Body massager: reviews. Manual body massager

Body massager: reviews. Manual body massager
Body massager: reviews. Manual body massager

Massage is the simplest and most effective method of treatment, as well as improving the functionality of the human body. But, as it turns out, not everyone can afford the services of a professional massage therapist. How to be in such a situation? The solution can be found in the compact hand-held massage units that are on the market today. Their main advantage is the ability to use both in professional salons and at home. Consider which body massager is most in demand, the principle of operation of the device and the main characteristics.

Body Massager
Body Massager

The principle of operation of manual massagers

The effectiveness of a compact hand massager is no different from the therapeutic effect of a classic massage. At the same time, a body massager can replace the hands of a professional, and have other beneficial effects. So, in some models of devices, heating of areas using infrared radiation is provided. This improves blood circulation and relaxes the muscles. The vibration created by the massager affects various parts of the body, increasing the tone of the body and improving overall well-being. The intensity of exposure can be selected in the most optimal way - by controlling it on the control panel.

Benefits of home massage

Hand massager for the body is a good alternative to visiting a professional massage parlor. Being at home, a person without special training can get a full massage session. As a result, the body massager helps:

  • cope with depression, fatigue, stress;
  • increase the tone of the body;
  • normalize sleep patterns, eliminate insomnia;
  • improve metabolism, thereby reducing weight;
  • normalize blood pressure by expanding capillaries;
  • increase skin elasticity, improve its color.
body massager reviews
body massager reviews

In addition to the above effects, portable hand-held massage devices can achieve such healing results as:

  • activation of lymphatic circulation;
  • improvement of the peripheral nervous system;
  • strengthening joints and ligaments.

Relax home massage device

body massager relax
body massager relax

There are many varieties and modifications of body massagers, but most of them use the same principles in their work. These devices include the Relax body massager, which allows you to relax and relieve fatigue. Effectively influencing different areas of the body with vibration, it helps to get rid of cellulite, as well as reduce excess weight. The speed of the massager is adjustable, and the maximum is 2500 rpm. This intensity helps to penetrate to deep-lying muscles. It is enough to use a body massager for a few minutes a day so that excess weight gradually disappears, blood circulation improves and painful symptoms disappear.

Body Sculptor

body sculptor massager
body sculptor massager

Easy and convenient to use is the "Body Sculptor" - a massager for modeling volumes and shapes of the figure. It will help to quickly get rid of excess volume from the waist, buttocks and hips, as well as eliminate cellulite. If you need to relax after a hard day's work, "Body Sculptor" will help you. The massager has several levels of vibration intensity, as well as four interchangeable nozzles:

  • roller with balls;
  • wavy;
  • flat;
  • heel grinder.

Also includes a protective mesh attachment for using the massager in the neck area.

Relax Tone

relax tone body massager
relax tone body massager

Another device based on the healing effect of vibration is the Relax Tone body massager. Using in its work the same principles as the "Body Sculptor", this device has its own advantages:

  • help in the fight against excess weight;
  • prevention and treatment of cellulite;
  • good effect even after a shortprocedures;
  • relieve neck and back pain;
  • blood circulation improvement;
  • convenient speed controller;
  • ergonomic handle.

Gezaton Body Shaper

gezatone body massager
gezatone body massager

Anti-cellulite body massager Gezatone, equipped with five different attachments, is ideal for a delicate yet effective massage. The effect of it is enhanced by the action of deeply penetrating infrared radiation. IR heating improves the functioning of blood vessels, increases blood supply to tissues, and also multiplies the positive impact of the massage procedure many times over. The skin of the body becomes smooth, he althy and beautiful.

Types of massage performed by Gezaton:

  • lymphatic drainage;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • tonic;
  • warming up;
  • strengthening;
  • relaxing.

All these devices undoubtedly have a positive effect on certain parts of the body and on the body as a whole. Consider the purposes for which a manual body massager is used.

What areas is the massager intended for?

The neck and shoulder area is a problem area for those who work sitting all day. The use of manual massagers in this case is simply irreplaceable. It is very easy to give yourself a massage - you need to place the device on the massaging area and turn on the speed control. Next enjoy a deep roller massage.

The back and lower back are often subject to spasms and tension. Deal with pain inback and discomfort can be done at home by asking someone to massage you with a handheld appliance.

manual body massager
manual body massager

Hands and forearms are sensitive areas, preventive massage of which will help to avoid joint diseases. The effects of rollers combined with infrared radiation will help to relax muscles after intense workouts.

Thighs and buttocks are delicate areas of the body, especially in women who often face the problem of "orange peel". Vibration penetrates deep into the skin, breaks down fat deposits and promotes its removal. You can also eliminate the stagnation of excess fluid by regularly using a body massager. Women's reviews of manual massage devices indicate an improvement in skin condition and the gradual disappearance of cellulite in problem areas.

Massage of the abdomen improves intestinal motility, eliminates layers of fat, tones the abdominal muscles. There is an improvement in skin condition in women with postpartum stretch marks on the abdomen and other areas.

Safety requirements for hand massagers

It would be wrong to deny that a hand-held electronic body massager has a positive effect. Reviews of many buyers of this miracle are proof of this. But the use of massagers requires compliance with certain safety rules, as well as requirements for their technical device. This is necessary in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and minimize the risk of injury.

You need to pay attention to aspects such as:

  • prohibit the use of electric massagers in a room with high humidity;
  • recommendations for purchasing only certified goods;
  • Careful check of the he alth of the device, the presence of damage to the case, cord, etc.

It is forbidden to use electronic devices by children without parental supervision. Carefully study the instructions of the purchased massager before using it.

Contraindications to using a massager

Modern body massager can be used at home, while providing a complete massage procedure for various parts of the body. Among its advantages, one can note the compact size, ease of use and relatively inexpensive cost. You should also remember about the presence of contraindications:

  • benign or malignant neoplasms of the skin;
  • damage to skin areas;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • acute infectious disease;
  • pregnancy period.

How to choose the right massager for weight loss?

When buying a body massager, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • device type;
  • operation principle;
  • indications for use;
  • number of modes and speeds.

Usually the most popular and expensive are massagers for weight loss, equipped with a vacuum nozzle and having an anti-cellulite effect. Do not buy a device of dubious production, even if it is attractive in price. It would be wiser to purchase a device froma well-known and trusted company, with a guarantee and a manual.

Before buying, you need to consider which functions will be used and which are not particularly needed, for which areas massage is supposed. Then, according to indications and preference, the right choice can be made.
