The term "clean scabies" refers to a pathological condition that is one of the forms of scabious dermatitis. The causative agent of the disease is a subcutaneous parasite - a female arachnid itch. Another name for the disease is incognito scabies.

Features of pathology
Scabies "clean" in most cases has a typical form of development. In this case, the disease is accompanied by the appearance of specific signs, and therefore the diagnosis of the disease is not difficult for the doctor. With an atypical form, the symptoms of the pathology are erased, a comprehensive examination is required to identify the pathology.
One of the features of the manifestation of scabies "clean" is that the affected area of the skin in most cases is small. Often the disease proceeds in a latent form. In such cases, only with a pronounced weakening of the body's defenses, the first signs of "clean" scabies appear. How to treat a pathology should only be told by a doctor, since self-appointmentmedications leads to negative consequences that are much more difficult to eliminate than the disease itself. The difficulty lies in the fact that the latent form of the disease does not lead to the formation of extensive and deep scratches, and therefore most people do not turn to a specialist in a timely manner. As a rule, the disease is diagnosed randomly during medical examinations.
Most often "incognito" is diagnosed in people who are responsible for observing the rules of hygiene, but who have a significantly weakened immune system. In addition, pathology is often detected in people with other dermatological diseases.
The duration of the period of primary infection is from 2 to 14 days, while the latent form of "clean" scabies can last several months with frequent changes of bed and underwear and constant flushing of the itch with water using cosmetics.
Acting on the subcutaneous parasite with soap, gels, washcloths, a person removes part of the pathogens from the body. At the same time, the remaining mites involuntarily penetrate even deeper and hide under the stratum corneum in the formed scabies channels. In this regard, the pathological process passes into a form in which periods of remission (a temporary state of improvement) are replaced by relapses.
Scabies "clean" (a photo of the external manifestation of the disease is presented below) can occur in the following cases:
- When the doctor was initially diagnosed incorrectly and the wrong treatment regimen was drawn up, including external usehormonal ointments and creams. Against the background of their use, the clinical picture is distorted. The patient feels improvement (decrease in the severity of itching and external signs), but the pathology is still progressing.
- After prolonged use of antibacterial agents. Against the background of treatment with the help of such medications, the body's defenses are significantly weakened and the subcutaneous tick can go into an active form. Failure of the immune system can also occur due to prolonged exposure to stress.
- Frequent hygiene measures using soap. Excessive passion for water procedures harms the skin in the same way as their complete absence. With frequent washing, the natural protective barrier is broken, due to which the body's resistance to subcutaneous itching and other pathogens is reduced. Soap is another enemy of the skin. The alkaline environment also has a negative effect on the protective barrier. In this regard, it is necessary to use only products whose pH is less than 7.

At the risk group are people who, due to the nature of their professional activities, are often forced to wash themselves: athletes, car mechanics, tractor drivers, miners, etc. Often, "clean" scabies (a photo of the first skin manifestations of the disease is presented below) is diagnosed in children who are bathed very often. In such cases, parents most often write off the presence of limited scratching as an allergic reaction.
If washed regularly with a washcloth, a large amountsubcutaneous pruritus and pathogen larvae are removed from the skin along with water. This stops the further development of the disease and the formation of new tick passages. That is why an infected person may not pay attention to existing changes in the skin for a long time, attributing them to irritation, allergies or mosquito bites. In such cases, the person still remains the source of the disease.
Main routes of infection:
- Bodily contact, including a banal handshake.
- Wearing someone else's clothes.
- While caring for an infected person.
- When reading other people's books.
- Sharing towels and bedding.
- During children's fun with other people's toys.
Activation of subcutaneous itching occurs at night. In this regard, the transfer of the tick from parents to the child is carried out during joint sleep.

