How to get a guy to quit smoking, real tips

How to get a guy to quit smoking, real tips
How to get a guy to quit smoking, real tips

Smoking is one of the most common bad habits of mankind. In the 21st century, not only men smoke, but almost every seventh woman smokes. Few can give up tobacco, justifying themselves by the fact that a sharp refusal from cigarettes, on the contrary, can be harmful to he alth.

If the guy smokes

Everyone has bad habits. However, throwing socks around the house can be forgiven, clenching your displeasure into a fist just collect them and put them in the laundry basket. But what if a bad habit harms the he alth of your soulmate or just a loved one?

smoking guy
smoking guy

How to get through to him, so as not to harm the relationship, and at the same time help the person?! How to get a guy to quit smoking? This will be discussed further.

Knock through conversation

The very first method that all reasonable people resort to is conversation. To begin with, it is necessary, through dialogue, to convey to the young man information that he did not previously know for sure. Perhaps some serious illness will make him think.can be obtained through years of tobacco or alcohol abuse. You can give examples of what can happen if a person smokes a lot and for a long time. Here are some of them:

  1. Tobacco and alcohol destroys the reserves of vitamins and other beneficial reserves of the body. Scientists have proven that one cigarette can remove vitamin C from the human body, which is contained in one large orange fruit.
  2. Harm to the he alth of the unborn child. How to get a guy to quit smoking? - Tell him that his bad habit can cause irreparable harm to the he alth of your common unborn child. A smart and adult man will definitely respond to such an argument.
  3. Deformation of the lungs, and their contamination. The poison that a smoker inhales from a cigarette damages the integrity of the inner surface of the lungs. Over time, respiratory diseases appear, breathing becomes difficult.
  4. lungs with cigarettes
    lungs with cigarettes
  5. Cancer. Cancer is one of the most serious consequences of smoking and alcohol abuse.

Simple tips to help a guy fight addiction

How to get a guy to stop smoking and drinking? This question is asked by many girls / women, whose men cannot live a day without tobacco or alcohol. And there are those who smoke one pack a day. Such unbridled cravings must be fought. First of all, a close person can help with this. In this situation, you need to understand that patience will become the main assistant, and it also takes time. So, simple ways that you can try on the way to the rejection of harmfulhabits:

  1. We need to help him calmly tune in to the fact that smoking is harmful to he alth. Not only for yourself, but for the whole family. You can suggest making a schedule according to which a man will smoke every day. How to get a guy to quit smoking? – by following this schedule, you can gradually reduce the daily dose of tobacco.
  2. man in smoke
    man in smoke

    Over time, it will go to zero. But for this you need to be patient and desire to defeat this addiction.

  3. If the conversation does not give any results, you can offer the guy to replace regular cigarettes with electronic ones. This method is very effective and does not harm he alth. While a person will satisfy his need for smoking, he will not inhale nicotine, which destroys the body and causes addiction.
  4. Support him. It's not so easy to get a guy to quit smoking cigarettes as it seems at first glance. But in order to motivate him, you need to not have such a bad habit yourself. Or if it is, then you need to abandon it along with your soulmate. Moreover, the team spirit will only give strength to victory!

How not to motivate a guy

Some women are so obsessed with helping a man stop smoking that they resort to ways that, on the contrary, can harm a man. Here are some of them:

  1. You can not turn to witches, sorceresses and other traditional healers. It is not known what effect the rite of abandoning a bad habit will have on a person. It is better to refrain from suchbe patient to get the guy to quit smoking as soon as possible with traditional methods.
  2. No need to resort to blackmail. This will only make the situation worse. Blackmail will bring nothing but scandals to the relationship.
  3. In no case should you buy and give a guy medications on your own, which supposedly can help in this problem.

Real ways that can motivate a guy

The simplest and most effective way to help quit smoking is the moral support of a person with addiction, and psychological impact. If you try to convince a smoker that smoking does not benefit him, rather the opposite - perhaps soon he will decide to give up tobacco.

a pack of cigarettes
a pack of cigarettes

If this does not work, you can also explain to the young man that few people can be near him due to the fact that he constantly "smells" of cigarettes.

Psychological impact

We need to try to convey to him more intimate moments. For example, you can say that he has bad breath. Or that when you kiss him, unpleasant sensations arise. It is unlikely that a guy will remain indifferent to such words if he loves his girlfriend. The topic of advice on how to get a guy to quit smoking is now very relevant. Therefore, there is no need to give up, and one should always remember that there are many such people, and many have successfully overcome nicotine addiction!

Say no to cigarettes
Say no to cigarettes

You can also try to describe the guy's futurea picture of his appearance: yellowed teeth, wrinkles on his face at 30, a gray skin tone on his face and a constant cough that scares others away.

Using our ways to make a guy quit smoking, you can help him not only give up a bad habit, but also maintain his he alth, and possibly even extend his life.
