To promote he alth, for preventive purposes, as well as for the treatment of certain diseases, experienced doctors often recommend that their patients undergo a procedure called “halotherapy”. What is it, let's try to figure it out in this article.
What is halotherapy?
Halotherapy is a treatment method that does not involve the use of medications, but is based on the use of an artificially created microclimate, similar in its main parameters to the conditions of underground s alt spas. Today, this method of therapy is successfully used almost all over the world, not only for the treatment of various ailments, but also for preventive purposes.
A Brief History
S alt caves have been very popular since ancient times. Monks still living in the Middle Ages visited them in order to cure respiratory diseases. Thus, a new direction appeared and gradually developed in medicine, known today as "speleotherapy". In European countries, they learned about him only in the 19th century, when one very famous Polish therapist, whose name is FelixBochkovsky, guided by his own observations, concluded that miners working in s alt mines never get asthma. A little later, in 1959, the world's first s alt clinic was opened in the Velichko mine. A year later, a whole independent speleotherapy department began to function. At first, the reports of doctors caused only smiles and distrust among officials, but the number of those cured became more and more, and it became impossible to dispute the obvious fact. In speleotherapy, very small particles of s alt, known as s alt spray, fight ailments.
As the number of people wishing to experience the effect of "miraculous" air was constantly growing, s alt clinics simply could not cope with the ever-increasing flow of patients. In order to somehow resolve the situation, experts decided to create similar caves, which, however, would differ in the nature of the microclimate. In the constructed caves, it was planned to create it artificially. Thus, in 1984, the first halochamber was constructed in the USSR, which laid the foundation for a fundamentally new direction in modern medicine called halotherapy. What it is became known everywhere and did not require further explanation.

Mechanism of action of halotherapy
First of all, it should be noted that the s alt rooms are designed to recreate the microclimate that prevails in the caves located underground. The walls of the room are covered with specials alt materials, which, interacting with s alt aerosol, ensure the maintenance of the necessary temperature and hypobacterial parameters, as well as the appropriate level of humidity. Due to this, the immune system is not overloaded, the histamine in the blood returns to normal, and the external respiration system begins to function normally. Soundproofing the room prevents the penetration of extraneous sounds into it. During the sessions, calm, soothing music is turned on, which helps to relax the whole body. The air in s alt rooms is 10 times cleaner than outdoor air. This is the merit of crystal rock s alt, which is a natural ionizer. Negatively charged ions in the air help improve overall he alth and are used in the treatment of a huge number of diseases.

What to choose: halotherapy or speleotherapy?
Today, more and more people who are familiar with the methods of treatment in natural s alt mines are interested in what benefits, in turn, halotherapy has. What is it and is this direction in medicine really an excellent alternative to speleotherapy? Judge for yourself:
- Age restrictions are significantly reduced.
- You don't have to leave the country to visit the s alt mines to get a halotherapy treatment.
- Significant time savings, as a one-hour halotherapy session equates to an average of 6 hours in a s alt clinic.
- Course costtreatment is an order of magnitude lower.
At the same time, it should be noted that in terms of efficiency, halochambers are in no way inferior to natural s alt caves.
When is a halotherapy treatment recommended?
Every sane person is interested in the question of whether halotherapy can harm his he alth. Indications and contraindications, of course, exist, as for any other medical procedure. Consider first the main indications for the use of this non-drug method of treatment. These include:
- prevention of various colds: ARVI, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia, bronchitis of varying severity;
- treatment of chronic sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and chronic inflammatory processes;
- strengthening immunity;
- predisposition to allergic reactions to food and medicines;
- treatment of skin diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, acne, as well as purulent manifestations in various areas of the skin;
- treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system and neurotic conditions;
- relieve psycho-emotional stress, etc.
People who want to improve their he alth should seriously consider trying halotherapy. Indications for the use of this method have been presented above. However, in fairness, it should be noted that this is not a complete list, and for additional and more detailed information, you can contact at any time for help.specialist.

When is halotherapy contraindicated?
Unfortunately, many consider halotherapy to be a very harmless procedure. Indications and contraindications for its use are often ignored. Human carelessness, however, is fraught with consequences, and good intentions can lead to disastrous results in the end. In order not to end up in an unpleasant situation, one should take into account the fact that not everyone benefits from halotherapy. Contraindications cannot be ignored, and if the doctor does not recommend the use of this method of treatment, it is better to listen and not risk your he alth in vain.
Among the main restrictions it should be noted:
- individual intolerance to the most saline aerosol;
- tuberculosis in active stage;
- any malignant neoplasm;
- complications after some diseases, manifested in the form of suppuration;
- all kinds of bleeding, regardless of their location;
- pregnancy;
- some venereal diseases;
- various mental illnesses.
Contraindications also apply to people suffering from addiction to alcohol and drugs.