How to treat scabies "clean", decides only the doctor. If the first signs of pathology occur, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible and not take emergency measures without his permission.
The symptoms of scabies "clean" include the following conditions:
- Slight itching of the skin that bothers at night. At this time, the females of the itch are as active as possible. Larvae of the pathogen and eggs laid in tick passages constantly need oxygen. In order to get it, they secrete a toxic compound that causes itching. Man combing andpeels off the skin, bringing oxygen to pathogens.
- The presence of inconspicuous single moves. These are stripes under the skin that look like small scratches. Scabies can be up to 2 cm long. Their color varies from slightly whitish to gray. The moves can be winding or straight. The channels are gnawed by females of the subcutaneous itch. They are not always detected during external examination, but if they are found, this is a clear sign of the presence of "clean" scabies.
- Inflammation in the area of small single scratches. In this case, damage to the skin is mild.
After frequent washing of hands, damage to the palms may occur. In some cases, the skin between the fingers turns red and itches.
External signs of scabies "clean" are diverse. They may be similar to the symptoms of hives or dermatitis. Pustules, papules, vesicles can form on the skin. Crusts or cracks can be found in the area of tick channels.
Despite the fact that in people the symptoms of scabies "clean" are mild, over time, their intensity increases. Gradually, more and more areas of the skin begin to be involved in the pathological process.
The most typical areas of disease localization are:
- Wrists.
- Elbows.
- Hockpits.
- Outer and inner parts of the feet.
- Armpit.
- Inner thigh.
- The area around the nipples (for both men and women).
- The area between the shoulder blades.
- Area around the navel.
- The area between the fingers.
- ribs of the palms.
- Buttocks.
- Genital organs.
- Anus.
In most cases, the hands are affected. This is the first sign of scabies "clean", proceeding in a typical form. If the disease is latent, this symptom may appear later. This happens if the infection occurred sexually and subcutaneous itching takes longer to reach the fingers.
The danger of a latent form of pathology lies in the fact that the correct diagnosis in the first months of the development of the disease is rarely made. This is exactly what happens due to the fact that the itch slowly gets to the fingers. At the same time, scratching on other parts of the body is in most cases mistaken for insect bites or manifestations of an allergic reaction. As a rule, the true cause of itching is revealed only when the overwhelming part of the body is affected by the tick.

When the first symptoms of "clean" scabies occur, you should consult a dermatologist. During the appointment, the specialist will conduct an initial diagnosis, including:
- Interrogation of the patient. The doctor needs to provide information on what symptoms are currently bothering and how long ago they appeared. Important signs are itching, which increases at night, the presence of rashes on the skin. In addition, it is important for the specialist to know whether there are similar manifestations in persons living with the patient or working / communicating with him in a close team.
- Examination of the patient. Doctorassesses the condition of human skin, reveals the localization of scratching. In some cases, a specialist can visualize tick passages in the affected areas.
If you suspect the presence of a latent form of "clean" scabies in children who are carefully and regularly cared for, you need to consider:
- Zones of scratching, atypical for adults. In babies, the most commonly affected by a subcutaneous tick are: head (face and scalp), neck, feet, nails, back.
- Very rapid destruction of pathogen passages when combing itchy areas.
- The presence of other rashes that have arisen on the background of allergies, diathesis, eczema. It is important to consider that they mask the skin signs of "clean" scabies.
Toddlers should be treated immediately. In the absence of timely intervention by a qualified specialist, the pathology will develop rapidly, against which the general condition of the child will worsen and the risk of negative consequences will increase.
When examining older children (school), the doctor may additionally detect: sores at the site of the rash, covered with crusts with dried blood or pus; tick passages in the form of elevations above the skin; red blisters on elbows.
To make an accurate diagnosis, laboratory research methods are mandatory. These include:
- Coloring. Its essence is as follows: suspicious areas of the skin are treated with iodine, ink or methylene blue. These substances are capable of brighterstain loose and inflamed tissue, so that the specialist can clearly visualize the tick channels.
- Thin section method. A small piece of skin is taken from the patient. The method is painless and is not accompanied by changes in the appearance of the patient. The resulting biological material is examined under a microscope. In the process of research, one can detect subcutaneous pruritus, larvae, eggs and their shells, skins, which are the end product of molting.
- Scraping. Lactic acid is applied to any suspicious area. It helps soften the stratum corneum and does not irritate the skin. After 5 minutes, a scraping is performed. The resulting skin particles are examined by specialists at a magnification of 600 times.
In addition, in some cases it is possible to remove the female itch from the tick canal using a special medical needle.

