Chalazion is a tumor formation that develops over a long period of time. It occurs as a result of blockage and swelling of the sebaceous glands in the eyelid area. These glands are located inside the eyelid, just behind the eyelashes. They help maintain the normal degree of hydration of the eye, while preventing the evaporation of the aqueous layer from their surface. Often, many people confuse chalazion with barley, which also manifests itself as a slight swelling of the eyelid.
Features of the disease
Chalazion refers to chronic diseases and is an inflammation of the edge of the eyelid, as well as the meibomian gland. The disease can occur as a result of blockage of the outlet channels of this gland and the accumulation of fluid in it. If the formation is not opened for a long time, then this can lead to the appearance of a cyst.

The disease develops gradually over about 2 weeks. The first signs are characterized by a change in the appearance of the century. The size of the neoplasm is approximately 5-6 mm, but may continue to grow.
It puts extra pressureon the eyeball, which can cause astigmatism. Often, the neoplasm is benign, can occur at any age, and relapses are possible after treatment. Treatment of chalazion is carried out in a variety of ways, and in the most difficult cases, surgery is required.
Features of the disease in children
Despite the fact that the chalazion mainly appears in adults, however, in some cases it can also occur in childhood. At risk children with:
- diabetes;
- immune compromised.
Such a disease is often quite difficult to detect, especially when the neoplasm is located on the cartilaginous region of the eyelid. Sometimes it breaks on its own. Often, blockage of the gland in children is accompanied by an infection, in which case an ophthalmologist's consultation is certainly required.
It is imperative to carry out timely treatment of a chalazion of the upper eyelid in a child, as this disease can degenerate into a cyst.
Main reasons
Before prescribing chalazion treatment, the doctor must establish the cause of the disease and conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. Complications of inflammatory eye diseases, as well as many other disorders occurring in the body, in particular, such as:
- poor eye hygiene;
- barley relapse;
- colds;
- stress and beriberi;
- low immunity;
- skin problems;
- diabetes;
- allergy.
Sometimes wearing lenses or false eyelashes can lead to the onset of the disease. It is not always possible to determine what provoked a chalazion. If the disease occurred once, then it is not very important. However, with frequent relapses, it is imperative to determine the cause of the pathology.
Signs and symptoms
There are several different signs of a chalazion leak, among which there are such as:
- swelling and redness of the eyelids;
- itching and pain in the eyes;
- strong lacrimation;
- vision deterioration;
- pain;
- accumulation of pus.

Often a person does not pay any attention to the presence of a small pea, but when it begins to grow, the temperature rises. In advanced cases, blockage of the sebaceous glands of the eyelid can turn into a malignant stage.
Before treating a chalazion, a comprehensive diagnosis is required. It is carried out very simply. The main sign is the formation at the edge of the eyelid with a gradual increase in its size, which is why such a pathology can be determined. In general, such a neoplasm does not cause much discomfort, unless it is greatly enlarged.
More thorough diagnosis is required for frequently occurring pathologies, as well as relapses after surgery. In this case, it is imperative to determine the cause of the pathology. AtIn this case, as diagnostic methods, such as:
- skin scraping;
- blood and stool test;
- screening immunogram.
Only after a thorough diagnosis, treatment of the chalazion is prescribed, which can be conservative or surgical.
Features of treatment
At the initial stages, the treatment of eyelid chalazion is carried out with conservative means. Basically, medications are used for this, as well as folk methods.
If the disease recurs very often, then an operation is indicated. When implementing therapy, it is necessary to take into account the body's response to certain means. At the initial stage, the treatment of the chalazion of the upper eyelid, as well as the lower one, is carried out using methods such as:
- warming up;
- drug use;
- massage.
Heating can be carried out in a clinic using special devices and at home. It is important that it is carried out using dry heat. Its impact on the affected area should not be prolonged, and the applied object should not be too hot.

With the help of massage, you can quickly eliminate the blockage of the glands and ensure the removal of pathological contents. The most commonly used medicines are ointments and drops.
If there is purulent content, it is forbidden to massage and warm up, as this can provoke the spread of pus alongblood flow. The neoplasm can burst on its own, but it is strictly forbidden to squeeze it out, as this can provoke sepsis.
The main methods of treating chalazion of the upper eyelid are the use of medications, in particular such as:
- anti-inflammatory;
- hormonal;
- antihistamines;
- immunomodulators.
Anti-inflammatory therapy begins with the topical application of antiseptics and disinfectants. For this, ointments and drops with antibacterial components are used. Sulfonamides are also required, in particular, such as Albucid, as well as antiviral agents (Ophthalmoferon).
In some cases, agents containing hormonal components are used to treat chalazion. These include ointments such as Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone, Triamcinolone, which are injected under the eyelid. Such a remedy has a particularly good effect if it is used at the very beginning of the development of the disease. In this case, a pea of ointment is placed under the eyelid, and the person must blink to evenly distribute it. Immediately after this, you need to massage for several minutes.

