How long does it take for Nimesil to start working? Consider further in the article.
"Nimesil" in the form of a powder is included in the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is a chemical derivative of sulfonanilides. The drug is taken as an anti-inflammatory agent in any manifestation of symptoms of the inflammatory process.
Not everyone knows how to dilute Nimesil powder according to the instructions for use.
Form and composition
"Nimesil" is produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension, which is intended for oral administration. Powder of light green color, coarse-grained, with an orange smell. The main active substance of the drug is nimesulide. Its content per sachet with powder is 100 mg. The other ingredients of the powder are sucrose, ketomacrogol, m altodextrin, anhydrous citric acid and orange flavor.

The drug is packaged in foil bags of 2 g. One package can contain 9, 15 or 30 sachets.
How to take "Nimesil" - before or after meals? More on that below.
Nimesulide is a selective antagonist of cyclooxygenase-2, which have a suppressive effect on its activity. In response to the formation and development of pathological processes in the form of inflammation, cyclooxygenase-2 provokes a reaction to convert arachidonic acid into prostaglandins, which are the main causative agents of the inflammatory response produced by the immune system.
Reducing the amount of prostaglandins provokes a decrease in the severity of inflammation, and also relieves pain and swelling of tissues, eliminating stagnation of blood in the microcirculatory bed.
The active ingredient when taking a suspension based on Nimesil is quickly and effectively absorbed into the bloodstream. Nimesulide evenly spreads through the tissues, providing a pronounced therapeutic effect. The active substance is metabolized in the liver through the production of inactive substances, which are subsequently excreted in the urine. The half-life of the drug from the body occurs approximately 6 hours after taking Nimesil.
After how much Nimesil begins to act, it is interesting to many.
Nimesil powder-based suspension is taken to reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, as well as to eliminate pain in certain diseases, including:
- Pain syndrome in the back, namely the lumbar, against the background of the inflammatory process.
- Pathologies of bone and muscle structures, including various injuries, tendinitis, sprains, subluxations and dislocations of the joints, etc.
- Toothache.
- Pain in the head of various origins, including migraine in varying degrees of intensity of its manifestation.
- Soreness during menstrual bleeding.
From what age can Nimesil be taken?
"Nimesil" is used from the age of 12 exclusively as a symptomatic therapy for pain and inflammation. However, the cause of the symptoms persists.

How to use
How to dilute Nimesil powder according to the instructions for use?
The drug is diluted to prepare a suspension intended for oral administration. The contents of one sachet of the drug is diluted in 100 ml of water. It is necessary to take the suspension immediately after preparation, it is not recommended to store it. Before or after eating "Nimesil" drink? Suspension is best consumed after meals.
The standard dosage of the drug is 100 mg of nimesulide twice a day. The duration of treatment with Nimesil should not exceed 15 days. As a rule, there is no need to adjust the dosage for adolescents, the elderly and patients with non-severe renal insufficiency.
How long does it take for Nimesil to start working? The effect is noticeable after 15 minutes, up to a maximum of half an hour. Excreted from the body after 3-6 hours.
How much to take "Nimesil"? 1 sachet every 12 hours is the usualdosage. What is relevant if the pain and inflammation are moderate, there is a slight ache and other symptoms.
The total duration of administration for most drugs in this group is 5-7 days.
"Nimesil" is contraindicated for the following diseases and conditions:
- Peptic ulcer, accompanied by a violation of the mucous membrane of the duodenum and stomach. This is due to the effect of nimesulide on prostaglandins, which, among other things, have a protective effect on the mucous membrane of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Patient history of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, including peptic ulcers.
- Chronic bowel disease of a non-infectious nature, accompanied by an inflammatory process and in the acute stage (for example, ulcerative colitis of a non-specific nature).
- Fever that provokes an increase in body temperature, especially in acute viral pathology, as well as bacterial infectious diseases.
- Allergic diseases, including a combination of bronchial asthma, polynosis and an individual reaction to acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Severe hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid, accompanied by bronchospasm, urticaria or inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
- Recovery period after surgery, including coronary artery bypass grafting.
- Disease youhistory of the patient, due to hemorrhagic stroke of the brain, as well as a high probability of bleeding.
- Severe bleeding disorders, including reduced hemostasis activity.
- Decrease in heart activity of a pronounced nature against the background of severe organ failure.
- Combination with drugs that negatively affect the state of the liver, namely hepatotoxic drugs.
- Severe liver and kidney failure.
- Drug or alcohol addiction in a chronic form.
- Children under 12.
- The period of childbearing and breastfeeding.
- Intolerance to the components of the drug of an individual nature.