Conservative therapies
Regardless of the severity of the symptoms of "clean" scabies, treatment of the disease should begin as soon as possible. The outcome of the disease directly depends on the timeliness of the measures taken.
Information on how to treat "clean" scabies is provided by a dermatologist. The specialist develops a therapy plan, the objectives of which are:
- elimination of mature specimens of the pathogen, their larvae and eggs;
- preventing re-infection and the spread of the epidemic.
General rules for the treatment of "clean" scabies:
- Allactivities are carried out before bedtime, due to the high activity of the parasite during the night hours.
- When an illness is detected in children under 5 years of age, anti-scabies preparations are applied completely to the entire body (including the face and scalp).
- At the same time, people who are in close and regular contact with the patient are being treated.
- All medications must be rubbed for about 5 minutes with unprotected gloves on the palms. This is due to the fact that the latter contain the largest number of tick channels.
- Regardless of the name of the drug, treatment is carried out on the 1st and 4th day. This is due to the fact that 4 days after the onset of the disease, new itchs hatch from eggs that have not been affected by the drug.
- Hygiene procedures are carried out before the treatment of the skin and after 12 hours from the moment of application of the drug.
- Bed and underwear should be changed every 6 to 12 hours.
- If complications occur, their deterrence is carried out simultaneously with the main therapy.
Regardless of the severity of the symptoms of "clean" scabies, the treatment of the disease includes the external use of anti-scabies agents. As a rule, doctors prescribe the following drugs:
- "Benzyl benzoate". It is sold in the form of ointment and emulsion. The first treatment is carried out at night. The product should not be washed off the skin for about 12 hours. After this, linen is changed and the patient is allowed to take a shower. The second treatment takes place on day 4.
- "Sulfur ointment". Permitted touse in children from 2 months. The skin must be treated every evening for 1 week.
- "Spregal". A French product that needs to be sprayed all over the body.
- "Permethrin". Apply at night for 3 days. Not for use in children under 1 year of age.
- "Lindon". The lotion is applied with a swab at night on days 1 and 4 of treatment.
For scabies, "clean" drugs should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's he alth and the course of the pathology.
After treatment, allergic itching may occur. This condition is not a basis for a second course of therapy. Prolonged use of external agents can lead to the development of severe dermatitis.

Folk methods
The use of alternative medicine recipes to combat "clean" scabies does not eliminate the need to seek qualified medical help. It is permissible to use folk methods only with the permission of a doctor and solely for the purpose of increasing the effectiveness of medicines.
The most effective recipes are listed below:
- Prepare 0.5 l of mustard oil and 100 g of minced garlic. Mix the ingredients, put the container with the product on the fire. Bring to a boil and cook for another 20 minutes. After this time, cool the product, squeeze the garlic into the oil. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin.
- Let homemade kvass turn sour. Then you need to add a pinch of s alt to it. Heat kvass and dip into itarms. Once the liquid has cooled, the procedure can be considered complete.
- Prepare 2 tbsp. l. drying oils and 1 tbsp. l. turpentine. Mix the ingredients and apply the product to the affected areas of the skin three times a day. Remains can be removed with a paper towel.
Regular use of these recipes will help in a short time to eliminate itching and get rid of subcutaneous mites.
Possible Complications
As is the case with any other disease, ignoring or self-treatment of "clean" scabies leads to the development of negative consequences. When combing the affected areas, a secondary infection often occurs, which is much more difficult and longer to treat.
In addition, possible complications of the disease are: boils, abscesses, microbial eczema, allergic dermatitis and erysipelas. In advanced cases, damage to the kidneys and heart muscle occurs.
The outcome of the disease directly depends on the timeliness of seeking medical help and the level of literacy of the doctor. With an accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment, recovery occurs in a few days.
Ignoring the problem leads to the development of complications. Especially dangerous are the negative consequences of the disease for young children. Medicine knows isolated cases of death.

To prevent the development of the disease after contact with an infected person, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, including at least one treatment of the body. If from scabies"clean" suffers a family member, all bedding must be washed in water as high as possible.
In order to protect yourself from the occurrence of an ailment, you need to make adjustments to the daily routine. Hygiene procedures are an important part of the life of a modern person, but it is not recommended to get carried away with them too much. Against the background of frequent washing of the body, the protective barrier of the skin is broken, which serves as a favorable environment for the penetration and reproduction of scabies.
Also, don't use soap. It is an alkaline pH product that also has a negative effect on the protective properties of the skin.
In closing
Scabies "clean" - a disease that is one of the forms of scabious dermatitis. Pathology in most cases is diagnosed in persons who carry out hygiene procedures very often, especially with the help of washcloths and soap, as well as in children whose parents wash their body with every pollution.
When warning signs appear, you should consult a dermatologist. The doctor will issue a referral for diagnosis and, based on the results of the studies, will draw up the most effective treatment regimen.