Hemogram is a complete blood count. It is a comprehensive description of the content of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocytes, hematocrit, reveals the leukocyte formula, as well as color and ESR.

How to conduct a blood hemogram
In order to establish the leukocyte formula and describe the cells, the smear is exposed to dyes. The following methods are commonly used:
- Romanovsky-Giemsa.
- Wright.
- Pappenheim.
- Nokhta.
If it is necessary to count the number of platelets and reticulocytes, special staining methods are used.
Today blood hemogram is carried out by means of semi-automatic and automatic analyzers. Each equipment differs in its characteristics and technical indicators.

Modern analyzers make it possible to carry out a blood hemogram according to a detailed scheme, which includes more than 20 parameters under the condition of a small volume of blood and high speed. Can not be installedonly the number of cells, but also the size of each of them individually. In this regard, the analyzer additionally displays the average volume of erythrocytes, the average value of hemoglobin, as well as the average content of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte itself. Setting the leukocyte formula and the number of each type of leukocyte in a unit of blood is also not new today. The distribution system of platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes, depending on their size, is displayed on the histogram.
Special hemogram
Expanded analysis may be required to diagnose diseases of the circulatory system. Conducted in highly specialized hematology centers and includes:
- detailed morphology of cell structure;
- cytochemical analysis;
- RBC resistance to sodium chloride;
- bone marrow examination;
- study of hemoglobin;
- determination of metabolic disorders of vitamins and iron.
Deciphering the blood hemogram
For the conclusion, the following indicators are analyzed:
- Comparative number of red hematopoietic germ with normal values of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and reticulocytes. Set color.
- Presence or absence of changes in red blood cells.
- Total number of leukocytes, the percentage of their various types (leukocyte formula).
- The ability of the bone marrow to regenerate itself.
- Absolute and relative content of each type of leukocyte in a given unit of blood volume.
- Type of core shift if there is a change in the ratio of mature andimmature neutrophils.
- Presence or absence of changes in the morphology of leukocytes.
- Definition of blasts - poorly differentiated leukocytes.
- Platelet count.
- ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
- Hematopoietic sprouts. The presence or absence of their changes.

Thus, based on the blood hemogram indicators, we can talk about the general condition of the entire circulatory system and its disorders. A detailed analysis gives a picture of the development of the disease and allows you to predict its course, which is an important step in the diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Only a specialist is able to correctly interpret the blood test and provide qualified assistance to the patient.