Everyone has experienced the feeling when everything seems to float in the eyes. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different. However, the very fact of such a condition can be a signal of certain disorders that occur in the human body.
Causes of the pathological condition
With banal dizziness, there is a feeling that objects begin to blur before the eyes. This is a very unpleasant condition. Dizziness can occur for various reasons. Some of them may be symptoms of a particular pathology, while others develop as a result of the influence of the environment.

A sudden change in body position can lead to an attack of dizziness and lightheadedness. At this moment, a person swims in the eyes. The reasons for this phenomenon can be serious.
Increased sensitivity of nerve receptors
Any movement must besmooth and consistent, especially in cases where the patient has a tendency to such phenomena. Darkening in the eyes and a feeling when everything is floating may indicate that a person has an increased sensitivity of nerve receptors. These people may experience discomfort when traveling by car, when riding an elevator, etc.
Prolonged rides on a carousel, driving a car can also cause everything to float in the eyes, as well as nausea, headache, weakness. The fact is that the human brain is overloaded with incoming information, and discomfort is expressed precisely in dizziness, which may be associated with excessive fatigue, frequent lack of sleep, and overwork.

Stressful situations turn into a lack of oxygen, which leads to the appearance of floating pictures in the eyes. This is accompanied by nausea and dizziness.
Unhe althy diet
A situation where everything floats in the eyes may arise due to malnutrition. Irregularity in eating, improper caloric content of foods causes clouding in the eyes and the development of dizziness. The fact is that useful substances that are necessary for proper brain activity do not enter the bloodstream. A lack of vitamins is accompanied by a breakdown.
The reason that everything floats in the eyes may be that the organs of the digestive tract are not working properly. This can happen, for example, as a result of poisoning, which is caused bythe use of low-quality food products. Another reason for this pathological phenomenon is a hangover syndrome. Smoking can also provoke such a symptom, so it is extremely important to give up bad habits, otherwise the condition will gradually worsen and vascular insufficiency may develop, which are adversely affected by alcohol and nicotine. Due to the fact that nicotine significantly disrupts the processes of blood circulation in the brain, the patient may swim in the eyes, which is provoked by dizziness. In a situation where a similar side effect occurs as a result of smoking, quit the bad habit as a matter of urgency.

Often, medications can be a factor in causing the fact that everything floats in the eyes, the appearance of splitting or flies. Some substances that are present in the composition of pharmacological preparations can cause a similar pathological phenomenon. In the event of such a reaction of the body to a certain medical product, it is necessary to keep this fact in mind and, if possible, refuse medicines that can provoke such a reaction.
What else can it mean when you feel dizzy and swim before your eyes?
Pathologies that can cause dizziness
There are many reasons that cause a condition when everything starts to swim and spin in the eyes. To determine the exact cause of this phenomenon, it is necessary to note in conjunction with what additional symptoms such whirling occurs.
- Migraine. Severe headachecan disrupt coordination and cause the appearance of "flies" before the eyes. This symptom occurs simultaneously with a feeling of weakness, impaired speech, susceptibility to light and sounds, clouding of consciousness.
- Stroke. The feeling, when everything floats and doubles before the eyes, during a stroke is accompanied by depression, drowsiness, severe cephalgia, nausea, loss of orientation in movement. Since there is currently a violation of blood circulation in the brain, the patient needs urgent medical help.
- Atherosclerosis of vessels. Floating pictures in the eyes can cause vessels clogged with cholesterol plaques, which can cause a lack of oxygen. In addition, the patient may note memory lapses, sleep disturbance, weakening of attention and rapid overwork. If everything floats before your eyes, which means that many people are interested.
- Craniocerebral injuries. With such a pathology, it can not only swim in the eyes, but also cause excessive lethargy, drowsiness, nausea and dizziness.