If such therapy did not bring the desired result and in case of neglect of the pathological process, steroid injections into the node itself can be prescribed. In particular, such means as "Diprospan", "Hydrocortisone", "Kenalog" are used. Injections must be carried outqualified doctor only.
For the treatment of chalazion in a child and an adult, it is carried out with the help of antihistamines. They help eliminate itching and allergies. Such medicines include "Tsetrin", "Loratadin", "Suprastin", "Fenistil". Often the doctor recommends the use of vitamin-mineral complexes or brewer's yeast.
Folk techniques
At the initial stages of the course of the disease, chalazion is treated with folk remedies. In particular, various kinds of compresses and lotions have a good effect. However, it is worth remembering that heating must be carried out very carefully, as it can provoke the formation of phlegmon and then various complications arise.
When the first signs of the disease occur, chalazion can be treated in a child and an adult with lotions from yogurt. And then you need to wrap a hot, shelled egg in a well-washed plantain leaf and apply to the affected area. Keep it until completely cool. This manipulation is repeated every 2 hours several times a day. After the swelling subsides, apply freshly ground burdock root to the eye.

Folk treatment of chalazion is also carried out with the help of figs. This method is well suited for adults and children. This fruit contains many useful and valuable components. For treatment, you need to brew dry figs in boiling milk and grind it to a pulp. Accept similarremedy is needed daily before eating.
Cabbage has anti-inflammatory properties. For treatment, you need to chop a cabbage leaf, mix it with raw egg white, wrap it in gauze and apply it on the eyelid. Such a compress will help reduce the compaction. In addition, you can additionally make compresses with strong tea leaves.
For the treatment of chalazion of the upper eyelid in a child, you can use young sticky poplar leaves. You need to take them not from a tree, but from shoots that grow directly from the ground. Such leaves need to be glued to the eyelid, to the area of the abscess. It is very useful to apply them all night. Literally in a week, the neoplasm will resolve.
When treating a chalazion, surgery is prescribed only if conservative methods have not brought the desired result. In the main, this type of therapy is used if:
- neoplasm diameter is more than 5 cm;
- an infectious purulent lesion is observed;
- recurring relapses.
Radical intervention is to cut the capsule with a scalpel. Then, with the help of surgical instruments, the contents are scraped out. An antibacterial ointment is placed inside the resulting wound, after which a sterile dressing is applied.

The operation is performed by an ophthalmologist under local anesthesia. The intervention lasts for 30 minutes. The incision is small and does not require stitches. The wound healsfast enough and practically does not provoke complications.
In case of recurrence, tissues are taken for research to exclude malignant degeneration. An alternative to traditional surgery is laser removal of the neoplasm. With this method of treatment, the risk of injury is minimal.
Physiotherapy techniques
Treatment of eyelid chalazion in a child and an adult is often carried out using physiotherapy techniques. If there is no inflammation in the pathology area, then dry heat can be applied. From physiotherapy methods you can use:
- electrophoresis;
- laser therapy;
- UHF.
Timely access to the doctor allows you to get by with only conservative therapy.
What could be the consequences
It is believed that the chalazion has very little effect on the state of the organs of vision. However, in advanced cases, the neoplasm can squeeze the eyeball, which leads to the development of astigmatism and provokes visual distortion.
More often, the disease worries a person as a cosmetic problem, as the chalazion turns red, and it also prevents women from doing makeup. Advanced forms of neoplasm are quite common in older people. If a chalazion forms in a person after 40 years, then you need to be very careful about your he alth, since any neoplasms can be very dangerous.
Forecast and prevention
When timely competent treatment is carried out, the prognosis is often quite favorable. Atpeople with reduced immunity may experience periodic relapses. With the course of an advanced form of the disease, the development of phlegmon or abscess is possible. A rare complication is the formation of a cyst or the transition of pathology to a malignant form.
Prevention is essential. Its main rules are:
- prevent hypothermia;
- need to avoid depression and stress;
- important to maintain personal hygiene;
- it is not recommended to be indoors with smokers for a long time;
- need to treat contact lenses with antiseptics.
Before you start treating chalazion with home remedies, you need to consult a doctor.
Treatment reviews
With proper treatment of chalazion, patient reviews are quite positive. Some say that warming up and special antibacterial drops help well.

Others say that a good result is the use of folk remedies, in particular aloe, tincture of calendula. And some complain that even a surgical intervention does not make it possible to completely get rid of the problem, since relapses periodically occur.