Oncomarkers of the liver and pancreas

Oncomarkers of the liver and pancreas
Oncomarkers of the liver and pancreas

Timely detection of the disease is the main condition for a favorable cure for the disease. Tests for the presence of tumor markers in case of suspected presence of an oncological process in the liver are considered important for determining the disease at an early stage of its development. According to the statistics of doctors, the number of cancer patients is only growing every year. It is important to determine what liver and pancreas tumor markers help to show and how to correctly decipher the results of the study.

What are tumor markers?

Tumor markers are specific protein derivatives that ensure the production of invasive cancer cells during active growth and development of a tumor formation in the body. The tumor produces components that are very different from those produced by a he althy body, in this state, the production of cancer cells is significantly accelerated, and after a short period of time they are already spreading throughout the body in greater numbers.

What are tumor markers?
What are tumor markers?

As the oncological formation progresses, the number of tumor markers in the blood stream increases, which proves the presence of cancer in the bodyprocess. This research method does not always help to determine the presence of a tumor in the human body due to the possible presence of strong metastases. But in modern medicine, only tumor markers help to conduct an accurate examination, identify the presence of a tumor formation, the degree of spread of pathological cells in the liver, larynx, intestines and stomach at the initial stage of the disease.

Why analysis is needed

The analysis helps to determine whether there is a malignant tumor in the patient's body, its severity, the effectiveness of the therapeutic measures taken to prevent the development of a relapse long before the onset of unpleasant symptoms in a person. This diagnostic method cannot be called accurate, and often a liver study is carried out through a combined effect, since the readings of one of the markers can slightly distort the results. Additionally, a biochemical and clinical blood test is performed, and the main symptoms of the patient are taken into account.

When should it be done?

Liver tumor markers are used to detect cancer, determine the primary diagnosis and establish metastases, and conduct screening therapy to eliminate a malignant tumor.

When is the study done?
When is the study done?

When carrying out therapeutic measures, it is important to regularly monitor the tumor formation in order to prevent a possible recurrence of the disease.

What are liver tumor markers called

Tumor formation can produce in the human body up to200 different protein compounds. What liver tumor markers exist? The main markers used in diagnostic measures include:

  1. AFP (alpha-fetoprotein or albumin) in a normal amount in a completely he althy person is at around 15 ng / ml. In case of disease, this concentration significantly exceeds 10 ng / ml. With an increase in the amount of the hormone, the doctor considers the presence in the patient's body of hepatocarcinoma, the primary stage of cancer, metastases, embryonic tumors in the ovaries in men. In some cases, the amount of ACE increases significantly with benign formation, progression of liver cirrhosis, acute hepatitis, and chronic insufficiency in the organ. With an increase in the amount of AFP in pregnant women, a malformation of the embryo can be detected.
  2. B2-MG (beta microglobulin) is detected in almost all cells of the body in the presence of tumor formation. In the urine, such a component is in a minimal amount. With excessive concentration in the blood, the doctor diagnoses liver disease. As such a marker increases, an inflammatory process develops in the body.
  3. PSA (prostate antigen) is particularly sensitive among others. In the analysis, blood plasma or serum is used. In a normal state, about 4 ng / ml should be in the human body, if the indicator exceeds 10 ng / ml, then the development of cancer is determined in the body. An indicator of more than 20 ng / ml indicates the presence of benign tumors in the body.
  4. CEA (oncomarker of liver cancer). Its normal amount in the body is notmore than 5 ng / ml. Malignant formation develops in the lungs, liver, stomach and rectum. The CEA marker is produced by cells in the fetal digestive system. Problems with the number of cancers-embryonic antigen occur in the presence of tuberculosis, chronic kidney failure or hepatitis.
  5. CEA targets rectal cancer in the liver, cervix, bladder, thyroid, lungs and kidneys.
  6. hCG helps to determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the intestines, as well as cirrhosis of the liver.
  7. CA 15-3 liver tumor marker level is increased in hepatitis, ovarian cancer and cirrhosis in the body.
Deciphering the results
Deciphering the results

Purpose of the procedure

An increased amount of a liver tumor marker does not always indicate the presence of cancer in the organ. Additionally, blood biochemistry is carried out. Liver markers are given to patients for the following purposes:

  • to establish an accurate diagnosis of the disease;
  • determining the presence of metastases not only in the liver, but also in other organs nearby;
  • for screening when removing a tumor formation, as well as monitoring the results of therapeutic measures;
  • to determine if patients are likely to relapse.

When to get tested

Tests are taken monthly - once when making the first diagnosis, in the second year - 1-2 times a month, in the third year - at least twice, in subsequent years also several times. Often an inaccurate result of the study gives one or several at once.markers, although with an increase in their concentration, one can accurately speak of the active progression of tumor formation.

Conducting research
Conducting research

To get tested and get the result, you need to contact any laboratory in the clinic.

