HBV vaccination: features, interpretation and effectiveness

HBV vaccination: features, interpretation and effectiveness
HBV vaccination: features, interpretation and effectiveness

The HBV vaccine is a vaccination against viral hepatitis B. It reliably protects a child or adult from this dangerous disease. The first drug for vaccination was created back in 1982, but in Russia the widespread use of this drug began in 2002. HBV is now included in the vaccination schedule. Hepatitis B vaccine is given to newborns. Many mothers have a question: "Why vaccinate a baby at such an early age?". Let's find the answer together.

What is hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is a viral disease that causes inflammation of the liver. There is jaundice, fever, pain in the right hypochondrium. The disease can lead to severe consequences such as cirrhosis and liver cancer.

The virus itself does not have a detrimental effect on liver cells. But it disrupts the immune system. As a result, their own lymphocytes begin to destroy the liver. We can say that the virus starts an autoimmune process.

The disease is extremely common. ByAccording to the World He alth Organization, about 300 million people are asymptomatic carriers of the virus. And about 1 million people die every year from complications of hepatitis. Mostly children, teenagers and young people under the age of 20.

HBV vaccination
HBV vaccination

The insidiousness of the virus lies in the fact that in young children, hepatitis most often occurs without severe symptoms. And the younger the child, the more likely it is that the disease will not have any symptoms. If the baby has become infected with hepatitis B and he has obvious manifestations of jaundice, then this course of the pathology is considered more favorable. This suggests that the baby's immunity resists infection. Conversely, asymptomatic hepatitis means that the body is not fighting the virus.

Where can a child get infected?

Sometimes mothers are reluctant to vaccinate their newborns with HBV. Women mistakenly believe that if they were tested for hepatitis during pregnancy, then their baby cannot be sick.

Hepatitis virus is transmitted through the following routes:

  • through blood;
  • household contact;
  • from mother during childbirth or in utero;
  • sexual way.

Hepatitis cannot be contracted by airborne droplets, as well as through water and food. If we talk about babies, then they most often get the infection from the mother. And even if a woman was tested for hepatitis during pregnancy, this does not exclude infection of the baby. After all, the expectant mother could visit hospitals after the examination,undergo cosmetic procedures or dental treatment, and this increases the risk of infection. In utero, children usually become infected during pregnancy pathologies. A he althy placenta protects the fetus from infection. Therefore, more often newborns become infected with hepatitis during passage through the birth canal of an infected mother.

An unvaccinated baby can get the virus during medical procedures: blood transfusions, operations, tooth extractions. This is the most common route of infection in children. A child can become infected through household contact with sick family members or peers. The hepatitis B (HBV) vaccine protects children from this risk.

Can hepatitis be cured?

Hepatitis B is quite difficult to diagnose in children. Often the disease is disguised as other pathologies and proceeds with symptoms of respiratory diseases. There is only one way to detect the virus - a blood test from a vein for the "Australian" antigen. But often the doctor assumes that the child does not have hepatitis, but SARS, and the diagnosis is not carried out in time.

Hepatitis B treatment is very expensive. Only special antiviral drugs - pegylated interferons - help to achieve a stable long-term remission. But even these expensive drugs do not completely eliminate the virus, but only stop the process of liver destruction. In addition, these drugs have many side effects. Such a severe and complex disease is easier to prevent than to treat. For the purpose of prevention, they are vaccinated with HBV.

hvv 1 what is this vaccine
hvv 1 what is this vaccine

How it worksvaccine?

A small amount of protein containing the antigen is taken from the surface of the virus. It is placed in a yeast nutrient medium, which ensures enhanced cell division. As a result, a substance necessary for the drug is formed. It is separated from the yeast solution, aluminum hydroxide and a preservative are added.

After the introduction of the vaccine into the human body, the protein comes out under the influence of aluminum hydroxide. The body begins to produce antibodies to the antigen. As a result, strong immunity against the hepatitis B virus is formed.

What does the name "HBV shot" mean? The decoding of the abbreviation is as follows: HBV is the hepatitis B virus.

HBV vaccination transcript for adults
HBV vaccination transcript for adults

Vaccination products

Currently, the following types of drugs for mass vaccination are being vaccinated in polyclinics:

  • "Recombinant hepatitis B yeast vaccine".
  • "Angerix".
  • "Eberbiowac".
  • N-V-VAX II.
  • "Regevac B".
  • "Biovac".
  • "Euvax".
  • "Bubo Cook".

Russian drug "Recombinant yeast vaccine against hepatitis B" does not contain preservatives. It is recommended to vaccinate children with such means.

What is HBV vaccination
What is HBV vaccination

You should pay attention to the drug "Bubo-coc DPT+HBV". It can be attributed to the combined means. At the same time, the DTP vaccine is given and the HBV vaccine is given to children. Deciphering the name of the drug means - adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (DTP) and viral hepatitis B (HBV). Thus, this vaccine protects the child from several diseases at once.

There is another version of this tool called "Bubo-M ADS-M+VGV". In addition to hepatitis, this vaccine works against diphtheria and tetanus, but does not prevent whooping cough.

All hepatitis B vaccines contain only the antigen. They do not contain microorganisms as they are inactivated vaccines.

How is the vaccine administered?

