Oncology rarely affects the abdominal cavity. Cells more often begin to divide uncontrollably, forming a tumor, in the mammary glands in women. Often there is a basal cell varnish of the skin, which is more typical for older patients. This form of cancer is relatively easy to treat and proceeds favorably in most cases.
As for secondary abdominal cancer, it is more often diagnosed in women who have had previous ovarian cancer, and the primary one is usually caused by diabetes, hormonal disorders, autoimmune pathologies and obesity.

The causes of cancer are still unknown. Cancer is diagnosed in older people. In men, malignant neoplasms appear less frequently than in women. Among the possible causes of the disease can be listed:
- ovarian cancer (epithelial cells of organs are similar, which leads to the development of pathology);
- spread of cancer cells by hematogenous, implantation orlymphogenous way into the peritoneum;
- severe degree of dysplasia (doctors consider this condition to be precancerous);
- bad genetics (cells can be in the body from birth, and under the influence of some factors will begin to actively divide).
It is believed that cell mutation causes chronic stress and a generally unhe althy lifestyle. This is not confirmed by laboratory or other medical studies, but in general it is useful to protect yourself from stress, normalize nutrition and engage in physical activity, so you should not refuse such preventive measures.

Types of cancer
The peritoneum secretes a certain amount of fluid so that the internal organs do not stick together. Primary cancer (this is an extremely rare pathology) usually begins in the lower part that lines the ovaries. Ovarian cancer provokes the onset of pathology in the peritoneum.
May develop peritoneal mesothelioma. There are abnormal cells that later provoke cancer in the fluid in the abdominal cavity. In this case, the predisposing factor is unfavorable heredity, viral disease or radiation.
Mesothelioma can be localized or diffuse. In the first case, the tumor is a node from the sheet of the peritoneum, and in the second it affects the entire surface of the abdominal cavity.

The stages of abdominal cancer are differentiated depending on the area of distribution of the pathology and the size of the neoplasm. If illnesslimited to the ovaries, it proceeds without symptoms. Then the cancer goes beyond the ovaries (second stage), but remains within the small pelvis. This stage also does not show any alarming symptoms.
At the third stage, the pathology extends to the inner layer of the peritoneum. Symptoms of abdominal cancer may appear. Further, oncology moves to nearby organs. The patient feels all the manifestations of oncology, complications appear, which lead to premature death.
In the initial stages, peritoneal cancer does not show any symptoms. When a malignant neoplasm reaches a size of about 5 cm, a clear clinical picture is formed.

Patients complain of abdominal pain because there are many nerve endings in the abdominal cavity. Oncology affects the nerve endings, causing discomfort and pain of varying intensity. At the same time, the abdomen increases in volume due to the growth of the tumor, and fluid may accumulate in the peritoneum.
Serious complications are swelling of the abdomen, lower extremities and genital area. Weight gain occurs quickly, and a constant feeling of fullness is associated with intestinal obstruction. The patient may have nausea and vomiting. Food in peritoneal cancer is not digested normally, but remains in the peritoneum. In some cases, this causes severe intoxication.
For sarcoma is characterized by weight loss. The patient can lose up to 10 kg within two to three months. This symptom applies to any malignant processes. Appearsfeeling of constant fatigue, which is associated with disruption of the liver and central nervous system. It also leads to drowsiness. Another characteristic symptom is intestinal obstruction. This can lead to the death of the patient if the surgical intervention is not performed in time.
Abdominal cancer is extremely dangerous for the patient's life. Illness can be detected when significant harm has already been done to he alth. The patient may experience complications from the digestive and respiratory systems, heart and blood vessels, kidneys, and so on. Cancer metastases appear in the abdominal cavity, which affect neighboring organs.

It is not uncommon to experience symptoms of heart failure. With the defeat of lymph node metastases, the heart is displaced from the anatomical position. Cancer can interfere with normal breathing, and fluid may accumulate in the lungs. Metastasizes abdominal cancer to the intestine, disrupting its work. The patient's metabolic processes are disturbed, which leads to exhaustion, anorexia, anemia.
Also, the patient's body is constantly poisoned by substances formed during the decay of a malignant tumor. There is intoxication. This leads to fever, weakness, drowsiness, increased blood pressure. There may be pain in the spine that appears when the tumor reaches a large size.
When cancer is suspected, a full range of diagnostic procedures is performed. Examination allows you to note the seal in the abdominal cavity, but this method will reveal oncology already at the finalstages. On ultrasound, the specialist will see the peritoneum from the inside. The study allows you to establish a primary diagnosis.
Cytological analysis is performed with a clear increase in the volume of the abdomen. Laparoscopy allows you to examine the ovaries and surrounding tissues. During the operation, the patient is under general anesthesia. During a laparoscopy, doctors take a sample to send it for research to determine abnormal cells. This method determines the final diagnosis.
Surgical excision of the tumor may be indicated for abdominal cancer. During the abdominal operation, foci of the disease, including metastases, are removed. Radiation therapy is prescribed in combination with surgery. The course is conducted both before and after the intervention.

Chemotherapy is a part of complex treatment. During immunotherapy, special preparations are introduced into the patient's body that activate the protective properties. The abdominal cavity is also treated with a special solution. This is a very complex procedure, so the doctor must be a real specialist.
Folk remedies
It is unacceptable to treat oncology with folk remedies. The issue of using plant-based tinctures and decoctions is relevant only as an addition to medical and other treatment. It is possible to use alternative methods for complications of oncology, but only after consulting a doctor. At the same time, the therapeutic effect is based on increasing the urinary properties of the patient's body.
Oncological lesion of the peritoneum is dangerous for the patient by cancerous spread to nearby organs. As a result, relapses often occur, which are difficult to treat. Metastases can form in the lymph nodes, brain and bone marrow, liver. Cancer threatens with the development of heart and respiratory failure, which can lead to the death of the patient. A great danger is cancer intoxication of the body.
Abdominal cancer has a favorable prognosis if the disease was detected at the first or second stage. In this case, it is possible to achieve a survival rate of 80%. But, unfortunately, treatment is most often prescribed already in the last stages, because it is very difficult to identify the pathology earlier. With adequate therapy, the patient recovers, but the relapse process is still very large.

In the event of a relapse, the chance of recovery is extremely small. If all methods of therapy do not bring results, then the patient has a maximum of 15 months to live. Without treatment, the patient dies from complications of oncology within a year.