Why cancer was called cancer: history from Hippocrates to the present

Why cancer was called cancer: history from Hippocrates to the present
Why cancer was called cancer: history from Hippocrates to the present

Sometimes people do not even think about the history of the origin of some of the terms we are used to. For example, a disease called cancer, which causes tremors throughout the body in people suffering from cancerophobia. There is a deep meaning behind the story, because there is a reason why cancer was called cancer.

Time of Hippocrates

Great Hippocrates described over a thousand diseases that have come down to us. His eye did not bypass cancer patients, in particular women suffering from neoplasms in the mammary glands. But why is cancer called cancer?

Why is cancer called cancer?
Why is cancer called cancer?

History says that the great healer gave the name because of the characteristic compaction, which, according to Hippocrates, resembled arthropods. In Latin cancer is called cancer, that's why cancer is called cancer. Since then, the disease was considered incurable, this continued until the beginning of the formation and development of surgery, when finally doctors were able to remove the malignant tumor.

Mechanism of tumor formation

The science that studies the causes as well as the treatment of tumors is called oncology. The causes of the disease can be listed for a very long time, however, scientistsagreed that the uncontrolled process of cell division is caused by their mutation. Substances that cause changes in the DNA of a cell are called carcinogens. Absolutely any substances act as carcinogens, everything depends individually on the human genotype.

oncology causes
oncology causes

The viral theory of cancer has also been proven. According to her, there are certain viruses that can act on cells in such a way that they "cut out" a place in the DNA molecule responsible for apoptosis (cell death). These viruses include:

  • human papillomavirus;
  • hepatitis B, C.

In the course of numerous studies, the link between ionizing radiation and cancer has been proven. This is reasonable because radioactive isotopes damage the DNA molecule, destroying its bonds.

Food plays a significant role in human life, because no living organism can do without nutrients. It is known that some foods can activate the oncological process in an individual.

Treatment prospects

The most terrible part of medicine is oncology, the reasons for this lie in the prevalence and regular death of people. It is believed that every eighth inhabitant of the planet dies from this terrible disease. No one is immune from this, so the main investments of rich people are directed to projects that can find a panacea for cancer. It is known that a cancer cell behaves very aggressively, and it is almost impossible to save a person in the later stages, which is why cancercalled cancer. Indeed, most often doctors manage to detect the development of the process already in the third stage.

tumor carcinoma
tumor carcinoma

Today, medicine is able to cure absolutely any cancer in the early stages. There is an effective treatment for cancer patients, which has a positive effect, even true cancer (melanoma) scientists managed to overcome in the initial stage, until the tumor spread to the organs.

The problem in the medical world is the fact that cancer cells in the human body are formed every minute. True, the immune system and programmed cell death are able to stop the process on their own. However, for some people, a malfunction occurs in the body when the immune system stops fighting abnormal cells.

How to diagnose a disease?

The first criterion that pushes people to visit the doctor's office is bulging or pain in various parts of the body. Ignoring a routine medical examination leads to the fact that doctors detect a tumor at a late stage. Carcinoma in the early stages gives common clinical manifestations:

  • fatigue;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • general malaise;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • discomfort in the body.

Some tumors are manifested by a specific clinic, it all depends on the histological structure of the neoplasm, localization. That is why cancer is called cancer, because it is the only disease that does not have pronounced clinical manifestations, slowly killingperson. To make sure that this is cancer, it is necessary to conduct a biopsy, and only this study will be able to fully indicate the nature of the tumor.

Cancer cells in the human body
Cancer cells in the human body

In addition, as the DNA molecule was deciphered, scientists were able to detect oncological genes, which they called tumor markers. They allow you to ascertain the predisposition to a particular type of cancer.

Prevention measures

Prevention is the future of medicine. Mankind has learned to prevent dangerous diseases through vaccination. Unfortunately, this has not been achieved with cancer cells, since there is a completely different, more complex, developmental mechanism that requires innovation in genetic engineering. It was possible to create a vaccine against cervical cancer, but it is at the stage of clinical trials and does not give a full guarantee that the disease will not be able to hit a woman.
