Keratosis: what is it? How to treat keratosis?

Keratosis: what is it? How to treat keratosis?
Keratosis: what is it? How to treat keratosis?

Keratosis is a skin disease that is largely genetic in nature, but can occur due to a number of external factors. Diseases affect both adults and children. Treatment methods for large and small patients are different. How to prevent the development of complications of the disease, for what reasons keratosis occurs, symptoms and treatment of pathology - the reader will find information on these and other issues in our article.

What is keratosis?

Keratosis refers to a whole group of dermatological diseases, the most characteristic manifestation of which is the thickening of the epidermis. Pathology does not have a viral nature of origin, but rather is the result of a certain complex of provoking factors. These include:

  • Dry skin, which is considered the main cause of pathology. If the skin is not moisturized, dead scales will not flake off properly, thus creating a fertile ground for the appearance ofpainful condition. The cause of dryness can be the frequent use of household detergents, as well as the abuse of sunburn (ultraviolet light dries the skin);
  • Lack of vitamins A, C, E in the body can provoke metabolic disorders and lead to keratosis;
  • what is keratosis
    what is keratosis
  • The intake of hormonal drugs generates cell renewal and leads to the onset of the disease. The pathological condition can also manifest itself during puberty in adolescents, as well as during pregnancy, when hormonal changes in the body occur and keratin production increases;
  • Keratosis can be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as stress, which causes vitamin B deficiency in the body, the lack of which leads to dry skin.

Relationship with oncology

Surely many have heard of such a disease as keratosis. What it is, however, is not for everyone. In fact, pathology leads to the appearance of keratomas on human skin - benign neoplasms (single or multiple). To date, the opinions of experts about the disease and the causes of its occurrence are ambiguous, doctors are divided into two camps. Some argue that the causes leading to the appearance of the disease are purely genetic in nature. Others do not exclude the involvement in the occurrence of the pathology of the factors mentioned above. Accordingly, the answers to questions about how to treat keratosis will also vary.

One way or another, but between keratosis and skin cancer there isrelationship. Keratoma has a benign nature, however, it is not uncommon for cancer cells to develop in its structures. Neoplasms are little distinguishable from each other, so it is visually difficult to determine the type of pathology (cancer or keratosis). What it is will help to establish only histological examination. In almost all cases, the procedure is resorted to when making a diagnosis.

Multiple foci of keratosis may indicate the presence of cancer in the internal organs. There is some statistics, according to which, among 9 thousand examined patients with keratoma, 900 people were diagnosed with various forms of skin cancer.


The disease "keratosis" is divided into groups according to various signs. For example, according to the nature of origin, they distinguish:

  • Symptomatic keratosis - pathology occurs against the background of other diseases, as well as under the influence of adverse environmental factors;
  • Hereditary keratosis is a pathology that is formed for genetic reasons and usually manifests itself at an early age or immediately after birth;
  • Acquired keratosis is a disease whose causes are not fully understood.

Depending on how keratomas appear on the body, they distinguish:

  • Localized keratosis - the disease affects a specific area (area) of the skin;
  • Diffuse keratosis - the disease covers the entire body or very large areas of the skin.

Also highlighted:

  • Follicular keratosis, within which foci of disease (horny plugs) form at the hair follicle;
  • Actinic keratosis is uneven, rough patches on the skin that gradually transform into scaly lesions ranging from normal skin tone to red-brown;
  • Seborrheic keratosis is a nodular formation covered with dark horny scales.

Types of seborrheic keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis is also divided into some forms:

  1. The illustration below shows a keratoma that is slightly raised above the surface of the skin and is characterized by a strong pigment - this is a pathology called "flat keratosis" (photo). Treatment of such a neoplasm is eliminated surgically;
  2. keratosis treatment with folk remedies
    keratosis treatment with folk remedies
  3. Irritable keratosis is a type of disease in which the internal structures of a benign formation contain large accumulations of lymphocytes. The content of the tumor can only be determined by histological analysis;
  4. Adenoid keratosis - manifestations of the disease in the form of a network of thin pigmented cells;
  5. Clear cell melanoacanthoma is a rare type of keratosis that presents as warty masses that are rounded and look like wet plaques. Melanoacanthomas occur mainly on the lower extremities;
  6. Lichenoid keratosis. What it is? Pathology in which the neoplasm is characterized by inflammatory changes and is similar in manifestations to mycoses or erythematosis in lupus erythematosus. Similar foci inskin can also occur with lichen planus.

Other forms of keratosis

Medical practice also known:

  • keratotic papilloma,
  • dermal horn,
  • clonal keratosis.

Keratotic papilloma is a form of pathology that manifests itself as small formations consisting of single cysts with inclusions of horny cells;

Corne horn is a form of keratosis that is considered quite rare. The pathology is manifested by formations of horny cells of a conditionally cylindrical shape protruding above the surface of the skin. The disease affects mainly the elderly. Tumors, which can vary in size, are classified into two subspecies:

  • Primary - there is not enough information on the type of this pathology, it can manifest itself spontaneously, for no apparent reason;
  • Secondary - pathology occurs against the background of an inflammatory process in other skin formations. It is this form of skin horn that can degenerate into a malignant formation under the influence of viruses or microtrauma;

Clonal keratosis. What it is? This type of pathology is similar to epithelioma and refers to a special form of the disease, which is characterized by plaques in the form of warts. In addition, nests are located in the epithelial layer of the tumor. The formations themselves consist of keratinocytes - pigmented cells. Clonal keratosis mainly appears on the lower extremities and predominantly in the elderly.

