Examination scheduled. How to prepare? Does an abdominal ultrasound hurt?

Examination scheduled. How to prepare? Does an abdominal ultrasound hurt?
Examination scheduled. How to prepare? Does an abdominal ultrasound hurt?

When a doctor gives a referral for an examination, the first question will, of course, be: “How to prepare?” Does an abdominal ultrasound require special preparation or should I go for the procedure right away?

How is an ultrasound performed?

how to prepare for abdominal ultrasound
how to prepare for abdominal ultrasound

By visual examination of the internal organs located in the abdomen, and their displacement from the classical position, one can determine their condition. Appearance can also reveal the presence of cysts and lumps.

Most often examined on an ultrasound machine:

  • liver;
  • gall bladder;
  • kidneys;
  • pancreas;
  • spleen;
  • outlines of the stomach and duodenum.

The image is produced by ultrasonic waves and displayed on the screen.

How is an ultrasound performed?

Patients have questions:

  • How is the procedure done?
  • Sick or not, how long does it take?
  • How to prepare?

abdominal ultrasoundcavities began to be done relatively recently, and not everyone faced the study.

abdominal ultrasound how to prepare
abdominal ultrasound how to prepare

Examination is carried out on a special apparatus by a radiologist. The patient will need to undress, lie down on the couch and take a position that the doctor will tell you. The classic position is lying on your back. But sometimes they may be asked to roll over on their side or stomach in order to see the organ more accurately or see its displacement in dynamics. Especially often asked to roll over if examining the kidneys.

A gel is applied to the skin during the procedure. Some patients may be allergic to it, so you need to tell your doctor about your feelings, especially those who came to the examination for the first time. The entire study takes no more than half an hour.

Then the doctor asks to wait a bit and gives the result immediately to hand, which is very convenient. You can immediately find out what hurts and why.

Usually the first question for those who have not experienced the procedure concerns sensations. If you know how an abdominal ultrasound is done, how to prepare, then you understand that you do not need to be afraid of the examination. It is absolutely painless.

Preparing for the procedure

In the event that 2-3 days before the study it was necessary to do an x-ray and drink a contrast agent, you need to warn the doctor about this. Even if the procedure is necessary, the examination period will have to be postponed. Barium, which is used as a contrast agent, distorts the overall picture and reduces visibility.

The doctor will definitely warn you how to prepare for the procedure. Abdominal ultrasoundcavity will show a reliable result if intestinal motility is reduced as much as possible. This needs to be taken care of in advance. For 2-3 days, you need to stop eating foods that cause fermentation: black bread, legumes, etc.

Eat a light dinner one day before the procedure and then abstain from food for 10-12 hours.

The only difference in preparation is when examining the kidneys. But this is specifically stated. Together with the kidneys, the bladder is often examined. It can only be appreciated when it is full.

What can ultrasound tell?

how do abdominal ultrasound
how do abdominal ultrasound

I must say right away: the intestines are not examined on the ultrasound machine. An experienced doctor may suggest possible problems in the intestines, but no more. Also, ulcers, erosions, deverticula will not be visible on the screen.

Examinations are carried out in order to assess the size of organs, the presence of stones in the kidneys or bile ducts, to identify free fluid in the abdominal cavity, the occurrence of tumors of various pathogenesis. To determine whether a malignant neoplasm or benign, ultrasound is not able to.

During the biopsy procedure, its execution is controlled on the screen of the device.

If you know how to prepare, an abdominal ultrasound will show a reliable result. According to its results, the doctor will be able to prescribe adequate therapy.