Use of halotherapy in pediatrics
Any pediatrician or pediatric pulmonologist will confirm that children, due to their age, catch colds much more often than adults. Everything would be fine, but it would seem that the common cold sometimes turns intoa chronic form of bronchopulmonary pathology, and a once he althy child can become disabled overnight. The life of a huge number of children would lose its brilliance if medical methods of treating bronchial diseases were not improved today. However, there is still a long way to go to achieve full success. This is due to the fact that currently available medicines are not always as effective as we would like.
That is why there is an urgent need to find and improve new non-drug treatments. One of these methods is halotherapy. Every parent should know what this is, because prolonged treatment of a child with drugs significantly weakens his immunity. Due to the high efficiency of this method of treating and preventing various diseases, the absence of any serious side effects, and the ability to dose the concentration of sodium chloride and throughout the procedure to continuously monitor the condition of the child, halotherapy has received the approval of a huge number of pediatricians of the highest qualification. It is increasingly prescribed for children and adolescents who often suffer from acute respiratory viral infections, hay fever, suffering from ENT pathologies, etc. Halotherapy for children is actively used by medical and preventive and sanitary-resort institutions located throughout Russia.

Application of halotherapy in dermatology and cosmetology
Despite the fact that currentlyThe cosmetic services market offers a huge range of products designed to maintain youth and beauty, yet an impressive number of the fair sex continue to trust only nature. For reasons of he alth safety and lack of side effects, they increasingly opt for what we know as halotherapy. Indications for use apply not only to the treatment of a particular kind of disease. The procedure can also be actively used in cosmetology and dermatology. Due to the specific formation process, dry fine aerosol has a certain charge and high surface energy. As a result, it is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, thereby increasing its immune function, as well as providing anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic and rejuvenating effects. Microcrystals restore skin pH, promote intensification of regeneration processes, improve hair condition and activate hair growth.

Halotherapy at home - myth or reality?
Due to their employment, not every person can afford to visit the halochamber for a long time. One halotherapy session lasts 30-45 minutes, and at least 10 treatments are required to complete the full course. Therefore, some people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to carry out the procedure at home, in their free time, and whether this will give the desired result. It is difficult to answer unambiguously, because, although the procedure can be carried out inwalls of the house, the effectiveness of its use will be an order of magnitude lower.
So, in order to increase immunity and regularly carry out the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system, without visiting specialized institutions, you should only purchase one of the many s alt lamps on the market today. They are made from s alt crystals, and a light bulb is placed inside, which, after turning on the device, heats the stone, as a result of which the air is saturated with s alt ions.
Of course, even a speleological chamber can be equipped at home, but not everyone can afford it. Moreover, in addition to significant costs, you will need an impressive room and the help of highly qualified specialists.
Can I take a course of halotherapy in Moscow?
More and more residents of the capital want to experience the amazing effect that halotherapy is famous for. Moscow is a metropolis where you can satisfy almost any whim, and treatment in s alt rooms is no exception. Thus, the network of s alt caves "Galo Plus" offers its services, which has earned very good reviews from visitors. Practice has shown that, having once visited a session, a person is no longer able to deny himself the pleasure of regularly visiting s alt rooms. And this is not surprising, because you cannot buy he alth, and it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it later. For the prevention of many diseases, halotherapy is ideal. The price of one session varies from 350 to 500 rubles, and the effect is simply stunning. Plus, you can visit the s alt rooms with the whole family, without agerestrictions.

Halotherapy: reviews of doctors and patients
Everyone has the right to decide for himself what is best for him. The same applies to the procedure that is known to society as halotherapy. Reviews about it are mostly positive, and only a few express their negative opinion. However, it would be reasonable to note that this negativity is mainly expressed by those patients who decided to go to the session, ignoring the existing contraindications. Naturally, under such circumstances, the procedure will not only not have a positive effect on the general state of he alth, but may even harm it. Doctors, as well as the vast majority of patients, argue that halotherapy is an excellent method of non-drug struggle with certain diseases and just a good way to relieve fatigue, stress and prolonged depression.