The drug "Meldonium" is in great demand in modern medicine, as it can be used to improve physical performance and restore all body functions after surgery and stroke. The drug is often prescribed to patients for the complex therapy of coronary heart disease, chronic heart failure, as well as the treatment of cerebrovascular accidents. Only after a full examination can Meldonium be used. The composition of the medicine can adversely affect the body of pregnant women and minor children. Before using this medication, be sure to consult your doctor.

Composition of the drug
The main active ingredient of the drug "Meldonium" is meldonium dihydrate. The final amount of the active ingredient depends on the release form:
- One white capsule may contain 250 or 500mg substance.
- In 1 ml of solution for injection there is 0.1 g of meldonium dihydrate.
Depending on the diagnosed pathology, the patient is prescribed the most appropriate form of the medicine "Meldonium". The composition of the tablets includes various excipients:
- Calcium stearate.
- Gelatin.
- Colloidal silicon dioxide.
- Potato starch.
- Titanium dioxide.
In the solution, only purified water for injection is an auxiliary component.

Drug release
In any modern pharmacy you can buy Meldonium in the following forms:
- Solution. The agent is used intravenously, parabulbarno or intramuscularly. The solution is placed in 5 ml ampoules. Each pack contains 10 vials.
- Capsules. The pills are cylindrical in shape with white hemispherical ends. The medicine is placed in cells of 10 pieces. One package may contain from 3 to 6 blisters. The composition of "Meldonia" in tablets is chosen so that it is possible to effectively deal with the most common diseases.
The principle of impact on the body
The composition of "Meldonium" is selected in such a way as to effectively cope with cardiological pathologies. Once in the human body, the drug begins to act in several directions at once:
- Slows down tissue necrosis, promoting rapid recovery after myocardial infarction.
- Normalizes metabolic processes.
- Significantly improves the contractility of the heart, due to which the body becomes more resistant to physical stress.
- Improves the protective function of the immune system.
- Minimizes the chance of recurrence of angina attacks.
- Speeds up blood circulation in the brain.
- Excellent in eliminating withdrawal syndrome, which inevitably manifests itself against the background of prolonged use of alcoholic beverages.
- Reduces symptoms of physical and psychological stress.
- Significantly increases the endurance and performance of the body.
Due to the unique composition, "Meldonium" has numerous positive characteristics. But it is not recommended to use it for treatment without a preliminary examination and consultation with a doctor. Only a specialist can choose the right dosage of the medication.
"Meldonium" is perfectly absorbed by the intestinal walls. The bioavailability of the drug is 80%. The maximum concentration of the drug in the patient's blood is reached 2 hours after ingestion. The main metabolism occurs in the liver. The remedy is excreted from the body naturally after 20-24 hours.

Indications for use
Meldonium copes well with many pathologies, which includes highly effective components. Because of this, it is often prescribed for respiratory and eye diseases, vascular disorders and heart disease. Prethe patient undergoes a full examination so that Meldonium can be used without fear. Indications for use are the following pathologies:
- Cardiac syndrome, which occurs due to dyshormonal depletion of the heart muscle.
- Myocardial infarction.
- Decreased work capacity.
- Exercising angina.
- Ischemic stroke.
- Chronic form of heart failure.
- Depletion of the body.
- Specific retinal bleeding.
- Chronic bronchitis.
- Discirculatory type encephalopathy.
- Alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
- Asthma.
The main indication for the use of Meldonium is the postoperative period, when it is necessary to accelerate the process of general recovery of the body and tissue regeneration.

Many patients are interested in the question of what "Meldonium" is, since only a thorough study of all the characteristics of the drug can avoid the manifestation of adverse reactions. Due to the high level of biological activity of the main substance, there are some contraindications for taking the drug. Among them are:
- Pregnancy.
- Intracranial neoplasms.
- Lactation.
- Intolerance to individual components of the drug.
- Children under 18.
- Impaired intracranial venous outflow.
Skilled experts note that the drug should be used with caution for those patients who suffer from various pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
Instructions for use and dosage
To understand what Meldonium is and what properties it has, you need to study the instructions in detail and consult with an experienced therapist. Since the components of this drug have an exciting and tonic effect on the human body, it is best to take the medicine in the morning. To achieve a positive therapeutic effect, it is necessary to select the individual dosage as correctly as possible, which largely depends on the method of using the drug.
If the patient was prescribed a tablet form of the drug, then the final dosage of the drug can vary from 250 to 1000 mg. The duration of use directly depends on the diagnosed disease. In the case of using an injection solution, intravenous administration of 0.5 to 1 g of the substance 1 time per day is quite possible. If "Meldonium" is used to combat eye diseases, then 50 mg of an injection solution is used parabulbarno for two weeks. The final dosage and duration of treatment should be adjusted solely by the doctor.
In pediatrics, the use of this medicine is strictly prohibited. The main reason is the rather weak evidence base for safety and efficacy.

Interaction with other drugs
When the patient figured out what "Meldonium" is intended for, it should be noted that this remedy can not be combined with all drugs. As a result of interaction with various cardiac glycosides, as well as antihypertensive drugs, an increase in their activity may be observed. The combination of meldonium dihydrate with alpha-blockers, nifedipine, nitroglycerin, peripheral vasodilators may be fraught with the development of arterial hypotension and moderate tachycardia.

The consequences of an overdose. Side effects
If the patient has poorly studied all the points of the instructions, then negative reactions of the body to the components of the medicine "Meldonium", the contraindications of which are indicated above, are not excluded. Overdose signs:
- Headache.
- Increased heart rate.
- The emergence of a feeling of weakness and depression.
- Sudden increase in blood pressure.
For rehabilitation therapy, you can use gastric lavage, taking sorbents, as well as classical symptomatic treatment.
Adverse reactions are very rare. Among them:
- psychomotor agitation;
- dyspeptic disorders;
- tachycardia;
- decrease or increase in pressure;
- skin itching and rash.
Athletes use medication

Meldonium was in great demand in sports, sohow it improves the supply of myocardium, as well as muscle tissue with oxygen and blood, thereby accelerating metabolic processes and increasing endurance. But the drug itself does not affect the increase in muscle mass, relieves the symptoms of excessive physical exertion and increases the body's endurance. This allows athletes to increase the duration and quality of their workouts.
Injections ("Meldonium", as already mentioned, is also available in the form of a solution) are not used by athletes, since it is most expedient to use a tablet form. Capsules should be taken twice a day, 30 minutes before training. A maximum of 1 g of the substance can be consumed per day. The optimal course of admission is 3 months.
Fighting overweight

If a person decides to figure out what Meldonium is for, then you can study not only the instructions, but also the reviews of other patients. In practice, it has been proven that the agent is involved in the normalization of the cellular and general metabolism of the human body. Due to this, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases. But this drug allows you to achieve a positive result only in the complex fight against excess weight. It is best to combine Meldonium with running, fitness, weightlifting and aerobics. Thanks to this, you can improve metabolism and the body's response to stress. Take capsules before training at a dosage of 0.5 to 1 g. It is best to take the tablets in the morning, otherwise insomnia may occur.