Following the ground rules

Before the procedure, it is important to follow certain rules so that the results of the study are as correct as possible:

  1. The analysis is taken on an empty stomach - breakfast is prohibited in the morning, you can only drink one glass of water.
  2. It is important to avoid fried, smoked and spicy foods and alcohol a few days before the examination.
  3. Try to isolate yourself from stress and nervous strain, as well as reduce the amount of physical activity.

On the day of the analysis, it is forbidden to smoke for 2-3 hours, as well as to take medicines. If the patient needs to drink medicines without fail, then it is important to inform the doctor about this. It is also important to tell him about any allergic reactions present to the injected agents. It is important to stop sexual intercourse a week before the study.

When is it important to do research?
When is it important to do research?

Women should not take tumor markers for liver cancer during menstruation, since in this condition the results of the study may be far from real. In this case, the most optimal time for donating blood will be 7-10 days before the onset of menstruation.

The most accurate results are considered when blood taken from a veinthe patient is not frozen, but immediately examined in the laboratory. Freezing itself does not greatly affect the results of the tests, but more reliable data will still be taken from the patient's fresh blood.

Description of cancer

The liver is a filter of the human body, as well as the main assistant in cleaning the blood from harmful components and toxins. Liver cancer is now diagnosed in 7% of all cancer patients. It is important to remember that this condition is very difficult to treat.

Description of the disease
Description of the disease

If at the initial stage of the development of the lesion, hepatocytes change to a malignant form, then after that they begin to actively clog the ducts and vessels of the liver. They provoke the active development of the parenchyma and the growth of cancer cells along the biliary tract. Sometimes a patient develops angiosarcoma (with the spread of hepatocytes through the blood vessels of the organ).

Children develop hepatoblastoma, a malignant neoplasm that changes to cancer in a short time. Also, the disease can begin to actively develop in the body with liver metastases from another nearby organ: the intestines, lungs or genital organs. In this condition, the active development of secondary cancer begins, which is often determined when going to the doctor.

Symptoms of disease

The secondary form of the disease is actively progressing if the patient has the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • acute pain syndrome;
  • dizziness immediately afterwaking up in the morning;
  • excessive fatigue, feeling unwell;
  • dull pain in the hypochondrium;
  • complete or partial lack of appetite;
  • rapid unexplained weight loss;
  • yellowness of the skin, including the membranes of the eye;
  • discharge of dark-colored urine, in some cases blood is additionally present in it;
  • feces almost completely white;
  • chills in the limbs, fever for no apparent reason.

In addition to oncomarker tests, patients are prescribed a general blood test, feces and urine, biochemistry to determine antibodies and the level of the main indicators of erythrocytes. Also, CT, MRI and ultrasound can be additionally prescribed, a biopsy when taking a small piece of tissue from the liver to study and determine the form of malignant formation. Liver cancer patients should be on a strict diet.

Oncomarkers for liver metastases today are considered the most effective and efficient diagnostic method that helps to determine the presence of liver cancer at the initial stage of its development, which will help doctors prescribe a comprehensive and timely treatment. This will help alleviate the patient's condition and prolong his life.

Normal alpha-fetoprotein levels

The fetoprotein tumor marker is found in human plasma, and a rapid increase in its amount may indicate the presence of cancer in the human body. The level of AFP increases significantly with the active development of cancer of the liver, uterus orprostate.

Normal performance
Normal performance

An analysis to determine the amount of alpha-fetoprotein in the body is prescribed to patients in the following cases:

  • in the presence of oncology and the beginning of metastasis in nearby organs;
  • presence of tumor formations in the uterus and prostate;
  • during the course of chemotherapy and after surgery, which will ensure effective therapy;
  • in order to determine the condition of the organ during the development of cirrhosis;
  • for diagnosing the condition of a patient who is at high risk of morbidity.

Oncomarker norms

Oncomarker norms for children (boys):

  • 1 day to 30 days less than 16,400 ng/mL;
  • from a month to a year - no higher than 28 ng/ml;
  • 2-3 years - less than 7.9 ng/mL;
  • 4 to 6 years - less than 5.6 ng/mL;
  • 7 to 10 years - less than 3.7 ng/mL;
  • 12-19 years - do not exceed 3.9 ng/mL.

Girls look like this:

  • from 1 day to a month - no more than 19,000 ng/ml;
  • from a month to a year - not higher than 77 ng/ml;
  • 2-3 years - less than 11 ng/mL;
  • 4 -6 years - no higher than 4.2 ng/ml;
  • 7 -10 years - less than 5.6 ng/mL;
  • 12 to 19 years - less than 4.2 ng/ml.

In older people, the ACE should not exceed 7 ng / ml. Such indicators are considered normal for he althy people in whose body there are no formations. But if the level of AFP increases significantly, then this may indicate that in the human body inlatent cancer develops. If such a condition is diagnosed, the doctor sends the patient for a more detailed examination.