Main symptoms

The most obvious signskeratosis are neoplasms (single or multiple) that appear on open areas of the skin - back, chest, forearm. Sometimes the disease can affect the neck, scalp, back of the hand, genital area. There are rare cases when the pathology appears on the soles of the feet. The size of a benign tumor can vary from a few mm to several cm. The formation most often takes on a rounded shape, its boundaries are clearly defined. It is possible that the patient may experience itching at the site of the tumor.

Growths are usually pink or yellow, but may be dark brown or black. The surface of the tumor is rough, covered with a thin film, when removed or damaged, blood is released. Gradually, the film becomes thicker, may be covered with cracks. With thickening of the crust, the edges of the tumor change and take on an irregular shape. At the same time, the neoplasm becomes too convex, with black or light patches.

Risk group and complications

The following group of people are more susceptible to the disease:

  • immune-compromised patients (post-chemotherapy, AIDS or blood disease),
  • people with a genetic predisposition,
  • older people with dry skin,
  • representatives of countries with a warm climate and a large number of sunny days a year,
  • Keratosis is often diagnosed in people with fair skin and red hair.
  • keratosis disease
    keratosis disease

In treatmentkeratosis, early screening is important, therefore, before establishing a diagnosis, it is carried out:

  • general examination of the patient;
  • histological examination of the taken biomaterial.

Keratosis is a disease that is treated consistently and takes a long time. Advanced stages of the disease can cause various complications:

  • Degeneration of benign tumors into cancer;
  • Pathology causes a malfunction of the endocrine system, as well as nerve trunks and endings;
  • Pathology can lead to tooth loss;
  • Microbial eczema often appears against the background of keratosis.

Treatment methods

As a rule, in the treatment of keratosis, the most effective methods are surgical. But only in the case when the manifestation of pathology is represented by individual elements in open areas of the body. Conservative methods of treatment give little effect, although often in order to stop the progression of the pathology, the patient is prescribed large doses of ascorbic acid.

keratosis treatment at home
keratosis treatment at home

I must say that this measure leads to positive dynamics in treatment. Therapy is carried out in courses lasting up to two months. Between the stages of treatment, it is necessary to take breaks of several weeks to give the body a rest. Course therapy helps to prevent new foci of the disease with the name "keratosis" from appearing in the future. Treatment with folk remedies is a purely additional measure to the above two.

Manifestations of keratosis are removedthrough various manipulations:

  • Laser or radio wave radiation;
  • Cryodestruction is a treatment technique based on the effect of liquid nitrogen on the affected areas of the skin. This procedure is used primarily for multiple keratoses;
  • Chemical peeling - trichloroacetic acid is used for the procedure (in pure form or a solution in various proportions);
  • Electrocoagulation is a technique that uses electric current in the treatment of affected areas of the body;
  • Curettage is a scraping procedure using a special metal instrument (curette).

Children are as susceptible to disease as adults. In most cases, small patients are diagnosed with follicular keratosis, which occurs in the region of the hair follicle. The reason for the development of a painful condition may be the cold season; lack of vitamins in the body; diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; daily stress at school or in the family. A nodular rash that resembles "goosebumps" manifests follicular keratosis in children. A photo of a similar manifestation of the disease is shown in the illustration below.

keratosis in children photo
keratosis in children photo

The diagnosis is established on the basis of the examination, additionally, a study of biological material can be carried out. Often, conservative treatment is aimed only at eliminating a cosmetic defect. The main task of therapy is to moisturize the skin and exfoliate dead skin cells with the help of special creams and ointments.


Importantremember that in the event of any pathological conditions, you can not self-medicate. You should immediately seek advice from a specialist and find out what violations have occurred in the body.

You need to see a doctor if:

  • new growth changed shape, size, color in a short period of time,
  • the neoplasm has become inflamed or injured,
  • unhealed or bleeding areas appeared on the skin,
  • soreness or persistent itching is felt at the site of the keratoma.

In order to prevent pathology, you should:

  • Have periodic consultations with a dermatologist;
  • Stay in the sun only during permitted hours and protect the skin from UV exposure;
  • how to treat keratosis
    how to treat keratosis
  • Make sure that the skin is always moisturized - for this you can use various cosmetics;
  • Avoid prolonged skin irritation from tight shoes or uncomfortable clothing.

Tumours do not disappear on their own, over time they only progress.

Traditional medicine recipes for keratosis

As noted earlier, alternative medicine can only become an additional measure to conservative (surgical) therapy and only after establishing the correct diagnosis. Treatment of keratosis at home involves the use of various ointments and compresses based on potatoes, propolis, yeast. For example, they cover with propolisaffected areas of the skin (it is necessary to apply the product in a thin layer) for several days. Then they give the skin a rest, and after a while they again perform a similar procedure. The course of treatment consists of several cycles.

keratosis photo treatment
keratosis photo treatment

Effective in the fight against keratosis is the use of raw potatoes. The fruit is rubbed on a fine grater, placed in several layers of gauze and applied to the affected areas of the skin for 40–60 minutes. The procedure is repeated using fresh potatoes.

Often live yeast is used for compresses. The product is applied to problem areas for several hours, then washed with plenty of water. The course of treatment is repeated for five days.

Physiotherapy can also become an integral part in getting rid of the manifestations of the disease. However, the most important thing in the treatment of the disease is daily skin care.
