Breastfeeding benefits both mother and baby. Doctors believe that prolonged breastfeeding contributes to the harmonious development of the child. But there are situations when you have to end lactation. As a rule, abrupt cessation of breastfeeding is stressful for mother and child, but there are all sorts of situations in life. It is not always possible to do this naturally, and for some mothers, only a pill to stop lactation comes to the rescue. For information on what drugs are taken to quickly stop breastfeeding, see this article.
Lactation stop tablet: how it works

All drugs that are used to suppress breastfeeding act on a woman's hormonal system, causing the body to stop producing prolactin (the hormone responsible for milk production). Acceptthey are necessary with extreme caution, since the hormonal system is very, very unpredictable, and for some women they may simply be contraindicated. Such pills contain the female hormone estrogen, and it, in turn, is able to depress the general condition, as well as cause nausea, dizziness, and weakness. Many note which pills they would not take to stop lactation, they always felt side effects. And, unfortunately, there are a lot of them. After all, it is difficult to stop the process launched by nature and the body, and therefore you will have to feel the disadvantages of such a drug.
When might this drug be needed?
The decision to stop breastfeeding should never be spontaneous or subject to the whims of the mother. This is a very serious stress for the body, which must abruptly reverse the running mechanism. As a rule, women resort to such an emergency method only when faced with serious problems.

Stopping breastfeeding with medication may be needed:
- Problems directly with the mammary gland and breasts. Incessant lactostasis and mastitis with pus and fever, various inflammations of the breast can lead to disastrous consequences and even to surgical intervention. In this case, the doctor may advise interrupting feeding in order to restore the he alth of the mother.
- Immediately after childbirth, such drugs are prescribed to mothers with HIV infection, tuberculosis andother serious diseases that can be passed from mother to baby through milk.
- In case of cancer in the mother, requiring radiation or chemotherapy, pills are prescribed to stop lactation. Reviews of women who took them during this period are positive. But without consulting the attending physician, there should not be any independent attempts to take this medication!
- If a woman had a birth that ended in the death of a newborn, in order to suppress the production of milk that is no longer needed, pills are prescribed to stop lactation.
This remedy is one of the most common means to stop feeding. The principle of its action is the suppression of lactation with a decrease in prolactin.
As soon as prolactin stops secreting, milk also disappears.
This drug looks like a regular flat tablet. They are produced in two or eight pieces in a bottle.

The manufacturer promises that the level of prolactin in the blood (to be more precise, in plasma) will fall in 2-3 hours, and this effect will last for more than two weeks. And this time, the milk, as they say, will have time to “burn out” and will no longer stand out.
You won't have to take it for a long time: for the desired effect, it is enough to take half a tablet 2 times a day for two days.
Many buyers prefer Dostinex, because it has a minimum of side effects, unlike many other similar drugs. True, the cost of these pills is quite high: almost 2 thousand rubles.
Side effects of Dostinex
"Dostinex" is a strong, but still the most gentle drug to stop breastfeeding. However, being a hormonal agent, it has a number of side effects.
1. During long-term use of Dostinex, pressure problems may occur, so try not to take it immediately before you get behind the wheel. Headaches accompanied by nausea may disturb.
2. On the part of the nervous system, there is sleep disturbance, anxiety, and some may even develop increased sexual activity.
3. The gastrointestinal tract can also react to taking this drug. Constipation, increased flatulence, abdominal pain - all this can manifest itself while taking Dostinex.

Bromocriptine is also taken to suppress the production of prolactin. By the way, the spectrum of action of Bromocriptine is much higher than that of other drugs for lactation. For example, it is taken for amenorrhea, menstrual irregularities. Even for men, these pills will benefit if a diagnosis of prolactinoma is made.
To stop lactation, it is taken twice a day, one tablet on the first day, and after that the dosage should be doubled and a course of 2 weeks should be drunk. If the milk is still not lost, then the course is extended furtherfor a week. That is, the course of taking these pills is quite long. In addition, the tablets for stopping lactation "Bromocreptine", as well as all similar medicines, have a rather large list of contraindications.
Side effects of Bromocriptine
Like any hormonal drug, "Bromocriptine" can produce "side effects".
- Many complain of nausea and even vomiting in the first days of taking.
- Some report sleepiness throughout the day, while others report insomnia. That is, side effects can manifest themselves in different people in their own way.
- Weakness, low blood pressure, headache are also noted.
- In no case should you take Bromocriptine with alcoholic beverages. In this case, side effects are much stronger, and the effectiveness of drugs is significantly reduced.

The pill to stop lactation is contraindicated for those who have serious problems with the kidneys and liver, chronic diseases. Therefore, it is not worth making an independent decision about which means of lactation to choose. Be sure to consult a doctor who will prescribe the required dose. Both Dostinex and Bromocriptine have contraindications for use.
They should not be taken by people who have a history of problems with the heart and blood vessels. If you have a tendency to hypertension (high blood pressure), or, conversely, you suffer from low blood pressure,then it should not be accepted under any circumstances. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also adversely affect your he alth. Of course, all hormonal problems should not be treated with Bromocreptin or Dostinex on their own. Be sure to check with your doctor before you start drinking them. Even if your best friend drank these drugs and they helped her. Here you should not rely on the advice of the townsfolk.

The pill to stop lactation is a novelty on the market of medicines and, of course, has already benefited many women. But it is worth noting that it is impossible to take them without a doctor's prescription in any case. You can’t joke with hormonal drugs, the harm that they can cause if taken incorrectly can be very difficult to fix. A competent doctor will tell you the necessary pills to stop lactation, the instructions will help you understand the intricacies of taking.
If you follow all the above tips, then lactation can be completed without problems and stress.