Take with care
There are also pathologies in which "Nimesil" adults should be taken with caution:
- Type 2 diabetes.
- Hypertension.
- Ischemic heart disease.
- Peripheral arterial disease.
- Smoking.
- Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce blood clotting, such as Heparin, Clopidogrel, etc., as well as hormonal glucocorticosteroids with anti-inflammatory action.
Indications for the use of Nimesil powder must be strictly observed.
Adverse reactions
When taking a suspension made from Nimesil powder, the following undesirable reactions from some organs and systems may appearorganism:
- Digestive system: nausea with occasional vomiting, diarrhea, sometimes bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, bleeding with dark and tarry stools.
- Heart and vascular system: increased pressure in the arteries, tachycardia accompanied by rapid heart rate, hot flashes.
- Biliary system and liver: inflammation of the liver, hepatitis with a rapid course, accompanied by icteric syndrome, increased activity of liver transaminases, showing damage to the cells of the organ, the so-called hepatocytes.
- Nervous system: headache, nervousness, dizziness, nightmares, feelings of fear and anxiety.
- Respiratory system: shortness of breath, in rare cases exacerbation of bronchial asthma.
- The urinary system: the appearance of blood in the urine or hematuria, painful urination or dysuria.
- Sense organs: deterioration of visual function.
- Blood and bone marrow: anemia, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, and other changes in blood parameters.
- Allergy: rash and itching of the skin, increased sweating, rarely urticaria, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, etc. When the last symptoms appear, you should take urgent medical care, give antihistamines and call " ambulance".

Side effects and contraindications of Nimesil are described in detail in the instructions.
The appearance of the described symptoms against the background oftaking a suspension indicates intolerance to the components of the drug and the need for urgent withdrawal of this drug.
Special Recommendations
Before you start taking Nimesil, you must carefully study the attached instructions for the drug. There are a number of recommendations for the correct use of the drug, namely:
- The active ingredient "Nimesil" is not combined with all drugs, so before starting to take it is necessary to consult a doctor, be sure to notify the specialist about all the drugs that you are currently taking.
- When using the drug in an effective therapeutic dosage and subject to a short course of administration, the risk of side effects is significantly reduced.
- Moderate kidney failure may require downward adjustment of the dosages taken.
- An additional component of the powder is sucrose, so patients with diabetes should take the drug with extreme caution and regularly monitor blood sugar levels.
- "Nimesil" is forbidden to be taken simultaneously with other drugs from the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- The effect of Nimesil components on the functioning of the central nervous system has not been fully studied, therefore, during treatment with the drug, you should not perform work that requires increased concentration of attention, as well as drive a car.
"Nimesil" in bags shoulddispensed in pharmacies by prescription. It should not be taken on its own.

Do not exceed the dosage of the drug prescribed by a specialist. If "Nimesil" was taken in an abnormally large dosage, then the following symptoms may occur:
- Vomiting.
- Apathy.
- Drowsy.
- Soreness in the abdomen.
- Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
How to treat an overdose?
Treatment is carried out by eliminating the symptoms of an overdose. There is no specific antidote. To begin with, the procedure for washing the stomach and intestines is carried out, then enterosorbents, Enterosgel, Smecta or activated charcoal are prescribed. How long does Nimesil powder work, we explained above.
Pharmacists are ready to offer quite a lot of drugs that are analogues of Nimesil. According to reviews, generics are identical to the original in terms of properties and composition.
"Nise", "Nemulex", "Nimesulide" contain the same active ingredient as "Nimesil", so they are basically not capable of acting on the body otherwise. It should be noted that the concentration of the active substance in the listed preparations is identical.
No less effective analogues of Nimesil are:
- Aponil.
- Kostral.
- Mesulide.
- Nimulid.
- Nimesan.
- Niminka.
- Aulin.
- Nimegesik, etc.

Many patients suffering from headache or toothache often face a choice between Nimesil and Nise. The latter is an effective and cheaper drug, while Nise is produced both in powder form and in tablets. In small doses, it is permissible to give it even to children.
"Nemulex" and "Nimesil" are absolutely identical drugs. They differ only in taste, as they contain different excipients. "Nemulex" is cheaper, so many opt for it.
In most cases, feedback on the use of Nimesil is positive. The drug in a short time and quite effectively eliminates the symptoms of inflammation and pain. In some cases, the drug is used as an antipyretic. Many note its prolonged action, when repeated use may not be required.
The main disadvantage of the drug, patients note a negative effect on the organs of the digestive system. This is especially true for those who already have a history of pathological processes in the stomach or intestines. For them, taking Nimesil can have unpleasant consequences precisely from the digestive system.

It should be borne in mind that drugs based on nimesulide are banned in many countries. However, experts say that the drug in the form of a suspension does not have such a detrimental effect on the body as tablets that dissolve directly in the digestive tract.tract. In general, the drug is generally recognized as effective and is often prescribed by doctors.
We reviewed the detailed instructions for the drug. Now it is clear how long Nimesil begins to act.