The HBV vaccine is given by injection. Usually it is administered intramuscularly, since subcutaneous administration reduces the effect of vaccination and causes induration. Aluminum hydroxide can lead to subcutaneous inflammation. An injection is never made in the buttock, since the muscles in this area are very deep. Children are given the HBV vaccine in the thigh, and adults are given in the shoulder.

How are newborns vaccinated?

For complete protection against hepatitis B, several injections of the drug for vaccination are required. Vaccinations for newborns are done according to the following scheme:

  1. For the first time the drug is administered within 12 hours after birth. It is important to vaccinate against hepatitis before the BCG (tuberculosis) vaccination, as they cannot be done on the same day.
  2. The second and third shots are given at 3 and 6 months.

After the first vaccination, 50% of children develop immunity against hepatitis, after the second - 75%, and the third vaccination gives 100% protection against the disease.

This schedule is suitable for he althy babies, notincluded in the risk group. But there are newborns with an increased likelihood of infection. These are children whose mothers suffer from hepatitis, are virus carriers or were not examined during pregnancy for this disease. In such cases, a rapid HBV vaccination regimen is used. What does it mean? Vaccination is carried out not 3, but 4 times according to the following schedule:

  1. The first injection is given within 12 hours of birth.
  2. The second and third injections are given at 1 and 2 months, and then repeated at the age of 1 year.

If the vaccine was given in infancy, it will last about 22 years. Then, in adulthood, the vaccine can be repeated or tested for antibodies to make sure there is immunity against hepatitis. For some people, the vaccine may last a lifetime.

HBV vaccination for newborns
HBV vaccination for newborns

Sometimes it happens that the recommended timing of vaccinations is violated due to an acute illness in a child. In this case, it must be remembered that the minimum interval between injections cannot be less than 1 month. As for the maximum interval, it should not exceed 4 months for the second vaccination and 18 months for the third.

Many parents have heard of the HBV-1 vaccine. What is this vaccine? This is how the first introduction of the hepatitis B vaccine is indicated on the calendar.

How are older children vaccinated?

If for some reason the child was not vaccinated in infancy, it is possible to vaccinate at an older age. It is not necessary to do an antigen test before vaccination. Injections are made three times, while adhering to the following scheme:

  1. First vaccination.
  2. Second injection after 1 month.
  3. Third injection six months after the first.

If a child has hepatitis or is a carrier of an infection, then injections will not harm him, but they will not bring any benefit either. The vaccine can last from 15 to 20 years. After this period, you should be tested for antibodies and, if necessary, repeat the vaccination.

Vaccination of adults

HBV vaccination for adults is fairly common. The vaccine is recent and most people did not receive hepatitis prophylaxis in childhood. Usually 3 shots are given:

  • The first injection is given as soon as you see a doctor.
  • Second - in 1 month.
  • Third - six months after the first.

Immunity can last from 8 to 20 years. After this period, revaccination is done. He alth care workers have an increased risk of contracting hepatitis, so they are required to be vaccinated every 5 years.

HBV vaccination transcript for children
HBV vaccination transcript for children

If a person needs revaccination for other infections, you can use combined drugs, such as Hexavak. This is a convenient option for the HBV vaccination for adults. The decoding of the designation of the vaccine "AaDPT + hepatitis B + inactivated polio vaccine + Act-HIB" suggests that the remedy gives immunity not only from hepatitis. The drug protects against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis, as well as Haemophilus influenzae, which causes inflammationrespiratory organs and sepsis.

If a person had contact with a patient with hepatitis, then in the first 2 weeks an emergency vaccination scheme can help:

  1. First injection immediately upon contacting a medical facility.
  2. Second - on the 7th day.
  3. Third - on the 21st day.
  4. Fourth - 6-12 months after the first.

An immunoglobulin with ready-made antibodies against hepatitis B is administered along with the vaccine. This regimen can only be used for adults and adolescents, it is not used for small children.

HBV vaccination for adults
HBV vaccination for adults

How to prepare for vaccination?

Vaccination against hepatitis B does not require special preparation. You just need to take the temperature before the procedure. In acute respiratory diseases, vaccination should be postponed. If the body temperature is more than +37 degrees, then the vaccination should be delayed.

Sometimes doctors advise taking an antihistamine tablet before the vaccination to prevent allergies. However, this is optional. This recommendation should only be followed if the child or adult has a history of allergic reactions.

Vaccination contraindications

This vaccine is quite safe and has few contraindications. It is necessary to refrain from vaccination in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during the period of acute infectious diseases or exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • with intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • if allergic to yeast or previous vaccinations.

It should be noted that if an infant hasthere is a birth injury or hemolytic jaundice due to a conflict in the Rh factor, then this is not a contraindication to vaccination.

Side effects

Since the vaccine is inactivated and does not contain microorganisms, side effects are extremely rare. Usually there is a slight rise in temperature and skin reactions: redness, thickening and slight soreness at the injection site. Allergic reactions are possible only in rare cases.

Often mothers are afraid or do not consider it necessary to vaccinate their children against hepatitis B. But their fears are in vain, as the vaccine has a high degree of safety. Parents are mistaken when they believe that a newborn cannot be infected with this virus. Infection can occur at any age. Only timely vaccination can protect a child from a dangerous disease.
