficiency is obtained with the combined treatment of biliary pancreatitis. It is recommended to take the drug for inflammation of the gland 4 times a day, 1 tablet, observing the same time intervals.
The De-Nol treatment regimen for pancreatitis must be strictly observed.
Children are given this medicine 2 tablets a day. The medication should be taken before meals, and after taking juices, milk and other drinks, at least 30 minutes should pass. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced. The duration of the therapeutic course for each patient is individual and can be 2 months.
AlwaysIs "De-Nol" allowed for pancreatitis?
The medicine has contraindications that must be taken into account before using it in the complex therapy of diseases of the gland. Means "De-Nol" is contraindicated:
- During pregnancy and lactation.
- For kidney failure.
- Children under 4.
- If there is hypersensitivity to the elements from the composition of the medical product.
Side effects
In cases of non-compliance with the dosages prescribed by the specialist for the use of De-Nol, undesirable phenomena may occur. There are such adverse reactions: vomiting, problems with the stool, nausea. In rare situations, skin rashes may occur. Taking the drug in high dosages threatens the development of brain damage due to the accumulation of the main substance in the structures of the central nervous system.
Consider the compatibility of "De-Nol" with other medications.

Drug compatibility
For the treatment of pancreatitis, the drug "De-Nol" is prescribed. However, not all patients know that the effectiveness of this drug is significantly reduced if it is taken incorrectly. In this case, there is a possibility of developing complications that arise due to increased acidity. Since De-Nol tablets create a protective film on the gastric mucosa, the use of fruits, juices, and dairy products in some cases contributes to a decrease in the effectiveness of medicaldrug. Therefore, experts recommend maintaining the time intervals between taking the medication and consuming the above products.
You can not take "De-Nol" simultaneously with tetracyclines, since its active elements can slow down the penetration of antibacterial substances into the blood. When treating with a drug, the use of medications containing bismuth is contraindicated. When the therapeutic course of the medication is over, it is necessary to perform a laboratory blood test to determine the concentration of bismuth in the plasma. Despite the minimum amount of contraindications to therapy with De-Nol, it can only be taken as directed by a specialist.

Special Recommendations
Do not use this medicine for more than 8 weeks. During therapy, it is not recommended to increase the established daily dosages, since there is a risk of overdose and side effects. At the end of treatment, the concentration of the active substance in the blood should not exceed 3-59 mcg / l, and intoxication is noted only at a concentration of more than 110 mcg / l. Against the background of the use of the considered pharmacological agent, it is possible to stain the feces in a dark color due to the formation of bismuth sulfide. In some cases, there is a slight darkening of the surface of the tongue.
The cost of the medical preparation "De-Nol" depends on the number of tablets in the package. So, for a pack of 32 tablets, you need to pay from 297rubles. A package containing 56 pills costs from 478 rubles, and 112 pills - from 882 rubles.

If you cannot take this medicine, you can replace it with the following medicines:
- Novobismol.
- Vakair.
- "Vitridinol".
- Gastrofarm.
- Vikalin.
- Omez D.
- Venter.
- Gaviscon.
It must be taken into account that each pharmacological drug has certain dosages and contraindications, so only a specialist is able to choose the right analogue.

Patient opinions
There are a lot of reviews about this medical product, which indicates its wide popularity among people suffering from diseases of the digestive organs. The medicine "De-Nol" is prescribed not only for adults with pancreatitis. Often it is used in the treatment of stomach diseases in young children. Parents note that the condition of the babies after taking the medication quickly returns to normal, pain and discomfort disappear.
As for the treatment of inflammation of the pancreas, patients note the high efficiency of the drug in question, its good tolerance, and the absence of side effects. If they occur, the symptoms are usually minor. According to consumer reviews, the drug normalizes the condition very quickly - approximately within two days withdevelopment of acute pathological conditions. In chronic forms, its effect is observed somewhat later - about a week after the start of therapeutic measures.
As the disadvantages of the drug, patients note its high cost and the presence of heavy metal in the composition. Some people write that the drug did not have the expected effect.
We reviewed the instructions for use, reviews and price for De-Nol.