- Brain tumor. When dizziness is repetitive and has a paroxysmal occurrence, the reason that everything floats in the gases may be a brain tumor. How strong this condition will be, and how long it will last, depends entirely on the size of this tumor.
- Otitis. Such an inflammatory process in the ear area can be manifested not only by the occurrence of standard symptoms, but nausea and dizziness may occur.
- Arterialhypertension. If the feeling that everything is floating before the eyes was caused by an increase in the level of pressure, then a simple adjustment will not be enough. To avoid subsequent clouding in the eyes, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination and a course of therapy. This phenomenon can also occur under reduced pressure, but this occurs somewhat less frequently.
- Pregnancy. Swimming in the eyes can be due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, as well as a consequence of a lack of vitamins.
- Vision problems. Very often, in people suffering from one or another eye disease, everything blurs before their eyes.
- These may be symptoms of VVD in adults. The treatment of this disease will be presented below.
This disease can provoke the above pathological phenomenon, since during an attack a person has a spasm of cerebral vessels, which also affects visual perception.
Symptoms and treatment of VVD in adults
With vegetative-vascular dystonia, the symptoms may be different. However, most often a person suffers from:
- hot flashes;
- vasospasms;
- light sleep;
- tremor of arms and legs;
- fainting;
- strong heartbeat;
- apathy and lack of strength;
- severe lack of air;
- frequent headaches and even migraines;
- arrhythmias;
- internal trembling and various manifestations of fear;
- joint pain;
- cold hands;
- neurotic deviations from overexcitation to passivity.
Therapy is carried out depending on the type of the syndrome, other existing somatic pathologies should also be taken into account.
The complex of treatment includes drugs and non-drug methods.
The first thing for a person whose eyes are swimming is to visit a therapist. The doctor will get acquainted with the anamnesis, complaints of the patient, and determine the further direction of diagnostic procedures.

At the same time, he must refer the patient to laboratory diagnostics, which includes the delivery of general tests. In addition, the patient may receive a referral to a specialist, according to the specific problem that caused the symptom. Among the instrumental diagnostic methods, the following may be required:
- Ultrasound of the vessels of the brain and cervical spine;
- CT or MRI;
- ophthalmic examination, etc.
Principles of treatment of a pathological condition
What techniques help to eliminate this unpleasant symptom of blurred vision, the specialist determines. If the refractive error is the result of a specific ophthalmic disease, wearing specialized optical lenses or glasses will help.
Such surgery as LASIK can also significantly help in this case a patient who has everything floating in his eyes, relieving him of problems with refraction.
If the pathological phenomenon is provoked by the "dry eye" syndrome, you shoulduse medications that mimic natural tears. Suitable in this case, and a variety of moisturizing gels and ointments. If the eyes float as a result of cataract exposure, the problem can be corrected surgically. For glaucoma, drops are used that lower intraocular pressure. In difficult cases of glaucoma, surgery is also performed.

It should be noted that ophthalmic factors of clouding in the eyes must be treated without fail. If you start some pathological processes, this can even lead to absolute blindness. Other diseases, which are the reasons that everything floats in the eyes, are treated differently. Each specific case has its own method of therapy.
What should I do if it only sometimes floats before my eyes?
What measures can prevent the unpleasant feeling that everything is blurring before your eyes? First, you need to visit an ophthalmologist regularly. Every year you should undergo a preventive examination. The sooner dangerous pathological processes in the eyes are detected, the faster and without complications the treatment will take place. When using contact lenses, it is very important to observe the hygiene of the visual organs. You should also pay attention to the use of solutions for contact lenses. If you have diabetes and hypertension, you should visit an ophthalmologist every six months, as this disease is the strongest provocateur of eye pathologies.
Therapy of vascular pathologies
Iffloats before the eyes, and the reason for this is dizziness associated with disruption of the cerebral vessels, a specific treatment is prescribed based on the use of vasodilators.

When narrowing the vertebral arteries, physiotherapy is used, in particular, massage. If this phenomenon is caused by any intoxications, their manifestation should be eliminated through symptomatic therapy.
If the symptom is caused by vascular atherosclerosis, specialists usually prescribe medications that lower blood cholesterol and dissolve atherosclerotic plaques. It is extremely important to follow a diet and eat he althy foods with lots of fiber.
In order to avoid the symptom of blurring before the eyes during pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor proper nutrition, avoid bad habits and anemia.
This can end the topic of what to do if it floats in the eyes.