Basal and rectal temperature

Basal and rectal temperature
Basal and rectal temperature

As soon as the female body ovulates, a large amount of the hormone progesterone is produced. It contributes to an increase in body temperature within half a degree. This indicator can be maintained for two days. So ovulation divides the entire cycle into two phases. The first rectal temperature is lower than the second, which lasts about two weeks.

rectal temperature
rectal temperature

If the basal temperature is kept at the same level throughout the cycle, it is worth being examined for the ability to become pregnant, because this may be a sign of the absence of ovulation. I think everyone knows how to measure rectal temperature. But why are we talking about the basal rate at the same time? This is because the temperature fluctuates throughout the day. During the heat, it rises, and during the cold, respectively, decreases. It is affected by physical activity, eating, drinking, stressful situations.

Therefore, it will not be possible to pick up a moment of rest during the day. The basal rate is determined immediately after sleep, which should be at least 6 hours. It is better to do this through the anus, because this is how doctorsrectal temperature is determined during early pregnancy. If you start doing this from the first day of your period, it will be best. The selected method should not be changed, since the values obtained when measuring in different places differ from each other.

how to measure rectal temperature
how to measure rectal temperature

Rectal temperature is taken for three minutes before you leave your bed as soon as you wake up. You should also make sure that the measurements take place at the same time. This is due to the fact that indicators obtained more than half an hour earlier than a certain time or half an hour later are no longer taken into account. As for the measuring device, the thermometer can be both mercury and electronic. The main thing is that you use the same thermometer for one complete cycle.

rectal temperature during early pregnancy
rectal temperature during early pregnancy

If the rectal temperature is measured with a mercury thermometer, it must be shaken several times before going to bed. Do not forget that you must write down the obtained indicators in a notebook or in a notebook without fail. Do not rely on your memory, it can fail you. Various business trips, flights and transfers affect the reliability of temperature readings. So if you have a need for these actions, the measurements will have to be postponed until the next cycle.

Rectal temperature is not measured if you are sick with ailments that accompany fever. In this case, stop all measurements and recordings untiluntil you fully recover. All kinds of pharmaceuticals, such as sedatives, sleeping pills, hormonal, etc., can also affect the reliability of the thermometer readings. When you use any contraceptives, there is no point in measuring basal temperature either. As for drinking alcohol, you should refrain from it for the entire period of time when you are examining your own body.
